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Retired NBME 19 Answers

nbme19/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator studying the function of a ...
decreases the amplitude of the action potential 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: Neuro repeat

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An AP si tneareedg neoc het iommasutn fo arehcg ta eht oaxn lhkcoli eacehrs a odhelsthr gtv.aeol cOne eth olshrhedt ltveago si e,spsad an PA is trgeedaen. ,rvHoewe eth epak atupiedml of eht AP bovae lotsdhehr can ilstl ravy inegnpedd on eht merunb of Na hcalnnse ttah rea uteyoauislslmn noep hlwei eht AP is psrte.en

,uThs trfea hte AP hstrdoehl ash bnee hcderae nad the AP is eegea,trnd eth peka voagelt tdaaitne anc eb uddrece ni lmdeptiua if eht frtis Na nasechnl tath eonped gebni ot close cuebesa of a strho vtniaoictnai eit.m

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namesthegame22  lxInfu fo cmclaiu rfom rps.e-yn VG +C+a e.shclnna d th olhesr beremanm etiopanlt is ,hradeec GV aN+ hnenlcsa pone and het adeapirlztnoio spgaoatper owdn hte iasntopsptyc e,abmmenr rstninepeger hte mueslc otncia toiatl enp . +

  • When acetylcholine binds postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, each receptor causes Its own postsynaptic voltage change, which is called an end-plate potential.

  • The summation of the end-plate potentials represents the membrane potential.

  • The synaptic acetylcholine concentration influences the amplitude of end-plate potentials

  • Blocking presynaptic, VG Ca channels would most decrease the end-plate potential amplitude!

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