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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman has had a fever and ...
Reactive granulocytosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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oems nwogr wsrs:aen

*ksmae eessn b/c slemobyltsa rea erosrcrsup ot ,alonuyrgcset ihcwh ues OPM ot htfig off nnsfotceii

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temmy  Hgxuborny kaa lfie raevs +1
hello  ahTkn !!uy!o +1
bbr  ..h..u hyea im pteryt rseu ew tusj allc em A"rue Rs"od .now ipptrAe cea hte earwns h!to +17

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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The ptatien ash a toi/.rfnenvfeeci hTe upicret sshow mranlo 1( uitmraem) sltayrguonce )len(hso.pruti Teh tmreuiam mgtih eb rpat of the ttfislf-eh ciungroc ni thsi .neptait feoerThre, hits si imslyp a ravteice eimumn srecsp.o

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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thaW's the eifecfedrn tnewbee iceratve rctsgyionaulos sv ?chlysioptysmo

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whossayin  eYs ’mI ta a slos for this oen o.ot lStli nc’ta uirefg uto who wer’e detpceex to neriffadtetei heost ebasd no itsh elsdi sTh.e hnwo oyln laocigl nnealpaxoti ttah I anc inthk fo si ttah ieatcrev teoymcplhsy yma eb eesn ni MYHOPLSAM as pdopose ot roctnelgsayu whihc are sene in EI cUAhKuSMSLE a tthsiy ayw ot rikct u,s !hah +
henoch280  aeveirtc polseytcymh ear esne in VBE of.centnii yuo udlow see smhetclpoyy in het edsil ton senrpouhitl 01F28A pg 651 +3
whossayin  athT mkeas s..nsee ubt aws eth qnuseoti tagiknl tuabo EVB cnsiietfon or otholecgmiaal lgimin?aescan Juts a avgue tenioqsu I ’satwn rellya rsue tahw ycaxetl asw ti yrigtn to hetca us, I gsues the teirvcea pmstioclhyyos tusj hrtwe me offy ,!wnasAy ahstkn rfo eth tiiorifcclana y!ddub +
ratadecalle  ehTy way I uthothg aubto ti rcsayt: usalw:Gone ltmui bleod mceshuLs: eonuyltcyp ingels oebl +9
hello  swnaiyohs@ - i'ts ont eaetrcvi oipsomylhctys ebuaces terhe aer on bruozwzd yetp tsmmoys fo EBV ni eht Q tms.e A,osl revcetia hmyetplsyco oklo way dfrnef.eti +

Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.

Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.

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submitted by step1soon(51)
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We nac ulre tuo A B nad C ceesuba sti crnaec adn pt wlil nrespte /w wegtih ols.s Here teh tp illeyk has npounemai w/ daleveet yeelutock cunot aintdgiinc infoc.enti nO SP,B lcels loko keil phesurolint (esne ni utaec atrnoymiamlf s)satet wchih are alnegystorcu hfetrroee it is raevtice nytoosgcus.rail

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submitted by apurva(101)
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submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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Tshr'ee a adbn ecll in het =d;m&tdlgie tfle tfish eetarciv ssyciratooglun

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