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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man who has smoked 2 packs of ...
Increased blood HCO3โˆ’ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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yeemmaphs elasd to OC2 rgaipptn ngldeia ot earsceni 2aCOp in eth d,olob hhwic sgive uoy a rteyrasopri iasscoid porPer aenlr ptcomsoaenni wlil csnareie adbirc erabs dan eeecsrad crneoexit- igngvi oyu anscerdei crabib in teh oldbo

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meningitis  Iredecasn obdlo HO3C uocdl eavh liasye eben etierrntdpe sa cenedsira odlob Hp awlsl.e FlOwlingo yuro alaxp,tnenio ensci het pt had dsscioi,a hte niredesac OH3C lliw jtsu kema ti a nlramo Atnor He. h p awy ot knhit of the squtonie is: fi etrhe is eaedecdrs exoliahant edu ot PCDO ->- aeescnrdi 2CO >-- cesndriae C2O nrapttrdseo in ooldb yb entenigr het RCBs' hiwt nboCcira rsaehnAdy and CH3O si aeedlres onti lobdo t.meras So riednacse 2OC -> esnedirac 3HCO ngseie as hsti ytpe of 2OC tnpotrsra is 7%0 fo aottl CO2 otntnce ni .dbool +27
drmohandes  I tghuoht oyu olcdu ervne fulyl acmsp,neoet so oryu Hp lliw erven Pla rrmr.eizyamoni mblpoer = rsoyprirtae siasodci โ†’ pH w.lo msoptCyeaorn beomilcta asailslko llwi erecisan oobld C3,-HO ubt ton gouehn ot mlroezani ,Hp it lwil tsuj be less'' olw, but llist na cisioa.ds +7
mtkilimanjaro  I losa tkhin sceradede blodo 2COP nda ersaecind odobl pH ear revy irlmias (lsse O2C ni eht dbloo saemn ssle ,ciaidc Hp locud go p)u frtroeehe I deurl bhto fo hemt uot stuj ormf hatt +1
brise  kAa isht si eht rhoB ef!fetc +2

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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if you slao ,htkin nhew omsnoee hsa cesredian O2C (as in shit p)itaent tehy have potearsriry CASDOIIS gto.i..rsh ereniadsc dobol pH caonnt be the hrgti sre.anw

losA, ynemostrocpa mecmihnsa ofr rpraeistyor sidcoisa pshaenp in hetre .ayws

  • :ECF wereh edu to sams cotnia aicesern of 2OC aelds ot siencare ni H+ nad 3-OCH (but itsh is miiamln - ekli %3)
  • FC:I mots fo teh efnribgfu senhapp hree htwi O2C nggio noti teh l.elc
  • iK:deyn nteh revo eiesmmt,o ereth will eb oesm alner ciemonopnsat ont( )noicoecrrt rwehe hte edniky wlil rtsat ot lte og fo +H dna arsoberb enw 3OHC to hlep udastj pH trawdos ra.nlom
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submitted by usmlehulk(7)
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acn noyaen lsepea nielxpa ywh iopnto E iwchh si eradceisn in aniUryr pH si ont het rceroct ae.swnr besecau nydhorge itswgan is laos a ofrm of rnocrectgi stireyorrap asics.dio

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wfma888  rtgi-h ouy lwli neiacres iroecenxt fo rntoops ihwhc liwl LWORE eht H!p +2
an1  โ†‘ iernu xeorticen of H3OC sr(srnpteee hte nakelail H/p giherh )pH dna โ†‘ irune pH ear hte smae nghi.t ,sYe you yma eonwdr won ywh hte โ†‘ lbood OH3C dint'd ucesa na isolaalks utb 'thtas eseabcu the MPIRYAR teefcf saw hte rintteeno of OC2 dialnge to dersacdee oblod Hp +
an1  CO3H si kinaleal emrapcdo ot H is ahtw I nemta ot yas ^ +

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submitted by medjay7(5)
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eTh ssetiae wya I khnti of to see iths 1) i:s Yuo rea ntreiaing a tlo of CO)22 hTe npilrcaip way ni hichw we fdni CO2 in oobdl is as 3 CH3)O Yuo evha a lto of 3COH

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