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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man with Li-Fraumeni syndrome ...
Decreased binding of RNA polymerase 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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Ddi yeonan deen to ared htat atsl nntcesee lkie 50 siemt eabeusc the ohraut frsuese to ues teebrt aam.mgrr Just urfgatrist.n

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link981  tuArho teo:ainarl Wt"ha is "mm?aargr +6
qfever  Ddi eonany rdae klie 05 mseti nda sllti get it r?wngo (,OLL )me +22
drbravojose  lcAytula vreen useratdndn htaw eht hartuo gyians at nya OLL +3
alimd  hucS a sityht utsonie.q oD ew rlylae veha shuc uonsetqsi on the lrea me?xa nI ym inoonpi thye sujt othrw ukjn tniosequ ot ohtes mssstesnae +1
nootnootpenguinn  hO my ssnooe-gd anhkt !yuo I was os mad ta orwhvee rtewo this yttish n!iuesqto otG( it norwg lo)l +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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The mgamrar of eht tclaau Q aws s.iuncngfo

To kaem ttbere ss,ene it hsolud ysa iWhh"c fo hte gnofliwlo si hte stmo kyille tsuerl on het natoctrrnpsii fo neesg hatt tbhinii clel iiosdinv dan ahtt onicnat hte sscnuonse nqeceeuse ATT."..A

,oS the Q si ankisg bouat hte p3t5 gene and ciicyfpeslla utabo teh 3t5p nege optmrreo rieong.

omtrerPo eionrgs aevh a TTAA xbo oiobs(lv,uy eagmnin hric ni AT- seba )ria.sp T-A asbe rgpniai ash 2 eohrygnd sno,db hwchi emsak etmh aesire to aelevc &--gt; ollwsa ofr DNA raonptitrsicn to cuocr rmeo .asiyle RNA Plo deso rnttinraocsip of NDA inot AR.N

Teh etienr Q-mtse tkasl utoba who mLnaue-Fiir si ude to a mottinua ni pt53 nee,g danileg to a alkc fo rumot pnepsoisrus .cytitaiv

o,S fi eht otepromr erinog TAAT obx of hte tp35 ngee si mdtuaet, tnhe hte pt53 gene wlil ton teg dbcarrsenti t&;g-- ihst si wyh etreh lliw be dreadeesc NRA olP bi.dnign NRA loP lwli aveh a eecddur itybila ot ibdn 5tp3 -g;-t& ssel rmtuo usresrpso nege aictrpontinrs -tg&;- sles utmro iupsspes.onr

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jcmed  thta wlduo be vroyel seya fo hmet ohguht eye lrol +
whk123  setB ionela.panxt +
fhegedus  dan sylnuedd trehevyngi makes esesn D: aTnhk you rof a agrte nlx!naaoepti ): +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by fenestrated(32)
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rFo isht eon I kthin wtah uoy ahd ot konw is htat nTscniapirotr &t(;A-D)NNRg-A si peedrrmof by ANR eIor.ym pltsae saw ont NAD oymleparse csaeebu ihst noe tleicespar -A(DtN&A;N)-Dg

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fenestrated  tenweeb dinreseca or rsddceeae nngdbii I cpedki receesadd eucbsea ti wsa a mtoiatun whchi fetcadef eht drnhygeo bodns hhiwc is owh tducslneieo bdin ot ceha otreh +1
makinallkindzofgainz  isth si who I tog ti trhgi +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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5p3 si maudtet and catn idnb teh TTAA x,bo so twah nhpeaps ot riciotpnrtasn fo btihyiroin spineo?rt

sI ybilaacsl tahw stih entiuqso si tyrnig ot

So no TATA xbo reomprot ;>= secaedDre biigndn fo ARN maopleersy

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link981  ouY dsai ,ti eyth aer rny"ti"g ot a.ks hoSlud sue ettrbe gamr.mar +3
titanesxvi  sThi si on itsrf i,da nda says atht eth trermoop gieonr is weehr aAmeyRrolpNes isdbn +1
nootnootpenguinn  kanauH A-TNOTA .ox.b. tnahk uyo rfo htsi !taineoxpaln +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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isTh si a ogdo triepuc fo an pxinetmere oswhgin hsi:t


ecOneogn oumvel 6,2 gaspe 2121292–2 020(7)

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by dantescuttlefish(7)
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yWh is hsit nto eiersndca iibngnd of DAN l?ysromepea

Tihs ittomuan luosdh ecasu lalurcel sodinvii ie DNA tpcaeirloni adn sueca eideacnrs igbnind ot irigno liitaoencrp neuecsseq ei TATA yb AND mola.yresep

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brise  'Its tkgnial ubtoa aontsitum no the aioptsrncinrt fo esneg htta tnbiiih hte cell niisd.vio sAol RNA oelaymprse nbisd ot eht rromoept onr.gie +
nwinkelmann  oslA, het qunoetsi yfcepisiallc guhoht( ni a revy r,wody otlconuvde yaw) daske awth eht ftcefe fo the tuniomat on pinnrotarctis asw. DNA olp is not edus in nciiot,tnrsapr ti is euds ni riaeci.pnlot ANR plo is sude in inrcsto.aiptrn nI mesrt fo acneresdi or serceeadd igindnb, ggnnriai si pyolitsolvr/epia rhcgdea nad leioprn si ponrerlta/nul,nao os heetr aer wrefe b-ngoniHd teiss, dna stuh dasdreeec ingnbid fo het RAN p.lo +1
medn00b  oCdlu sthi lvndecuoto esotqiun asol .t.. .mh.e..n...taa seicn hte gene ot kame 53p si eedmss pu deu to the rhydoegn nod,bs RNA malorpseey will nto eb bael ot dibn to aekm teh RNAm ... oS herte iwll eb crcae?n ueecBsa 3P5 is a ormut ssop.e.srrpu. memle nowk hstank gsuy +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by jessikasanz(9)
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tol of owrd vtomi ot kas awht" bndsi ot het AATT xb"o

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by pipter(10)
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eosD nyanoe hvea any ccispfei diea on eth amsmeichn of het 35p atotmniu insqotue gerigadrn teh AATT obx the( eon wtih eth lgnesi omnia icad rsinevocno nad het fnitfreed ehdrygno dnin?g)bo

I hcseo eth deeadescr dingibn fo ARN epyemorsal no het AATT uecqnsee fo gseen hatt inhbtii cell iisndiov baesd olelys no the atcf atth 5p3 si a rtuom prsepsrous ak(a uedtatm 3pt5sl&-se;g hiniboniti fo idi;muisioplng-&ttvle vdonsi)is.i

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joha961  morF a oamrdn parep I nfo,du lyua“gbAr ’p3s5 tosm imtanrtop cuotnnfi si to tac as a tirnrcniaspot rcftao ahtt tyleircd gelertuas phpreas eslvaer durhnde of hte l’ecsl RAN rysmoeepla II RA(PN srcaIIne)rdt-bi ”engs.e So lonmyrla it rsensciea ANR olp nbi;ignd a imnauott udlow edcreesa .ti +1
estsosa  Teh ATAT oxb si ptar of eth ormtorep gniore siet ewehr ARN eymelsrpoa II dna hrote irirnsocntatp fatorcs nbid ot N.AD A dfetec dlwou ereforteh aecseerd diinnbg fo NRA mylreesoap. +7
mnemonia  olAs uoy nca aosern it tuo I( gto shit wrgno uesaebc oyu evah to eb ayerll eclmtusu)oi neics we okwn atht lsos fo p53 = crc.ane arcneC = want reom ecll ioniisvd = d’ton wnat ibithiyron eeng = lsse inocrstpiantr of dasi +1

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