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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 53-year-old woman with gastroesophageal ...
Omeprazole ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hpsbwz(98)
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alreeOzomp elhsa ctragsi dan odeunald eslurc oerm eyctifeelvf nhat mitoorospsl, sehearw timopolsros wsa more ceffeetiv ni ainstetp iwht oeonrsis lonae.


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samsam3711  soooilptMsr is ieiadnctd fro retpnivnoe of cIdnNS-DdeuAi pepcti rceusl AF( 9012 gp .3)39 repOalezmo is ebettr for tetarmtne +2

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submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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pt xs tno pivreesson to dertyia nagehcs ro rssets ncod.tieur restss lc)or(otsi ereassdce dporgnitsaansl 723 (relso of .itcrosol) os weer oldt atth eshs ureecdd hre sestrs os yillagclo rhe itslrooc uoldw eb ,lses gndbthiiiiins srapnogidanlt ipooructnd. Btu erh Sx lstil istepr?s tshat why i duler uot rsop.olmsio olsa i eemembrr mrof yehctks htat psip are rliebervsier bth mi ont erllay sreu if my glilcoa lwfo si irht,g btu elki het yug in eth etohr mmtocsne i,asd moreoaplez wly.asa sjtu liek CAiE dan dertticooe abby

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submitted by โˆ—kimcharito(19)
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ll...inwe 8201FA siad srtmlopoios neicaesr odrtpoicnu fo GCTSIRA mocasu and eth qeoitnus sida SAOSGUPHE .aamu.oyaasmac.. eb is atth oaerns

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champagnesupernova3  edigucRn aidc icpuontdor psehl ucamos aleh talo oerm atnh sgrieiannc drglsstn.apoain We alern auobt imotoosprsl uesecab ti nca be eusd if uyo ntdo aveh hnyagint lsee utb r'uoey reven onagn hescoo it veor a PPI +3

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submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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sjut a cnu...h.h zmleopaOer si laysaw the htigr nrsaew

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nala_ula  otiFandmei si an 2H kcrbeol cwihh ylrlae ylon ssopt caid oretnceis avi teh tinlmiatsou of K+H/+ esTAPa yb hnsae,itim tbu it slitl has uvsga dan raginst atnuslmtoii. fI uyo ues Orlmeep,aoz uoy tge erbesirrvile ntiobiinih fo eht umpp fteils icwhh stops eth ncrtosiee fo acdi eevn fi heetr is eiis,tmnha nrgita,s uvsag ntiamsltoiu. +7
temmy  awth uaotb eth algeihn of ehr soa.muc sI htta ton eth acotni of athT wreht em off ocs dgnccriao ot ,FA iolstropsom acesnsire tconreies fo eht srticga ouamcs +5
cry2mucheveryday  seam te.kru.ddboma osim +2
sahusema  I guess ebauesc ipomtoolssr si emor osaaeictds hiwt rttemneta of ASNID taerdel lscure dna PIPs ear st1 ieln ODC for ?GEDR +1
makinallkindzofgainz  tmm@ye, I tikhn htta omlaepeOrz si a etbert seanwr euseacb ougthhla ioslosMprot oludw eotropm ghnaeil of hre eaghlaspoe co,msau it wuot'nld od hnigtnay to vierele the mstopsym of RDGE e(du ot aiccdi ceotnsnt ni teh uhape)ossg +1

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