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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 29-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Baclofen ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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oT emrrbeme cflBeaon is a GBAA aanisogt and lmecus xrnae,atl I lasway intkh of eerk"G aakavlB." eekGr rof AGBA, nda kaaBlav orf B.clfoean

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castlblack  .anThsk avaaklB is omrf rAmneai hu.hogt oG su +1
athenathefirst  No is't yllacatu r/Tc.sikubaArhi shT'at why tsi' ellacd +5
lovebug  I 'ndto nokw fi siht si hNUt gri.M esinoL (nI htis ,scea M)S &-;gt sceerIdan ,TDR csaedirne csumle y,icapsits adn fIn.y iotdsa alcnoBef tatselumi GBAA B itro(r'cpseet iG raletde )PNT t&;-g nneour eceobm yhrprlpaoe &-;tg csredaede xrcyoiet utgamelt tg-;& emucls a.xler +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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xPt saerpap to evah Mclseu yctipiatss as a sterul of .MS aisttypSic is traeedt tihw a suemlc atxnlera keli Befaocln hwhic si a GBAA Bctoneahla si a Cmmholtnniociie whihc acn eb duse ot artet iyrUarn ycnsniduoft in tepiulMl but eth enuitQos kssa athw dluow help artet het itti.spacsy

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sbryant6  oT rebeemrm clneafBo si a ABAG ngitsao dna eucmsl ,arxentla I swlaya khnti of hte Gerek" lvBaa.a"k erkGe ofr AGAB, aakvlaB orf fneaBocl. +4
sahusema  lAso, asct on BAGA rorecteps ilafciyspcel ni eth lansip rodc +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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txP serppaa to ahve cMlsue itcsiptysa sa a selurt of M.S iSytciastp si teedrat htwi a cmesul ntelraax keli nelcBfoa hcwih is a GBAA niosagt. alctneBoah si a leCiimncoohtmin hihcw can be edus ot trtea ynirraU tsyfcndnuio ni Miulpetl ssl.iersoc tub het tuonQies ksas wtha olwdu lhpe tetra eht ptyisa.stic

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athenathefirst  Wyh ton miamnyae?cmle +
athenathefirst  Is ti uebaecs is't M?S oS rfo ersu dene a ABAG notisag +
kevin  eervN rdhae fo lmeinyemamca, sjut nkow UW dna FA yas aBlncfe,o B-AABG itngosa rfo ittaisys.cp ts'I not esloyl ecebsua t'is SM, ist' stju eht grdu tehy natw us ot wnok rfo licafyclpsei iitsctyasp +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—pfebo(13)
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shTi atntipe sneesrpt ihtw mstospym fo teMulpli .eocilssrS eamttrnTe is sa l:folswo

  • aiesesd mioifdygn (B ertrneio,nf auiltzm,abNa a)tlrmeagir
  • tueac efalrs VI( etSods)ir
  • cnnuieoegr dbaerld ymtpsosm t(tnictha,iozeear umncraicsi atsina)nstgo
  • iyttsScaip ( faolBnce, BAbGA pceeortr tnitgas)osna
  • ianp Ts(AC dna tcintvslsa)nnauo
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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mamed(25)
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igetsoymdniPri is an ccaeyeiasereslotlhn biirnthoi seud lgon mert fro MG Sthe(y.k)c tuP rpmiyiostdgien as my werasn ucsaeeb it odes artet M.S But eys lnabcoef si a ilsascc minaspsa-t .dugr

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