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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Synthesis of factor X (Stuart factor) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by mcl(671)
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oNt esru if hist is het htgri ayw to kthin tabuo ,ti tub if PT dna TPT rae tboh rendog,lop tish tosm ylleki eansm eerht is a olbrmep wthi het oomcnm wtypaha (aka traofc .X)

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temmy  tyc.axl.ei. tjus gtohuth teh ebrlpmo ahs ot be herwe hety emte ro ewshmoere mirlsai to chon.ehe.tb het oconmm 1t ahyTPpw(a2T )eanriHp 7 ,PT( )aWr19inr fa 1 1 0 5 2 n1I my ehd,a obth sesid aer olnkiog fro eth tfrecpe 01 +2

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submitted by msw(4)
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rhetes a wdrlou eqonutis klie ihts ... ,, oxrvbirnaaa and rhoet otcafr aX rihbntsiio lprgnoo pt and TaTP btu thye ontd ctfafe thrimbon etmi ... lheiw rtiecd bmihotrn isnrboithi lnorgpo TP TaTP dan iTohrmnb meti , laso idceunotnfatra erhniap roglsnpo TTPa adn mnTrohib Tmei thoTlleyecai(lr ti dusohl nlpogor PT oot btu ni hte tste hte PT anegetr inntscao pierhan eitzralsuern that immnizei tihs eetcff ) . rysor fi hsti vedree off esruco a iltelt

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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Codlu nemoeos eaxnpil ot my wyh it si cFrato X? kiLe I dnrudanets htta TTP and PT ear hotb ea.tleevd I kpcdei actrFo X nad nhet hngdaec ti to isldso"yhyr o".f. buecsae I tghotuh tihw a orFcta X cnefdii,yec wduo'tnl you avhe a pdernogol mihtorbn te?im I hmtgi be gnamik tsih mero aloict,demcp but 'tsoned aorFtc X pyal a elor ni otmnrbhi toaitcvni,a so ackl fo it ludwo aeld ot a eognrdpol hmtbrnoi mie?t

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drdoom  a oesnpr thwi DFX (ractof x ceeynific)d liwl aehv lnoropdg"e tmhrnboi t"iem esiidn tehir oydb (ni i,ovv) ,yes tbu eriht IHNRTIOMEMT_B (eth lba ste)t lwil be ctlpyemloe ramlno +1
drdoom  nehw ehty run het lab se,tt waht etyh do is sutj dda a nuhcb fo labwng-or er)onat(c?nbmi TECIDAVTA thobinrm to uryo alspma dna neth ctnuo eth nscdoes lnuti a cotl sm.fro hsat’t your .NTIREOB_ITMMH oitenc who fi yuo heav ucekfd up arcFot ,X it tos'ned tarmet eabescu the alb uyg is idagnd O,ARMNL srnh-w-lo-fehtbao/fgefl aaedvctti ritnombh ot uryo mpsala .plaems +1
drdoom  ni trheo sdow,r yb aniddg teh abl oih,rmtbn ew e"tu"iccrmnv yna lpmerosb negldai up ot ADN IULCIDGNN the nortducoip fo iocanfuntl no.bimtrh c(nsie feerctylp fitacolunn otimhrnb si ’ahtws ngibe plpsuied by the lba g).uy UHST atwh IONMEIR_BTHTM th(e )stte si eayrll naigks i,s s“I rteeh ynihatng deiins tshi pinatte htta is irneentifgr whti the ovsrniceno of bbig&;ni?nig”firrneo-tf +1
drdoom  ,OS tawh teh test lhosdu RALEYL eb ldeacl si nto MBEMOTTIR_IHN h(wchi si nisnufgco as l)hle tbu NBOEDQOURIERKRIFI_EOG_MFE_BFATIIRTM__NNIREM_ +1
drdoom  ☺~️☺️ +
drdoom  ..sp I idd a llitte ermo ridgena and it esmes klei bmtihnro si redvide mofr mapsal dnoosr tn(o amde obncanylimret ni a dsih😁 oy)r!sr +

The thrombin_time evaluates that part of the hemostatic process where soluble fibrinogen is changed into fibrin threads. It measures the time required for a fibrin clot to form following the addition of a standard amount of thrombin to plasma.

(emphasis mine)

+3/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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i did siht ghhutor nm:niiieltao

a,c nda D snrtiicni; T↑PT nloy

)B ihcwh is altlacyu het P2I;P eolvivnd ni Gq igsalngin

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