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Retired NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 4/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-month-old boy is diagnosed with a rare ...
Dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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submitted by soccerfan23(7)
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CIPOI = RRE ot loiGg

OIPC = lGogi ot RER

T:HIN 2 sestp ,rowradf 1 spet ckba

If eht OCPII epniort si ,detuatm neth het vclsseei nad tireh nostctne pdli-buu ni hte R.ER eHcen, het itrhg rwaens si ateldid RR.E

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cheesetouch  F8A1 PCO II p 47 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by pranspach(6)
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daltD*ie ErR. ist tno i clel edaiss.e ti si a motantiu ni P.C2O vyisMslae dtdaile ERR is an auutslrtulctarr nocatdinii fo rpeoprim oencpgsisr aiotdscsae whit a erddoisr wheer a atnmtoiu neretpsv pepror glfidon and oxtenursi of niertop sp.tdcoru

leaddt*i RRE C() - sanore si atth tyhe rae naiskg if sutff ont ggoni ot iggol atwh wlil ?aphnep heyt are saginy akigticrffn enpriot erobkn hciwh ndsse ffsut to gl.ogi ayolmrln eveerhwn a nroepti si adme ni RRE, it esgo ndwo ot gliog fro .kgapicnga os if its ton iogng to rhgti ecalp ti illw aetuccmalu in RER nda sceua oiatinld of .RRE

truuo–losriCleiaualtnc–n psdislaya het ieedssa cusase a csinnigiaft tiianlod of hte lopacdemisn ltuircume ni obslftisrab of the thos Deu ot the itsnesidon of het nsaopdieclm i,cumteurl etxorp of oipsenrt csuh( as a)ellcngo mfro hte cell si pidtue.drs

ehT ortpicunod of CASE32 etoiprn si idvelnvo in teh pthwaay fo rgtpinexo ncgloela he(t OCIPI ywhta)ap rDaeecdse elngoacl in eLeCcfdtS-aDf idnasliduiv necutoirtbs to irmppeor bneo mif,oontar ecasube noeaclgl si a raojm onepitr ni eht lxcealtlauerr irtmax nad cneusbritto ot tsi eprpor maiatlzoinnrie ni benso

** I opecdi htis rofm esom donrma rmengoam on gleo.og I haev on eulc rwhee sh/e tog hsit nfio ofr.m hTe sirtf tow aaarpghspr rea ealyrl lal I hebtdero eitgntg ot detnda.snru FWWI CPIO dan CPIIO era in ,FA tbu nnoe fo hits horte stffu rllyea s.i

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sexymexican888  lsoA ist not lelC-I easiesd cb if ti were eht oomsallys mnyseze doluw eb in het ypacult/semrmos and it luwod be lla tosrs of mthe dna tish si a detcef in ggnigta of moolaysls ezsynme rfom huogr ER so hyte anc eb crdee-rtdie to oelysoms so ewhn htsi gngtagi is ditveeecf yteh sujt grline ni eth uto/symreoslc so teyh 'dowutnl adielt the uoghr RE +

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