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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
An unimmunized 1-year-old boy is admitted to ...
Phase variation 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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In gloy,boi epash oavrtiina is a hedtmo rof iglaend whit rdilyap rgnivya ismnrnveneot wouthti rieqrinug donmar u.imtanto tI lsvveion het raatovnii fo pinrote prni,ssoxee yfqlteneur in an -fnfoo fhsaoin, ihwitn inetedrff trsap fo a tiaeaclrb .pponualtio As schu eht etpyoehnp acn cswhit at uqsceineref ttah are much hgerih s(itosmeme %)t;&g1 nhat slaciascl nioumtat e.stra aePsh roiainavt nbrtecoitus ot ricenevlu by nieetagnrg ten.eyeoehrtgi hAulohgt ti sah eneb smto ocolnmym siudted ni hte ecttnxo fo uimmen nias,ove ti si sveboder in mayn trohe esara as wlle dna si eyepomdl by siuvaro pesyt of it,ebacra nigundlic allaenlomS pseseci.


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whoissaad  is ti het meas tginh as incniteag ?riovnaait +12
dorsomedial_nucleus  N,o gcenintia atonriaiv elvsnvoi omcgine ternme esPaeahrngra aanivitor anc eb hghtotu fo as MROE ro LSSE of igthsn.eom An /offon iwtc.hs oN DAN si ngibe rdnaraee,gr ujst uerdn or esdproervexse in neospres to het ore.vnmntnie +8
makinallkindzofgainz  isTh t'ins ni Znki,a ahyiL,regt or tiFsr i,dA adn I nto'd rrbemmee evre lnairnge uabot itsh in .lssac hkTnsa N!MEB D: +21
jurrutia  You dn'tolwu tpxeec teh enfrefcedi ni tnyhoepep fo a evnig mnosraig ni a gvine etptnai ot eganhc uebaesc of mn.tutasoi tI has to be ghniomest hrote nath mtt.oianu aPseh naavtorii si het nlyo tpioon that sdeoudn ilek omo.-nuittann +
l0ud_minority  Oen fo my elruscte at my ocsohl evdroce tsih anyplraept. nI eno fo tireh 501+ ldesi erowp piton ohausntd masll fton no lisde 65 mottbo eflt ndah .ocnerr +1
ankigravity  ontD' nkwo fi ti asw in UdWrol a arey ,goa but teerh si a UWrdol quoenist touab esahp iinoravta. I mdae drca rfmo ti g,satitn "h}c:{}esP{:1a ranaiiotv erefrs ot a ilseeerbvr sitcwh etbwene an ane“ro-nl”-ol /ofo()nf inxsgresep ,hspae enuitgslr in ainaroitv ni het evell of ssrionxeep of neo ro orme tiroepsn eewtneb lnuiaiiddv selcl fo a claonl iupnop".oalt +1
abhishek021196  nip.w:-aopes%efsliiasecaw/sscie/leevneice/hh/ioalnrteaMtcgong//Sctausr.e/cocs2rniosiilis.chbsslekvo-cdpsotar/je0twu-d2eaeha sP natraViio - hasPe aoniiravt is a iseererlvb ocpesrs ahtt sphel ataicreb ot klqyuci ntraeeeg eyiisrtdv aadtp dan to riplday igcagnhn nOi.esm vetnenron iutomtan ni a ep'has lbar'aive enge can sitchw reesosinxO,N p dan rtohane omttauin ni het asme tpra of NDA iwll icswth to xrinesepshe of het egne N O'bF.cDFTa Ok KOWN HTAW REEEIFNCDF TEWBEEN IIECANNGT NAD EHPSA NTOVIAARI ?HHGTOU +

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