I had this narrowed down to Influenza virus and 23-Valnet Pnuemococcal. I was opting fro 23 but this patient actually has a dry cough, whereas Strep P often has a productive, rust coloured cough. Also, Strep Pneumo often causes pulmonary consolidation and so breath sounds would be increased. But don't forget, influenza can increase the risk of staph aureus pnuemo!
submitted by โan1(114)
I had this narrowed down to Influenza virus and 23-Valnet Pnuemococcal. I was opting fro 23 but this patient actually has a dry cough, whereas Strep P often has a productive, rust coloured cough. Also, Strep Pneumo often causes pulmonary consolidation and so breath sounds would be increased. But don't forget, influenza can increase the risk of staph aureus pnuemo!