This is hereditary spherocytosis. The image stinks, but the cells are not super pale in the middle and they're round. Her dad also had a splenectomy (HS is autosomal dominant), which is the definitive treatment for HS.
Pt is also normocytic (90.2 um^3), so a lot of the other answer choices can be eliminated based off this.
In the end, screw this picture because it's not clear and you can't zoom in.
motherhenSad picture... I definitely thought this was B-thalessemia since the image looked like different size and shaped RBCs (anisopoikilocytosis). But if I squint my eyes real hard and turn sideways I guess I can also see those spheres+4
furqankabeta thal, iron def and inadequate epo would have low reticulocyte count.
impaired oxidative enzyme aka g6pd deficiency affects mostly males and would have bite cells+1
an1Even if you can't see the picture, we can rule out B-thal, Fe def because these are microcytic. Oxidation defects are X-linked, so very rare to be seen in girls. adn that leaves EPO production. EPO production can be Relative (dehydration) or absolute (polycythemia where all the cells lines are increased and secondary; where there is hypoxia, high altitudes; no hx to support this or tutors like reninomb). we could deduce from the info given that its HS. but if all else failed, we can clearly see that we have some small and small 'larger' abcs. the small ones don' have colour variation. that makes HS the most likely+1
submitted by โbingcentipede(359)
This is hereditary spherocytosis. The image stinks, but the cells are not super pale in the middle and they're round. Her dad also had a splenectomy (HS is autosomal dominant), which is the definitive treatment for HS.
Pt is also normocytic (90.2 um^3), so a lot of the other answer choices can be eliminated based off this.
In the end, screw this picture because it's not clear and you can't zoom in.