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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 38-year-old single woman with a history of ...
Displacement 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by kernicterusthefrog(139)
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"seh flees phiaepr dan mero aedxlr"e tfear atsgrnti ogiiknckx:b this is a EUMRAT enesedf naishmmec sclsci(a otkexbot bltsaiominu, as hsa ebne .i)sad sThi tiqseoun is sutj ailpn owng.r sI't not iemetdp,alcns eusbeac sit' a ,yehtlah ayoclsil cceetbapal uoltet taht opeimrsv erh lonmeitao s;aett cgnunpih gabs rea etnam ot be cduhpen tsu(h it si uycatlla OTN anuerl.t) emstpilcDnea ot na tocbje uwdlo eb icnunphg a eloh ni ehr a,lwl ro nkagrbie rhe vesa (I just klei that mga)reyi. toBh of tseho lduwo be trebte than cihpunng ehr mya,lfi or aibkgenr hrite cra nwwiod, cwihh is yhw ts'i plmtcdsaeine nsc(osnuicuo cnieteoirdr of an omioent ot a aefsr bc.ejot) oveer,wH ikgcioknxb si ILRTYLLEA na lpexame ni easvrle phcys ostboktxe orf n.tlaimobsui knTah oyu ofr mcogni ot my DTE ak.Tl

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jaxx  aelhnwMie, I hthtguo gnhtvyeire asw grwon os I etwn with rhtaoen ertauM sdeenef amshi.cmne +17
happyhib_  htaW f,i just twha .fi eHr tngiak tiem ot od iesslnso swa atylulac gnrtiuh her dcirehln by reh nghiva esls meti to dsenp iwht mhte dan ni trnu ton digpivorn godo reac orf .mhte ssl(e of a mauert nefesde hecm w.on) rsT ut em I eearg eleotylpcm juts ont best nr,seaw tub evgin awht ew aer vngie you udocl gauer ndeoby tta;h saosmb eenv yssa "a omm gswnoih erh glesfeni fo graen otarswd het cihld indseat fo the actlua pmb,erlo het u"bn.hsad oS in a awy seh si ton dadsnsigre reh atlauc boelprm w(chhi ehs LDOCU +1
kernicteruscandycorn  I uroptps royu ,stnoerisa lwoelf uersenkrtci +2
madamestep  I liek ot hitkn of ubmloatnSii sa ienRag eroGge at the dne fo nMea lsiGr irihgtnv ta lefid kehc.oy +1

Yeah, and the First Aid example of Suppression is:

  • "Teenager’s aggressive urges toward his parents’ high expectations are channeled into excelling in sports."

which is essentially this exact situation

This question is WACK yo

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 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by joha961(45)
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eiLk torhes heva sa,id I thkin usmnaibtoil dwlou ahve ebne etbt,er tbu eicdemasntpl mofr itfrs iad ssya ttah it i,s irr“ioneetcd fo mioseotn ro msueipsl ot a lnatrue spenor ro oejbct” os e’ssh kciikng her famyil yb kcingik het .bga

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djeffs1  tNo if oyrue' sxsite dna kthin ist rnaeprtiipaop fro mowen to aepittrcaip ni .inkk.cb.giox +2
chaosawaits  hTe esmxis ni eosm enoqutssi is ctich +
kani  yrou renaws edam em aulhg so m.uhc +

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I ogt os gnyar ta this inso.etuq At aestl hsit ydal hda a nphcngiu gab

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by borborygnoramus(5)
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sA tesb as I lcudo ll,te ti swa nildpaescmet cbuease the hoetr oeshcci rwee ndetelyiif gno,rw tno bc/ cseadmnpelit wsa a oogd hecc.oi tFel ilke trehe wree oslt of siht yetp of oseiqntu on stih .xema

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diffuseaxonalinjury  I enedd up scogonih diatelcsnemp bc nsmobiatlui awsnt' rheet + in het nigbnegni of eht onqieust, it aids s"'seh nygar ta rhe amyilf for ont elpingh hre" os my tohuhtg saw 'sehs dcliispnag reh ergna bouta hre ildhs'c nselsil on rhe fiamyl a( runealt 3dr .)rytpa awck uoiestqn s.laegrdser +13

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nbrowne1(1)
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I ktihn tihs qosenuti was knagsi buato hte eagrn htat she exrpesess rdwaot rhe miafyl fro nto higpnel tuo o,erm hicwh is elayrl lasecedntmpi fo hre estsrs adlrete ot cgrian rfo an lli cdil.h heT xoibknigkc si a dsecno ncpgio (.lnembsimi)mcSoauithan

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