itsrF gnith to otne is that erotetatemhx sha neeb wohns ot haev teh stmo yitticav of teh nno gaiollcbio RSADDM in geidrcnu orsesoni in AR . tI si tcplyyial uesd ni nimntbcoaio hwti teahorn MDADR . Our naetiPt si tno rnpsiegdno ot oru best yperhaT rof eorvesi AR ---- This si rtecafyorr AR .h
eT laoirmhgt nreaylgle seud ni Tx fo .AR is that fi onn ocigibolla DSAMRD vahe fldeai , as in oru stP , gclBoliaoi ayetrhp is ieantidit ge - Moocllaonn daoesintib itasnga NFT alhap ( ualambiamd ) ro odcey estrecopr to NTF alhap ( apcenettre )
submitted by ∗bingcentipede(359)
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$279$49Tihs is a itepnat hwit RA ont idensnorpg ot edsosirt ro M.XT eNxt inle of etyrhap si a -FaTN iiihobntr kile i,balmaduam na nta-iFNT alhap noitba.dy