GBS is an inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy affecting motor and sympathetic efferent fibers.
Sensory afferent fibers are also affected.
It presents with acute, ascending bilateral muscle weakness, sensory loss, and Hyporeflexia.
Guillain Barre is T-cell mediated destruction of myelinated axons. Generally presents with a rapid onset following a viral / bacterial illness with ascending paralysis.
Is this Guillain barre though? I felt it was Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy, discussed on page 512 FA 2019.
There is no relation to C jejuni here nor does the patient have any other relations to infection such as eating something or etc.
Motor + Sensory + rapid progress :: may be R/O Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy
submitted by โspow(50)
Here's how I thought through this. problem with DCML (absent proprioception and vibration sense), problem with deep tendon reflexes (DRGs), ataxic gait (spinocerebellar pathway), mild weakness (motor neurons). The only thing that all of these pathways have in common is that they all use myelinated afferents.
I don't know if Guillan Barre would actually present like this, but you don't have to know what the illness is to figure the question out.