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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old man drinks alcohol heavily on a ...
Fatty change 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by vonhippelindau(21)
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It’s eucta aloholc omsnitconpu so attyf ngehca mero i.kylle erlaCull lieglsnw iescatndi cohoalcil eaihtsitp hhciw serueiqr ionchrc coloahl uiotosnpcmn e(eS FA 0219 pg )583. At etals h’ttsa the gcoil I esdu ot ipck afytt a.hcegn

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seagull  eSmse ilek attyf ghncea lduwo euirerq mreo tanh 1 enwe.dek I hsceoo gwnllesi icnse si't eeivrrlseb nda sesem elik nimsthgeo twhi a ckuqi snt.oe +51
nc1992  I tihnk ti's tujs a dba teniuos.q It hdouls be o"n w"sendeek +17
uslme123  t:edttsI.Vua4I/L/d/pEumMml.LhhHbTh1weEeh.Rtpt/V5L.a +27
uslme123  So his yestcpoetha tea'rn ygnid ( blaoln igtdnaeneeor ) sv stuj ec/deddagmarenisa AF styhnisse edu ot rdeainecs /HectAaNDtri +1
sympathetikey  lalue@gs I reeag! +
et-tu-bromocriptine  'Its ont in pahmt,ao but I eavh ti twinter in s(o he ro .Dr naRy aym vahe nieotednm t)i - loAohclci tesiphtia si relaelyng ense ni gbein sedrkrin WIHT A GONL ORHSTIY OF SCNIUNTOPO.M +1
linwanrun1357  oD TNO nhikt teh enwsar fo shti tqiuonse si lgiCtlh .re slliwgen akem omer sne!se +1
fkstpashls  oems slhseoa ni usrdpsesne nda a oebtiw detlieyifn erwot isht q, sa 'vIe esen tbho ucate lsilgewn dan tayft ghcnae be desu ot iesrdbce neo isopede of innd.kgir +15
msw  rtohs mter tegionsni fo sa much as m08g fo oloahcl (six sre)be veor noe to ralseve ydsa ernglayel despcrou lmid , errelebivs ceipaht esstosait . fomr gbi niorb h8t dtenoii epag 885. aylalsciB to pevedol laihclooc etaihitps thwi lulcrale nllegwsi cte ouy avhe ot vahe tssueniad lgno ertm eiinngtso of ohacllo wehli tsitoaess acn vodpele twih a liesgn six acp . ophe ttah sphle . ps i got ti nwgor too . +3
msw  xsi ka8cp +
mariame  fAter neve toaeredm nktaie of lhloco,a piidl srtldoep aleucmuact in soyeatctehp agicnerisn ihtw tmouan adn tociihyrnc of olhacol ...() aFytt cngeah si tylceploem vrreieebsl fi ereth is aonnitstbe mfro freuthr ikntea of .oclhoal he T wlgeinls si uadsec by itlnaacucoum of atf, ewrta dna irpnteos. eTrfoerhe shit wlli urcco t.lare morF igb obsinR 9th p28.4g +
l0ud_minority  usJt nihintgk tabuo sthi llohAco is a itroMdhcniaol noisop ichwh dolwu laed to sesrst cglnniuuop fo ievaitdox saorpolnhyitpho dna laellruc ewlgnls.i I tog ti rwong thwi atth cogil uhhgto cihwh is srntrutigaf. +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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As erp F1A ) tytfa ifoitrinlnta )2 aulrlecl olnoangibl 3) anetelvu isnscreo

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hyperfukus  taksnh u devsa me iemt in iookgln htta pu :) +
violethall11  seoTh ear orf ncloni-lcahoo yftta leriv ides.aes itelnfyeDi inmsigs eosm noif ni hte isnutoeq mtes, reoeh,vw I veieble ttah the woleh onipt si ahtt het aiulnviddi si ONT na uslau coillchoha . +
mumenrider4ever  F220A0 p.g 913 +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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2A20F0 2p7

Elaohtn belitmoasm sicranese AHDN/ +NDA roita in v,ielr aisgucn:

tiHpeoesaottass— Ieasnrced ncvserioon of PHDA to --ycgPreol;3l ycCl-teaAo irveegds onit yttaf acid stynsies,h chhwi mboesinc whti ly-lc3oreg-P ot eistyszneh cdilirsrgytee

cInesdera D+DHA/NAN aroit tsibniih ATC yclce ;&-tg -yalCoetcA dseu ni gslieseponi gt&-(; tp.eisst)etaosoah

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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aFtty gaehCn ni Lreiv /22[ higH NAHD edam yb AHD adn DldAH &-;gt hnisiitb FA ,itodanixo aipdeimr ptilrooipen elsbasmy nad -noecr;ttsie&g FA u.mascu]atelc

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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oWndut'l autce loaclho uptonoimcns enev ni etamdeor uanomt uscae seerbelriv iheatcp uclllare jniuyr czaeaedirchrt by rullacel ob?gaionnll tI dslhou be teh rthgi nsawer nsuels het oqtsnuie mtes mensa "ekesnWed"

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hello  o.N eTh edrro fo lvire deagam eud to acloloh si: fatyt gnaeshc t;-g&- alurlcel weslilng ralcll(ue )ainglnobo -&;t-g .rsesocni s hiT Q mset steats to the netaitp scmuenod gerla ounmat fo oohclal no a ekednwe -- he hsa tcleuya kardn a eargl mtuoan of ohoclal on one ewkedne g-&t-; tish rcsspnodore iwht ttyfa cgnhase +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  s'It nto ni aa,ptmho tbu I aveh ti eritnwt in os( he or rD. ynaR mya hvea oinndteem t)i - cAcolihlo ahpisteit is enlyegrla seen in nbgei rridneks HTIW A GNLO RSYITHO FO C.PNONTOUMIS +
krisgsxr600  Its nidk of in pmaotha trpheaC 1, rfee" daracli runyI,"j Stcenoi 2 spalx"eme fo efre darical nyir"uj geso voer how rfee dacrasil cused(a yb nnikd)igr eald to fat ccutiunaamlo +
sallz  Yuo nc'at teg the peeaihtattostsi oferbe entggti teh eatissost (tytaf hcl.e)lnAga the AsF dceuas by the llohoac snicmtnupoo tyulaelevn elad to oktecyni reeel,as fmnilamotani and nfailyl het sttpiheia enes in bolnloa isgwn.ell +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by krisgsxr600(1)
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Was tsuj gniog orve ohtPama angia nda he xepleasn hsti cnetpoc aerlly elwl ni HC 1, ee"Fr aldcRia "urjyIn, neSocti II lEmpsx"ea of Free adclaRi "Iuyrjn

eatlmlutiy ellc nsglliew (hte mlhaaklr of uciraetveele/rsb )jnryiu = sbeiomsro fof RRE = dceeadrse epniotr hynst = edcedrsae iiepnoprltpoAo stnyh = fat naumultaocic in lecsl

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drschmoctor  ,eYs eh osde eanpxil yerv ewll woh boht cralelul elgwisln ;pam& taf anualtmiucoc .uorcc . .. hhicw is cletxya why tshi ntsuqeio si soem ccenhik vs egg .SB +3

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