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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old man with multiple myeloma ...
Unrearranged immunoglobulin gene 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +70  upvote downvote
submitted by sacredazn(101)
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heT cepcnot is a luocotnvde yaw of sgikan if ouy wekn woh VJD rbctiooemnnia rosk,w hicwh si htta it si atyacull na eaxeplm of iangtelr eht NDA of hte BT/ le.chyympot

hnurotSe btlo hune:ecqit oS nhew teyh sue a boper inatasg seom ieogr,n adn notuttpgiu a size fo .15 kb or 6 bk, this si litnelg uoy the ezis of eht DAN mgnerfat in ache clle t’de(son termta if ethy asy J obper ro atsntocn eginor o,perb eeytr’h ujst isnyag rhy’tee gatrtgien omse uodcetienl nseueqec noudf in hte gI uoRcs/lCT tbae niahc usocl csreeptveiyl ofr BT/ c.el)sl

I ikhtn hte counignfs ptra uolcd eb iroenndgw woh ouy wonk trhhwee uoey’r ptaryl rughoht rranmetegnare rasw(ne hsiecco B hutr D) ro fi ti sha’tn cecrrduo at lal tye o(ectrcr wsn) erH,e teh ceonpct is ttha B llsec uoegnrd DJ(V) arrgeraneetnm ni the ebon ,rwoamr hiwle T lselc od ti in eht suthm,y dna ti lla paehspn ta one.c So a plmaas lcle in the dobol ilek ni Miltuple yemaoMl uwldo evah lufly drgoneune ta,einirmcobon leihw a T llec in teh doolb oducl eterhi eb uflyl udeedtac nad( hvae feidhisn DJV itcroibnom)ane ro imetaumr (hn’ast ttsdear VJ).D

inSec hte T cell geen wsa 6 bk adn iiylendtfe bggeir tnha hte 1.5 kb geen, het T lcle ant’sh neunogerd tnirmcenobioa

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trichotillomaniac  ryve cine ioplt!xnanea +29
nwinkelmann  Tihs saw e!esoamw dMae so mhcu seesn dna lyufolhpe I wlil eb able ot khtin taht ycirliclta btaou tenioqssu ni het uurfte ebse(acu I ENVRE owuld ahve come pu tiwh hist no my onw, h.a)h +5
eacv  !GOM THNAK YOU. I DINTD WNKO GIANNTYH taubo hs!i!t poeH tihs si ont etdstse no rlea eanemx :p +5
ajss  oww! sthi lpatnnaixoe wsa eewoms!a shnt!ka +
mrglass  lAso the le-Tlc J--DV gntseesm aer nto het maes as teh elBc-l JV-D- .ssmngete foehTeerr a ell-Bc J senmtge oerthuns otlb wdolu okol for htwreeh hte Bcell- stie DJV meetgns ni a el-c,Tl ihwhc loduw wyasla dranneg-rrano.e +6
mynamejeff  knahT !ouy oS si tihs ecauseb luipletm eaylmmo odpeuscr xeeseisvc lonmlnoaoc lghti achni ?gI Is shti het 51. kb ?gene shae,erW cl-Tlse ttah eahv tno enog urghhto fnineiartdoifte tey and herit J oiregn licensud iyvhgtrnee VJ)(D s.v stju VJ ni teh ihtlg hcni?a AF( 2002 pg 401) +
peridot  shiT tleoaanpxni si im!agnaz Hvewe,or ot ullfy utnaedsdnr nreohat sept fo whta teh etsqioun is ietggnt ,ta pealse aetk a kolo ta ilgebrdr@iswsyashdad'oh dora/n sg@s'mrla oelantapxni sa llwe - a ervy raipomntt diiatnd!o! +1
skonys  My glioc wsa gwron tub my rnwsae r.etrcoc I ma niffuersg rmof sucse.cs +
fhegedus  w!ow hist si aaiz!nmg ntkah y!ou +

 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by highyieldboardswards(18)
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Srhto a:swenr lAl senge rae rpseten ni obth B adn T es,llc utb hety nraeeragr dna expsser rctosrpee htta are ciefpisc to heirt Tiher are niddpeetnne DVJ iergons fro B clel tecroper toneaiengr nda T lcel eoretrcp rino!neateg ihTs iwik ticlrea dhses itlhg no :thsi


I oto ltgaaciylr disems sh.t.i but it is calautly os lesmip hatt ew ear ngmisis eht trfeos hhtruog teh etrse --ieh Wl hbot B dna T lelsc ugneodr JVD n,merrntaegaer the V, D, dan J esegn rae FDERTFEIN GENES eedpits gnebi gianodrze nad tefrhoree sislecfida in a maslrii shoanif due ot heitr sadrhe ened ot teeengra eivrdse csstret.uru To aekm rmteast omer uncf,gnois tobh sset of VJD esgne are on cmhreoosmo .41

sihT si wyh het NEMB iceipesdf htta tyhe ear tngaggi HET SEAM J ROGINE hwhci is ahtt of hte B lelc rpoetrce eneg J eonigr, ont eht T lecl ceortrpe gene eaJ-tb eonrig e(es iwik tl) hTe B elcl creorpte gene si tno readgaenrr in a T cell, if it saw, T elslc owuld eahv btisai!oend

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redstrat  Tsh.i oS chum hti!s +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by david_bball(5)
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ehT wya I tohtghu atuob hsit uiesqtno aws ahtt in MM reeht is a TNO of dstianibeo ibeng edma, so teh JDV gmeesnt is inbge rneokb epslrdaredcnr/teeueg/a mnay setmi nda sah neeb hordnetes ot .kb51. sA fro eth T leCls, ahtt iergon ti’ns bnieg seud ecnsi( erteh si no clolna snoixpaen ro osetc)neli so sti’ sltil otg het lufl k6b nheltg ondectuu.h

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d_holles  T clesl lsilt odugner JDV ieoaibtonrcnm to ofrm ehrti RsC.T +7

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sam1(22)
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ehliW T eclsl do ues het VJD ,ctmbaoinnreoi het T lcel repctroe sincah aer fdtenifre nseeg frmo het B 'clels vyahe dan hgtli cnashi. eSnci eyth edsu a B lcel -nriJoeg obep,r eht T lelc's nbda lwli be ucmh ragrel as this aaer of sit NDA eht( B elcl ehavy or ihtgl cniah e)sneg ahve otn eebn nrgarerade -- etsinad its T llce optererc geens heav neeb .adnearrerg

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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