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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 74-year-old man with emphysema and lung ...
Negative nitrogen balance 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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itNgneor nbcaale is a etmsnreaemu fo ptienro tmsiemablo in teh bdoy. A gtneviae grentino aanblec eaidstnci meucsl sol,s sa acnisedre maosntu of ioamn dsaic rae nbige mezileoabtd to duceopr .egyren shiT nreasiesc eth aonutm of ionertgn eertcdse mfor hte oybd. asBcuee het taunmo of egtiornn ouy ear ngakit in si sles ahtn the anotum fo oegtrnni yuo rae ietcernsg, uyo aehv a aegeitnv oienngrt neaclab.

sTih amn is ,shdeimuronal moeae,sdut tci,hccae adn sha am.eulnmpybiohia ehseT aclilcni idignsfn opnit to ieptron irtuomlatnin okh(wsaarKi ase)iesD, cihhw aeucss meeda ude ot ecrasdeed eursm otoccni se.rpusre owL ontcioc sseruper in htsi ecsa si ude ot reponit lss,o dna enceh a evantieg rgeinont cea.bnal

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drdoom  ecN!i +23
dubywow  I wken uory astl cntseeen adn sutedsepc Krhoa.rwoski s'It tujs gientrevhy eles I did ton kn.ow I aehv nto hared or utgthho of euc/smtorinelp ghcneas ni stmre of rntogin"e bn"calea dan s'ttha hyw I tgo itsh rnwo.g ciNe xol!anepnita +3
macrohphage95  I rgaee hiwt uyo ni rifst aptr btu i notd nkthi ti hsa any ealtionr ot kwa.k orihrIst si ilpmsy eud ot icxhecaa hwhic esasuc mcesul ucnteosdrti outgrhh eth pmooreeats twayhap .. +5
zevvyt  oasl, it yssa atth sih limanub si wol. +
ankigravity  A wfe hoter sonpti tdeaelr to ogtnneri lcanbae. nyA eainptt ohw si giognwr e..i(, rih,lcned peeplo wnirkgo uot dna liigunbd musce)l are ni eotivpsi enirntog eanbacl adn gininera oeembcs na tessilena noima +1
drdoom  argytiiv@nka wWo, htsi si aentllcychi r!cecort (dt’iDn ezareli e“ltsins”ae eso'tdn mena nacont“ eb nsdtehyiesz yb eht yd”ob btu rather cn”ntoa eb zetdeissynh ni etfcfsiiun au”otmns; os hwta qslfiaieu sa enasetils si a tib fo a voingm gtr!tea h!a)ksnT +
drdoom  'esrHe het iifdinneot mofr HMS:e “iAmon daisc htta are otn ssenedtyhzi yb the nmhau bydo ni stomuan niefsutifc ot rrayc tuo slohlpgayoiic tisuf.conn heyT aer nboatide rfmo driytae oufsfftds.”o ssht/0ohh1u/nit?mgrn=:0ce.pom/r/0uibdlvi.e0.6D +
imgdoc  I dot'n tihnk iths hsa to do wiht awhsrookik klie aerahpho59cmg uesg.dtseg i shT is aichaexc eraoncysd to glnu ecr,nca aTalp-NhF scenisrea and suaces mloopatreas dtirostcenu of proitns.e hTis uyg si laso ton tgiannik euohng sitporne os geientva tonegirn nceabla si eth rwsean elnxedpai veaob +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by bking(2)
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I dtudasnenr het emaed is morf edeescrad peo-tnri yhw is atnrvSatoi tiossKe n?wgor n'touC dl ihs optrnesi eb rdegaedd tghohru shti omonro Pp:cssrieAtnie-- -dai-cs lyeAtc Co--A tnoeseK

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waterloo  tginevea iertongn nlaebca teebrt pinaexls het medae. +
courtney  I gmith be alloytt worng but I d'nto nihtk oyu anc ncheytiacll be ni teisosk if uyo ahve elcogsu dnraou and in tshi ase,c teh ptatien stea nloy asbcr +1
chaosawaits  Yuo ctna' be in eistkso fi uoy vahe liunisn oruadn, ton o.csgelu eeHn,c 1MTD acn heva ADK tub M2DT yltaycpil oesd nt.o tohB iltsl hvea goelcus, leik reevyoen iinlgv. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by pparalpha(93)
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naC ooemsen aeslpe eixpnal hwy it ulowd ton be yoegnlgc ?dnepeitlo I ohhuttg teh nostique wsa kngailt batuo het agurbrW so yhw nto nbwrkaedo of eongclgy to ?ugsocel

I seugs ti dlouw tno elpniax eht dem?ea

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hello  lneocGgy osetsr era eepdlted ithnwi 24.h iTsh oenpsr ahs ginss nda mtyomsps of grenlmot iruanttloni fseeeci.cind +2
raffff  ti uwodl not xleipan eht deame, sye +
drzed  lAos hte rarugbw mohnenpeno hsa ot od wiht ascnerc eenlltrfyriepa kgtnia up uos;eglc ereth si no iiidcannot tath eh sah +
haydenelise  hTe strfi ctneesen yssa atth eh ahs nglu rnca.ce +2

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