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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 14-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Inhaled glue ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: psych repeat

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submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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enTeluo, teh mian oonpencmt of itlevoal gu u,qllsaecer rhnesint adn easrolo tainsp is hte bc rieehlmlcssaonpie rfo msot iailnclc cixtitoy. In tnsalha euasc an ailtiin raoticeyxt orehposuetnshr g teh eelreas fo ienhpnrpeei nad cntivitaao foet h neoadpim m,tsyse ewdloofl by catrlne sose ysetnvmur rsedpoeisn ietemdda yb teh sue fo B1yahA pwAGat It asisn mtfesa a nsese of rou,iaphe xnietoa,cti ssize disiiib,htdeinndz ahoruevib nad xhiralotinea imlisar cl aloohto ti,xiatnciono shtu ruglnesit in i yddoocllecp.nnceeaegpsh eR ptaede tiianlhanos by eth rsue poogtr onl the aicitioxtnon lwil oevdelp ni dde,he craslhreua e,spehc ioppli,da aigt ban,ortamiyl , suleusnaodvisli aioslcailnunht dan arnidtensitooi. vrBahuiolea acesngh nda tadecrcirrui cohaots on rahbte ro gniolhtc aer lhflupe cusle tdoect te es.cas Sseudetcp ssuer yma lsao flnmpc ooai ,choug fsfytu sn,oe ,inegszne glhnif,us aaats,ol nnisvuiae, oinmivtg adn tpo hheaOhrbo.iopt sgnis nda tspmyoms fo lthanain inlueubdsace sspot or ossre in ro noardu eth otcin,eumd htje lcsr,ae gunty,sasm rtlbiyrtaiii ro tixtyeyxanl e,itcibia dna eslpe bud.asretcisn Ptnai ro erhot to anisns eth ,eafc hsad,n or ehclost are hrtoe atdfsici oonr .ausbe veeerS rendsys of cafali nsik nda snmeabrcsueu mm nac oals be a uatrefe of ,reoperl neogdtadep sue of teivloal b.ae8tscsns u ciiilaotncefntB are of eht ydr dan kdcecar sikn aym es lutnir eporrlia adn lsraenpia omrsyead,p rfmsesietrrdeoem e ot as rhโ€™eโ€œusff โ€rah9s

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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aGti lsbrompe aisrse ciisspnuo rof holacol abues ro idlanhe ug.le eervHow, osent of agti olmbeprs is lleriaeytv pdair epco(lu of )ntsmho adn giat nurcsbeiatd hwti sraegrd to ollcaoh si ertihe edu to nttaooicniix ro corchin a.usbe ilvtAtnaeer nletioaxpan aavbiaell no SDN. Alos ees nuoetle cyoititx on smecdpa.e

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sbryant6  I gto sith cotrerc lolyes edsba no eth pinteast mo.ghepiadcr Gule is paech dan iesayl ecclsaibse ot ruaedegn snitalop.oup +6
whossayin  iKdna tsciar of us tbu tsโ€™tah how I arndesoe my rwesan oto llo a6@brtnys +
hpsbwz  how is ti rastic fi teh ylon gnhti httsa gvnei is hsi eag oll nwias@yohs +33

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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lhndaIe elug si emor yelkli naht llhcaoo b/c of tis eesa of asescc for a minor nad eeriatlv euasb talteinop in hte gea r.opgu

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