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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
A 24-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 1, comes ...
Release of stored thyroid hormone from a thyroid gland infiltrated by lymphocytes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +36  upvote downvote
submitted by liverdietrying(111)
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iThs oen saw a ilettl rFo hits one eht kye si hte wol oaeiiiddron siTh tpaneti ahs ghih T4 and owl HST hwhic meask ssnee ni a oyprerhdhtyi tn,ietpa epapshr uyor stifr touhgth si atht isth itapnet hsa ’srvGea s.eiedas eo,Hrvew in r’aseGv uroy odirhty is eingb aielustmtd to meka eorm dhrotyi nehroom ofmr hcctasr and as chus wludo eavh na scendraie eodiriidoan kpteau beuseca the trhidyo si bgignnir ni eht rqiurdee onw( lieaboeddla)r di.oien Tsih si hyw it is ton Graevs lerase(“e of ryothdi omeorhn mrfo a dihyort ailstmtedu by )iisn.obtea”d

oS fi sti not ’svGrae twah uodlc ti b?e rFo itsh ’oyud eahv to wonk htta ’omsHiaosht iyrtodTsiih o(sla nowkn sa iconhrC ypociymhcLt odhriyTitsi dan si fotne efrreder ot sa hcsu on boadr asxme to otwhr uyo f)fo ash ehret pssaeh - sfitr thye era di,yorpyrhhte hent uhy,odteir hnte teh ccisasl hhdyyrotiop taht oyu ldwou extecp htwi low T4 nad ihhg TS.H iThs aws teh eky ot hits oesn.uiqt Teh arseno ofr isht is htta tyatriihndo psdeexroai iontbeasid ni osa’Hotihms cuase teh dtoihyr to esearle lla fo tsi odstre hoyridt orehmno akigmn teh tptniae ptryiyhhdreo ofr a torsh poerdi of eit.m rAeft tihs msasvie eeselar fo iyhdtor m,ooerhn the neiisdabto ekma meht blenua to meka wen HT adn rterheofe hety ebeocm duhetiyor rof a stroh epirod nda tnhe diohhypoytr whhic ouy woldu exec!tp Sienc yhet tn’ca amek ewn HT, het ryohitd ilwl ont aekt up eht eidainoiord dan rfetrheoe ethre iwll be olw iornideoida u.tekpa ec,Hen rse“aele fo ordest yothdir onmreho mrof a drioyht angld ratfilidten by myphosclty.”e aak mcyohLyt“icp ths(hi)omsoa ir.tiyos”idth

I ntkih sae“lere fo yhtiodr oonemhr ofmr a syptouommalh dhyotri ”adngl is erriegfnr ot esmo kdni fo yitrodh aecncr ni chwhi csea you duwlo pcetxe tmeh to be ersidgicnb a ndleuo on airddeooiin t.ekpua

mruSy​am oiedv eerh nda lsoa a egrat site ni enle:gra t/drruosne/.mndhlcdi:qoriae/ocdneo/ertigsaep/yhp/enti

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aesalmon  gp 338 fo AF tlsis it nuder poihytodsmyihr utb it sdeo snerept as atrnteisn rphyheyrstiidmo fsirt +9
hyperfukus  epy hatt was the yke! teGoir si "HO"T btu eth einigranm asnwer chioesc ewer tslil dkin fo elbh D was isracditgtn eht elhl uot fo em i septn so gonl to nnovceic smyfel ot kpic C adn vome no +3
hello  agsnitP w'kmnnslneain coemntm sa an a:ntddoii Cceohi D"" si rwgon bc/ yo"tlmuaposhm dohiytr "adlng = yirprma otrydih phmlayom t(lailycyp HLN, hchwi si vyer re)ar or mhstia'osoH trhidoy rrosoisgn.ep sm'stahoiHo dsiyithtoir = oicylctphym ttirflanie hwti rimlange B sellc nda hteHlru ,cesll whchi puon uiendotnc mtan,tiusiol nca edal ot ltaoimmtgt/inaunna nratrtmiaoosnf to B clle omhlpaym. toBh of ethes eenpstr hwti omiydioysprhht wthi wol 4T nad ghih THS psto(ioep fo hsti pi.nt)ate +1
taediggity  I btullosyea olev ryou gidy,ele@tnirvir rhveoew eth seniheoagstp fo omptratpus ttshyiirido si ilrsaim ot s,'soomHiaht so I khitn shti oepnrs has mpsaotptru iyostdtirhi dan royu iaxotnanple fo anirntets shrioisoctxoty is tsop n,o whhic wolud saol uocrc in rpattumpso roiihstydit +16
pg32  I aereg tihw te.idigygt@a sAol tone that wmneo aulnlyevte vercreo omfr mputtproas tridihytios dan ylyiacltp ecmoeb yteouirhd ,iagna ichwh e'osdtn pepnah hwti iH.tasoohm's +
vulcania  nI FA 920(1 .p 3)38 it ssya atht hdiotyr si llsuuay rlanom esiz in tprptmoaus ihstro,iiytd tbu teh ttnaeip in iths unoiseqt dha a oiydthr tc"wei the nmlora ezi".s I sgeus ta teh ned of eth day it dneot's ermatt icwhh gaoidnssi si hirtg for tshi qsueonti asceu tyhe tbho seme ot alde ot eht emsa rrteocc snrwea :) +2

This is definitely not Reidel's thyroiditis. I remember getting a question wrong on UW, in regard to subacute granulomatous de quervain's thyroiditis. The pathogenesis is granulomatous inflammation destroying the thyroid follicles and releasing stored T4/T3, with a LOW radioiodine uptake. I think this line is super important to get the diagnosis right. Like liverdietrying mentioned, you need to understand that in thyroiditis of basically any cause (postpartum, hashimotos, subacute), there is a release of thyroid hormones leading to a transient hyperthyroid state which then BECOMES hypothyroid later after a brief euthyroid phase. Hence the term thyroiditis, inflammation of the thyroid gland, with release of it's contents.

+/- imgdoc(183)

 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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shTi si a npteita scae of mttpopuars oiyt.shditri Can iears up to a eary aretf iledrvey adn has lycpytmoihc t.lriefinta

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almondbreeze  FA 0192 gp 338 +1
waterloo  oulhthgA iythsro esesm to ption sarwtdo tht,a hse hsa na daenlreg yir,hdot dna in orppstatum dohit,iyrsti roitdyh yululas rlonma in isez f(mro FA.) essrdraleg erihet wludo heav ehpclyymots .ntilafrgniit +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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eTh laepatxinon by gyrlrtvniedeii pusl eht oanienpxlta ni het alrcite dpoest below (l://i8p9/w9phvnoegci/im9Mmsatc.l.64/t..w/wn4CnshbrPct) rea het ,setb sutj ende to be cdbneiom :.) The eliidfefrtan sisodniag elbat 1 (oc1lvi-wnab9/cl0n/sto:t1./.Pi4g/1cCt0=ta68Tr/phcrpbjh/mnLbr-tm9yMi.4o?oM0seO9-elpwltenSew/.B/4) ilseclapicfy tendisiefi eht ndiootnic ni hist noestuqi sa prpusmttoa i.toitydhris

tmaeiUyl,tl if you nwko ahtt dtyhpromiosiyh ash a ratneitsn tydmhrihyrspeio ahspe eud( ot teaimonuum ruetstinodc fo the lcles hwchi rladeay dha omperredf HT nad os it aws edeearsl onup e)utsrcnitod eoebrf ostiyhdoripymh cionnu(tnginofn clesl so tn'ca aekt pu enidi)o and ahtt iryiytphhdsoom si a optyccihmly ntftignriali istirdhoyti, uyo lilw kwno teh rswa.en I had a dhra emti utgasddnnrine this at irstf sceeuab we laavstog/aeeidneu dseab on hte eecersnp of POaint-T bA, tbu eth uinglenryd gpsstnheoaie of the hdriyto csetniuodrt si l-dcedamletie epy(t IV ypt)veietsisinyhr ont bA aedetdmi pyt(e II vt)eyynprhestiiis ekil soHoih'mtsa = ylmhotccpiy ntoiiitanlrf iwht ngrleaim tcesren cwhh(i nac msoantrrf ot B lcel lpmayhm)o twhi etulhhr cesll (ekrpin scmplotya l)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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anC omseeon expnila the ffiercened tweenbe C. re(selea of otders ryithdo monhoer frmo a odiryth glnad tleifdarnit yb heyy)tocsmpl and D. lesaee(R fo oryhitd onomreh morf a hotusmlyamop ihydrto gdnal.

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drdoom  oon,@inbsh nidnge a tnmecmo ihtw a otuneqis amrk liwl ekam it parpae no hte mcotnmes" eegnski aswrsen" stisl +4
nwinkelmann  A mshulaomtpyo rdhoyit gdnal acn ehiert be ued to iyrmpar iydhrto hpolyamm hhwc(i is tsolma lwyasa NLH, tbu si vrye )rare ro deu ot ms'tioHoahs dyhoitr gnsrirpsooe. mohHaotssi' hysiridttio = mpytccyoilh ailrftinte twhi mraiegnl B slcle dna erulHht sce,ll chhwi npuo icndneout nstoliuim,ta nca dela to mganonlatmutai/nit toromasnniaftr ot B clle maloy.hpm h,seTe I eelbive, odwul ilstl npesert with ihiomhoyrpyts,d nad tush owldu vhae wol T4 dna hgih TSH e(otppsoi of shit aitt)nep. +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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irdAngcoc ot isth reapp, auoptPtrms iyiodsirhTt nserpste hwti TtnO-aiP badnesioi.t eTh swaenr eicohc euss yleymctspho. oS hsit is a ninsartet aoitossmhH idyHropstyr.hiem Gdoo uckL iwht hatt noe!

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seagull  T:EDI yyoesphLmtc rea olas sretnep ni sthi as lle.w yM abd +1

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submitted by hyperfukus(111)
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I hknti atht niecs rytee'h aksgin rof na naopntilexa fo teh eni'tsatp rncture xSS hhwic hwoss thta sh'es ni eht ettas of nseratTin ympiorHth:iydsre ihhcw si due to C: Reesale of stoedr ortiydh mnoeorh form a hdyroit ndgal eitntdlfiar by hoepsycmtyl

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by mdmikek89(6)
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cbtuauSe hlcoyitpmcy hiytdeoribtucuSis at ccyipyohmtl riithosdyti si ahdczetircaer yb edgaam ot rlioaluclf ellcs hiwt ilomtycphyc ainlifirtnot lgirnmsbee t'iamsooHsh iyiihordstt niatdes fo olauarnmg tnromaif.o :r Dgus nrofrnt-,ieeα imitl,uh dneaomro,ia nn2tule,ire-ki tsnoriey aekins hbioimnrnemuiitsutAo idseeas utmtPsrpa o r:toyiisdthi efcsatf 5% of omewn iudrgn eth ortpsptuma perodi and si 3 imest omre nmmooc oangm mowne hwti etyp 1 dteiaseb eumilsl.t

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