gsnMamiinoe omst nefto crocu raen hte asscuref fo het aibn,r lacpeyeils hte ilagatrpagas eo.sgnir yheT aer oentf aoticmysam,pt nda sgolrys ti sprapae sa a nduro mssa hctdetaa to urda. It lliw srmpoces hte cxoter gnxplne(iai teh cdsehha,)ae tbu it lliw tno e.dainv yehT aer soal eht mtso cnmoom apymirr inbnge NSC t.roum mnWeo rae eomr nmloycom t,efefdac ichhw is opursdtpe yb het t.enteigv
hOert w:rasnes
A: sAomtrcatsyo era layuslu udfno in teh ooiprters fasos, and rae teh otsm mnmooc ryapmri CNS utorm ni ilrechdn
B: ltoilobmasaG imroulmetf is lasuuyl eens ntiihw teh ralcereb ehesmrspehi, nad howss inssg fo eissronc adn m.gaeehhror
C: elnmaoaM nac atmsztsaeei to eht irnba, tub tsih dulwo ykelil form in luetmilp sotps, and ehty dowul not be sediotu of het yaamphrnec
:E uoamusSq iatphelile lwoud llsmiariy eb stsiemsata and oeefrhetr osal be utellpim oelniss inides the eaharpymcn
Clilaicn itnevgte is ginelda ot Grsott(eacByM .n..tiir)nog.o ruse autbo the ossrg
tDno' wkon awht if suhc soieuqnst preapa no rale e๐๐ax๐m
nI scae naoney asw nwigoernd, ionnseagmim aer orem ocmmno ni mnewo shpepar( ued ot na oegcirenst ,ecefft but ihst is sitll oltyh )ed.abdte
s,olA GMB's uwldo hosw up as ttepblayrehd-suf dna lrmrinan.yptaaceh Teyh vhea a %06 rieghh cendnciie in esmal nhta selaef.m aictrilHso adies - edT nndKeey ddie fmro a MBG
Aensrw is tAsc.etyor atPeitn sah ombgtlsaloai euor.lmmfti olhhgtuA iesnmgoainm amy urocc at iie,voctnesx miisngemnoa aer einbng dan enfot y.mptsmcoaati yTeh amy escau a/h ze,ssuier ubt dowlu be ynklilue to ueacs tdeah nw/i 6m fo otsne of /ah. Teh ezsi fo turom adn ucoers fo lnsseli si setntcniso iwth eth sucroe fo GMB
Astrocytes proliferate to form glial tumors in adults, for example, glioblastoma. These highly malignant tumors appear as intra-axial masses in the cerebral hemispheres, which typically demonstrate areas of necrosis and can spread to the opposite hemisphere across the corpus callosum.
Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults. Malignant meningiomas may grow rapidly and cause symptoms of increased intracranial pressure such as headache. Meningiomas appear as well-circumscribed, extraaxial masses that compress the adjacent brain parenchyma.***Parasaggital regions.
submitted by โjohnthurtjr(168)
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$279$49m'I tno a anf of orssg apth gsemai and ossuenqti that sya look," waht is isht ?gniht" - hatt isda nmnmsiioega rae the msot ocmomn riabn tmruo dna tihs rtpicue si is a oodg pexelam of ne.o I hda on edai hawt teesh nthisg lkdoeo klie adn otg it ,grwno .too kTea a kolo at htis neo