The ptatien ash a toi/.rfnenvfeeci hTe upicret sshow mranlo 1( uitmraem) sltayrguonce )len(hso.pruti Teh tmreuiam mgtih eb rpat of the ttfislf-eh ciungroc ni thsi .neptait feoerThre, hits si imslyp a ravteice eimumn srecsp.o
thaW's the eifecfedrn tnewbee iceratve rctsgyionaulos sv ?chlysioptysmo
Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.
Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.
We nac ulre tuo A B nad C ceesuba sti crnaec adn pt wlil nrespte /w wegtih ols.s Here teh tp illeyk has npounemai w/ daleveet yeelutock cunot aintdgiinc infoc.enti nO SP,B lcels loko keil phesurolint (esne ni utaec atrnoymiamlf s)satet wchih are alnegystorcu hfetrroee it is raevtice nytoosgcus.rail
Tshr'ee a adbn ecll in het =d;m&tdlgie tfle tfish eetarciv ssyciratooglun
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*ksmae eessn b/c slemobyltsa rea erosrcrsup ot ,alonuyrgcset ihcwh ues OPM ot htfig off nnsfotceii