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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 24-year-old man who is comatose is admitted ...
25 mL/cm H2O ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—alwaysanonymous(35)
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sHi ldtia mveulo wsa 500 mL. n-yodpraxrtiEe asw +5 cm dan s-ndrenaiioyprt saw 5+.2 eW erwe opdupess ot esu teh cefiernfde in riaawy us,eerprs dna ton eth -dsirtpyeionanr arelupl uesresrp (20).+

calnpioCem = P/ฮ”Vฮ” = 500 / 20 = 25 cm/Lm 2HO

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some-zheimers  erGta pie.nxonlata In nega,lre salo a getar daei ot apy itaetnnot to eht .situn I esditud hisscPy ni rndguaedr dna haev tgo oen or wto issteouqn aesbd ulryep on niolfwolg the ntu,is hnwe teh lrmoauf lis.sp +29
endochondral1  is ttha nouqetai ni F?A +
redvelvet  eys dod,@lncoarhe1n at epga 615 in 1920FA +20
chaosawaits  ayn item yuo ese het rdwo cilocepn,ma ฮ”ฮ”/PV lohusd tymlaiemdie pop itno uyor e.dha uBt ym uoiesqnt is, gocnmi mrfo lpeeocmt creaon,ign is ti tsju a ciidoenecnc tath het yntoerdap-srini lpurael rreeusps is aquel to het ecnfirfede fo het ddeeen as?uevl +

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