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Retired NBME 20 Answers

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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guInlina snihare rae uuylasl lrdi,eceub ferolam harisne rea t.on

iThs si an tcirneid inialugn anirh.e tI setren enatnlri iuainlng rngi tlraale to fiirrneo ecgasipitr seselsv dan si rouisper ot hte unnialgi n.gamielt

suadCe by rliaufe of psrcoseus asnilagvi to oslce (cna omrf rd.ce)lheyo ayM eb nctideo in nstafni or rvsoiddeec ni luhadotdo. Mhcu oerm mnocmo ni

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yotsubato  esreH a godo eipcrtu ot phle thiw eth p.cnotce asg5dUCh/T6fae%ecAuibsh&Q5y3G2j=gndFtuNzw.t:wwyeVtr uu12iEI.lrioe2ncmT2h-h1oh%vkhw.8s.o8mUOo-rUoQiBi%=Li6&=Kwa=2F2cdsnp%&&t0mHeQ%olFBFs4wvpSUy=cXl=t& 2mn4mWzBarinofawsAtg&w tiphEV2FiavaAAin0?2.Nc/xt/7%Lrlpvrg43 ejsiRqeseAKEG21jo2=gc5s +5
sbryant6  tNeo ahtt irdtec guailinn rienash lypyctlia hpnaep ni erldo a.tsdlu Tish ustnioqe teesspnr a ogeyrnu a,bby so ti is rmoe elki to be tend.crii +8
jawnmeechell  oS a feloamr hareni duwlo eb foinerri to i,glnauni tub enicrdtdrt/eiic wdluo eb rpoiue?rs +1
azharhu786  eTh eirtcd adn iedrcitn arheni era both oiprsrue ot het ngialinu gnmaeitl tub the alofmre heainr si iscllbaya rinieorf ot hte iugnnali tligmean. e hT ctdeir arnehi si dmeail to hte nofiierr pecaitirsg vlesses rewseah, the cnrtedii si aterlal to teh icagspeitr nssvAesle. einridtc aeihnr si esen in nguyo ppoeel ,ewahsre rditce heianr eapsnph in dla.ts u +6
athenathefirst  Also oalmrEF rienah si emor mocnmo ni lrEFNemtcIa iesd reom ocnmom ni INafstn ro soecvdierd tela ni dhtouadlo FA( gepa )634 +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—stepwarrior(29)
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sThi is reewh the hneari eibgns utb aytuelitlm wereh it ugslbe tuo avesri dnneipegd no hwo raf nodw teh angnuiil naacl hte irnahe g.oes It ocdlu pop uot elwl ewbol eht agnunili talenigm. The rongdwi is ,rcap yhet dlshuo hvea ujst nshow a crupeti of the penit.ta

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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  • tideIncr uaiinlgn ashnrei aer omomnc in ieclhrdn nda are acdesu yb iafreul fo eht socuspser galvinisa to olsec efart antgiormi of eht ttsees tnoi the ltosrac sa.c

  • yehT etxi the imlbandao viyatc thghour teh deep lnnuiaig inrg tellraa ot hte rnrofeii trgecispai lsssvee dan sireorup ot the niugilna it.engaml yThe wolla bonaailmd snotntce ot etenxd noti het arotlcs sca hutrhgo hte sliairecupf luanngii r.nig

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