Elgitoyo โ ieeatr Cgt nsikogm is rmoaj rkis cfarto 00%(-58 fo r,cacsen rksi asocasitde wthi otinraud dan sAeols y)tintin msilyanaer hlmtyn-pan(ihe2a) nad alineni yds enI igelvednpo oietu,cnrs shocostSmai mauotmabehi avo aer dseoedtip in dleadbr alwl nda csuae ihocnrc ,aomimlntifna qsusmaou eala,itamsp aiyl;asdps 7%0 of osmtur rae umusaqos ecll rc iamVcnoPHa may uesac aclonodm,y uqossamu saa,dysilp smuasouq clel moranciac tecaPnesenhnueeiqc seu sal(yuul gnlo mret sue in nueogyr o,mnwe uostmr nlevvoi ueppr loeticncgl hio)Cmcstesnr y ruiyrna ttrac ticniofne adn ireRyal aclucl cpshimeoylopchad tiwh logn emtr seu
SIOPELR RLAET fro uretuf ,darrees hte etnocnt lilfnoowg aym citnona scejsbut enes in terho sENMB
hertei areddbl naercc u(aanlltier ni ihts es)ca or intatnlisaor lcel rmaoancic l(oas )iun are rtpcptaeiide by kmnoisg nhilnata icxot jyrun.i UTB htwa satrtem emro tnah het auecs is atth hte eeadrr necoizgre that tihs is woihtut a budot
betsrotucvi sopersnoridhyh htiw idtedla llcpeaeilvyca meytss nda eroxtc fo neydik ohgsinw ropthya dan gtnn.inhi
smsuAnig htat het pt tols oobdl romf hte AVM - this wdoul uftrehr cnheane hte arnel cahisemi (TPC nda sncinaedg OLH are htob eyrv einveists to cisemhic ciosnndtoi 03 umtisne fo doolb ssol si ghuoen to arebeaexct eth alaedry smhiiecc tcnonisoi.d
I nteodrsdou htta it was nilatrionsat lcle acna,ircom adn a kgmsino si a sikr acftro ( sa ti anonscti arcitmao iasmne ) , btu who tuabo aralmnyie ee?rpoxsu tsI osepexur olsa tacsadosie wiht dbarel ner.cca
Is sthi het eon hwit teh poro nyedik htat was tcu in lhfa agisatn sti ilwl and has a lieddta alsidt rre?uet If ,os pylbarbo ghswoni us ttroslinaina icrcamnao wthi mild innsiavo otni thta tisdla .reteru taaPhmo sedo a peyttr meeaswo bjo of alitgnk touab GU ccenras ad(n ostm )necrsac (dn(a sotm ei)edmnic) .IMO
This si LRLAYELTI eht aesm thopo ythe duse ot edierbcs hte dy-4o-rale boy whit esufidf ictolcar secoirsn rofm EBMN 1.8 nCa menosoe axpilne a'stwh inggo on eehr
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
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$279$49'sIt itaaionlnstr clle anmcro,iac hihcw kgmosni is a ocmnmo krsi rfcato ;for ti cna loevvni eht anrle icaesvs/lpc.yel The hsiot mgeai swohs eth lalpripya neatru of eht ourmt ehv(wreo ti nca also eb ftla or nraould incdaorcg to Poha.)mat
lAos owknn as taellhuoir .ocaancmri Msot mnocom oturm of iarnryu tctar yessmt (cna rocuc in enalr cea,scly neral p,sivel esrurte, dan d)era.dlb aCn eb edgssegut yb lsnepasi utrmaaihe n(o c).stas