According to FA: "The result of recurrent or inadequately treated episodes of acute pyelonephritis. Typically requires predisposition to infection such as vesicoureteral reflux or chronically obstructing kidney stones.
Coarse, asymmetric corticomedullary scarring, blunted calyx. Tubules can contain eosinophilic
casts resembling thyroid tissue (thyroidization of kidney)"
submitted by โsoccerfan23(7)
scarred blunted calyx = chronic pyelonephritis
According to FA: "The result of recurrent or inadequately treated episodes of acute pyelonephritis. Typically requires predisposition to infection such as vesicoureteral reflux or chronically obstructing kidney stones. Coarse, asymmetric corticomedullary scarring, blunted calyx. Tubules can contain eosinophilic casts resembling thyroid tissue (thyroidization of kidney)"