While I can get on board with Adjustment Disorder, I don't see how this answer is any better than Somatic Symptom Disorder. From FA:
Variety of bodily complaints lasting months to years associated with excessive, persistent thoughts and anxiety about symptoms. May co-appear with illness.
SSD belongs in a group of disorders characterized by physical symptoms causing significant distress and impairment.
The best answer would be Illness Anxiety Disorder, however it is not an option here, therefore it can't be right... so NBME...
why can't this be OCD? fits the time frame, his obsessions are checking his temp and he relieves these with calling the physician (compulsions)...
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
Definition of adjustment disorder:
Emotional symptoms (eg, anxiety, depression) that occur within 3 months of an identifiable psychosocial stressor (eg, divorce, illness) lasting < 6 months once the stressor has ended.
If symptoms persist > 6 months after stressor ends, it is GAD.