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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 38-year-old single woman with a history of ...
Displacement 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by kernicterusthefrog(139)
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sh"e elfes hippear dan rome x"eadelr etrfa trstanig gxkni:ibcok isth si a UERMTA eesdenf csmnaiemh ci(lssac kobttoex ntalsboiimu, sa sha eebn dsi.)a Tish soeinutq si utjs npail s'It not minetdclpa,es esuecab t'si a eahhtl,y isocalyl ecpltaebac otluet ttha srpimvoe rhe oltnoaemi sttae; giuchnnp gasb are ntmae ot be ednpuhc hts(u ti si aclyluta NOT t.ralu)en Dtelcmseainp to an jtceob lwuod eb cpgnhiun a lhoe ni her la,lw or kbreaign erh easv I( jstu leki thta yimega)r. ohtB fo etohs lwdou eb etebtr nhta gcnuiphn reh iamfyl, or gkreabin teirh cra wniow,d which si ywh sti' ldcempantsie u(nonossiucc irioncertde of an neotimo ot a rasfe b.jtoce) v,weoHre kcgiknxoib si YTLEAILLR na xpealem in rsveela ycshp eoktsxotb ofr .oinulatmibs anhkT uoy ofr nogmci ot ym ETD a.klT

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jaxx  aw,iheMnel I htothgu igtvenheyr asw nrwog so I ewtn hwti hoerant rMtaeu feesnde .inmahescm +17
happyhib_  hatW fi, tujs tawh .fi erH tiakgn tmie ot od linssoes was tuallcay nirtghu ehr rdnilhce by ehr gahvni lsse miet to nsdep tiwh hmte nad ni urtn nto iigpovdnr oogd care orf temh. es(ls of a ruamte snfeeed hcme w)o.n t sTur em I rgeea mtlcoepyle tsju not esbt snar,we utb eivgn what we rae inveg uyo cdulo egaru ondbey t;hat bsasmo enve yssa "a omm ingwhso rhe esnfgeil fo angre woartsd teh hcldi ntaedsi fo hte aalutc omlrbp,e eht s.hnud"ab So ni a ywa she si tno gairdnessd her aatcul peolmbr chhi(w esh COLDU sdear).sd +1
kernicteruscandycorn  I outsrpp uory sir,nsetao lefolw ereicurtnks +2
madamestep  I keli to kinth fo bulaiSitomn sa Ranegi roGeeg ta eth edn of eMan lisGr tirhving at lfeid oycekh. +1

Yeah, and the First Aid example of Suppression is:

  • "Teenager’s aggressive urges toward his parents’ high expectations are channeled into excelling in sports."

which is essentially this exact situation

This question is WACK yo

 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by joha961(45)
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kiLe othesr vhea ,isad I ikthn omlanusiibt oduwl ehav nebe ert,etb btu temlnsaiepdc omrf ritsf ida ayss htat it is, niredoircet“ of tsominoe or lmspuise ot a leatunr nrespo or ejcbot” so essh’ nkiigck erh iylfam yb nkigikc eht .agb

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djeffs1  Not fi reu'yo etssxi dna hintk sit poanrrtiepapi rfo mneow ot iircapttaep ni .cgibokki.nx. +2
chaosawaits  The imxses ni emos esounqsti is ticch +
kani  yuro wanser eamd em lguah os .muhc +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I got os gayrn at tshi snoeqtiu. tA setla shti dyal dha a gpcuinnh gab

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by borborygnoramus(5)
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As btse sa I ulcdo l,let ti asw tlnsceampide esbecau eht ethro oeiccsh eerw feinitledy ngwr,o ont c/b talmecdnepsi was a odgo e.cicoh Fetl leik eehtr wree oslt fo stih pyte fo qountise no itsh mea.x

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diffuseaxonalinjury  I dndee pu shoniogc niemlsdpacte bc tnbliausimo swta'n eerth + ni teh ibnnngeig of the itnq,uose it sdia sesh"' rgnay ta hre iafmyl for tno peilhgn e"hr os ym hotugth swa hes's iadcnpgsli rhe nreag obatu erh shic'ld isslnel on reh lfymia a( rtnauel r3d )tyr.ap kcaw equsoint gser.ldsare +13

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nbrowne1(1)
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I kithn tish tinequos wsa nkgsai oatub eth rngea ahtt ehs seespexsr wdoart ehr yfmial rfo tno npeligh uto ,mroe cwhih is ellray ciptnasmdlee fo reh sssetr daeeltr to nagcri rfo na lli eTh ngioikxkbc is a oencsd cniopg mhb(tsnoiu)cni.emmlaiSa

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