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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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alucaCnoilst orf dad. ehT litabyoirbp fo hte refhat genbi a iarcerr si /32 escni ti is wknno taht eh n’dsote avhe the a.ideess ehTn het bpriobltiya fo mih pissagn it no ot shi ikd is /,12 tsuh:

  • lbyrboiPtia of dad nibge reiracr = /23
  • liaybrbtoiP of add pagssin no saseied aeelll = 1/2

slntlaouaCci orf mmo. Whit eht Waebiegnr-Hdry clei,rpniP uoy cna gieurf tuo eth iyalbpribot of hte hrtome bnieg a re:cirar

q = )/,0ts1r400(q0 = /0201

o,S 2pq = 2 * 0021/ * 10929/0, ichhw is axropp 0/101.

roF the dlihc to gte the laelle morf ,omm owt sitghn edne to nphpa:e (1) mom muts be a rcarrie [eytrzgeth“o”oe] dan (2) mom msut pssa the elalel ot chdil:

  • tbyoiPibral of mmo eigbn arercir = /0110
  • lribioPtbya fo mmo sagnips on sedsiae elalle = /21

Piuntg it lal hregtote. owN, ceoinmb lla ee:otrhgt

= biilypaobrt( fo add ngbie acrire)r * itbl(parybio of add asgsnpi no eeadsis ee)llla * (tpbolryiabi fo mom enibg ecrr)rai * l(ypraitibbo of omm gssinpa no esdsiea eall)el

= 32/ * 12/ * /1100 * 21/
= 1 in 006

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kernicterusthefrog  To equto goyrTh rToh, drga eequn: "we, sJus,e "gssor +52
niboonsh  Tsih qtoienus kaems em nawt ot otmiv +14
drdoom  lol +
5thgencephalosporin  ayko oww +
tekkenman101  uYo nac mkae isht a otl kqceriu yb ginus peslmi lures ofr mlautaoso ssievrcee sd.e1i)eass nfcUfdeeat etpanr wthi fadcteef ngliaee illw be a rcrarie /32 fo het meit (2 aA)) feeqnruyc ni ioaluotppn is sreup olw so uyo cna neiorg P dan jsut ues 2)q( ni oderr to aetcacllu rcreair .yueqfcern oS atek eht arsqeu rtoo fo hte ouohzsgoym irveeecss cfeynureq )04,0/10(0 dna sujt lgup ti :in 050.2)( = )13 0. heT ddso fo etrhi chidl nebgi dfaeectf hiwt hte wto pesatnr binge usedsma leoypchthtai criresar is /41 )aa( or s5'.d2Da. cerrira hcacne )/(32 x sM'om rerciar anehcc .(10) x hdsc'li eccnah of igben revseseci 2()5. +1

Instead of doing all those calculations for the mom, you can also just multiply the dad's probability by 1/200 → q, the probability of the allele in the general population

+1/- hungrybox(1277)

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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elnnaaiMd neeGt:csi

nMa ahs /32 hnacce of iengb a (eH dseo ton avhe teh iese) a Wnmo arreicr ksri tusm eb daccutlale hwti p^2 + 2qp + q2^. 2q ^ = /0100,40 q = 1/,002 p is ouylrhg = p2q 1 = 001/1 = arrCire rfecqyuen .

kiRs fo viahng a ihcld hstu lueasq 3/2 x 1001/ x 1/4 = 061/0a3/c Be :seu2 = aMn rraierC isrk /01 10 = aeFlme ierCrar s4/Rk i1 = naChce ythe chae spsa no teh vecireess gene to rethi fnigf.pors

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hello  eSe ym opialatxenn if you ende rome doswr ot piexlna hsti iaoxnaenptl +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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Thsi het msae as ykpsayoec@'nm aolpeantxin tihw moer anxptneiloa sohte htta ened ..ti.

heT ipttean si aceudefntf by eht rirpctaalu osautmloa eeseivcrs isedaes nad ihs ortbhre ash het laosaotum cvresiese aiseeds -;tg&- htsi sneam cahe fo ireht asntepr asicrre teh AR lelal.e wN,o rof eth inetapt to eb eanfcefdut geniv hatt hobt shi spraten ahev teh AR ,aellel ti esanm ahtt the etaintp ash a 2/3 nahecc atth eh is talmlnueysouis tanfdefuec nad a air.ercr

heT tni'pseat etpnrra si atedffecnu nda onlamr HrgnbiWe-ydera enesictg a(s atestd ni the .rnpwloe.hmb)e this is fpicscyaleil mndee,iton uoy ear to mesusa atht the aptnrre has a raicerr ryuqeecfn for het RA lle,ale hciwh lqeau to .2pq

Teh sadesie hsa a ecneuryqf ni the iuppalotno fo 10.0400/ hTis is ^2q ;-tg-& q2^ = ./001400 noiSlvg orf q, oyu gte q = 200./1

rriaeCr cunyeqfre si .2pq rHoveew, rof a rera issadee, qp2 ≈ .2q So, eth creiarr qfyceenru rfo eht pternra = 2q = 2 * 1/002 = 0.011/

o,Nw het Q ssak toabu an offrngpis of teh pinetat nda sih prtenar gnbei fftacede, so ot veah na feefcdta chdil, rhete is a /14 anecch fo ainvhg an aeecftdf hldic a(esebusc eht pittnea dan teh pntrear btho ahev a 12/ hnecca fo napsgsi the aleell -g-;t& ouy lpeitmul heets egrehtto 2/1 * )2/1.

S,o yltmipul 3/2 * 0/110 * /14 = /.0061 shTi is (iPpettna geinb a rrae)ric * rran(Ptpe nigbe a arrei)cr * hanig(vP an eadcetff sffnrgipo t.g)ertohe

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submitted by beastfromtheastx(0)
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ehT riyialtobpb fo eth rathef nbgei a arriecr is 32/ neics it si onkwn atht eh sn’oedt veah het ia.edess hTne het ybpboitailr of imh sispnag ti no ot his dki i:s

21/ * /23 = 1/3

ithW het eiyWHreang-brd lenpPicir, ouy nac iegurf uto teh iiobparbtyl fo the etrohm giben a :erirrca

q = t()04/,0100rqs = 2001/

S,o 2pq = 2 * 100/2 * 02901/9, whchi oaprxp is ,101/0 dna eht obbrtliipya fo teh hcidl getgint isth allele is 011/0 * /12 = 1/002


20/10 * 13/ = 0/016

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brill45  oYu did siht rithg tub I khint dmea ti a bti mroe tdcaclmpoie atnh edndee to .be To eufrgi out teh hkoldloeii fo a naromd sperno ni hte iptlooanpu aisspgn on a eseicresv lll,aee uoy ujts eedn ot od (rtrsa2oqoq)ue to gte to .q ndA jtus use ahtt q to lylptium itwh het 3/1 you ogt eleai.rr heT q luaev sellt you the elllae curqefeny ni hte polptiuona, whehert het posern is a rcrriea ro umszoohgoy ievecsesr oYu still otg it, ubt sjut lgitten uyo wkon hte aisere toeur in easc ouy ees ti a!igan +2

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submitted by kdckjn(0)
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hyw hreet si tyibibprloa fo rahetf bngei a riecarr si 2/3

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drdoom  eW usames htis is a seciersev e.sdsaie nI ertoh sorwd, uyo ansifemt hte aseside if uyo rtnhiie a aedsise l,lelae d, omfr yuro mothre dan a sisedae ea,llel ,d omfr yruo frh,tea nvigig yuo na leaell piragin enotded by dd. dd = ouy veah hte adie.sse eTh rhfeta edos ont veha het siedea;s thsi maens ihs tpgnoeye anc loyn be 1 fo eterh tsh:ign ,DD ,Dd ro .dD Tath i,s DD = D ofmr shi dda, D morf ish ;omm dD = D rfmo his dda, d mrof sih omm; ro dD = d fomr shi dad, D fmor his omm. eicoNt thta ni ynol owt fo teehs 3 sbpelioisisit odes eth tahref ltetn)ip(lyao hvae a eaeisds alelel d)( tath eh gtmih spsa no ot ish pregn.yo +

We assume this is a recessive disease. In other words, you manifest the disease if you inherit a disease allele, d, from your mother and a disease allele, d, from your father (giving you the allele pairing denoted by “dd ”).

dd = you have the disease.

The father does not have the disease; this means his genotype cannot be dd and thus must be one of 3 things: DD, Dd, or dD.

That is,

  • DD = D from his dad, D from his mom;
  • or Dd = D from his dad, d from his mom;
  • or dD = d from his dad, D from his mom.

Notice that in only two of these 3 possibilities (⅔) does the father (potentially) have a disease allele, d, that he might pass on to his progeny.

+1/- drdoom(1206)

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