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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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gitehW olss - kinht rHnaoiteaaynpcemrc - SIADH mofr lslam elcl nglu nEree camacd + DJV - SVC eyosndmr

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peridot  I saw hnktiign ugnl eacncr eirtcgens ISD,AH lnergstui in tohm.pnaeraiy Btu eusbcae teh euqnisot ksdae yileaccsfilp oubta eth aecus of teh facali eaed,m I tpu eyorapnmhiat awsenr( chceio ).C I asw nenwodigr how yuo suyg reew beal ot nrttafiifedee beteewn C. yiaahontmrpe dna .E ulng cnear?c nhkTa oyu! +2
mannan  heT itsfr igthn ttah drsceos my dnim saw VSC deymrson fmor teh eccnra ibsnutortcg eth R lirohacceaicbhp nevi eengnipvrt envuso oodlb ofmr rengtiurn ot teh thare d(na stangiy ni hte aalcfi Aosl I aumses ipaymeHarnto wluod be nqliveuaet ot decdesera doby muvleo so teerh twoul'nd be deae.m AF anlRe pisyyogloh csitoen sha a godo rthca no awth apphesn rgndui oletletceyr asiebmnlca (hopy nda e)rphy +2
mannan  tp@idero +2
peridot  I saw tkginhin ahtt hmtanaoepryi luwdo eb eorm slso of ciostom pseeursr --gt;& ea,mde tbu I tlyefndiie ees eth raunemgt rfo a mssa stt'ha isplym kgcinblo bodol olw.f hTkna !uoy +1
jaramaiha  noly tnghi giacteffn tcmosoi rsruseep si nlumi,ab chwih odluw eb emro tsrdoaw levri oirihrssc. ehT doyb liwl ptmttae ot nnimiata a Na+ of 401 whti usrvoia iemssanhcm, utb 'esndot ctouibrent to oosticm +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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ehT aitilin anproetetnis soolk eikl n:creac ighewt slso adn rospsrveige snapyed ervo het uocres fo omnths in a hyvae koerms. h,nTe the estoiqun escdirsbe mr-apnoaylexutr ompmtyss nad a lespaacrinptoa

Meor a,lueyct erthe is eeemvltdpon fo damee of het fcae dan rgljauu nusveo tentdisnoi. eucasBe htis si zaicoledl ot perpu o,dyb we suohdl ktnih of a eihlmcaacn ncttbrsoiuo ot eounvs wolf as epdpoos ot oesm naicocergid Thsi is an oe-mrntarxlpuya tpymsom fo ugnl .cncaer

[ roirepuS Vane avCa eyordSnm csdeau by eth dimael iegdsanpr fo het Can eb ebxtedaacre in teh iaslphyc xaem by anskig ntaeipt ot aseir hbto rsam. ]

ilal,nyF ereth is a esilgn dghtghhilei bla alvue t&g-; yahnropaietm. lmalS lecl ngul rencac can eseelar priariapteonp sellev fo ictieirntuad neromho -;gt& ADHIS. HDA ilwl ieartn ewtar and erceaesd diusom crtooiacntnen bsiysopl elagind ot rebarecl eamde and i.zeserus

[ orSendym of Ipeaptiraonpr HDA (eud ot lalsm llec r,mnoaiacc a cndrurnoonieee turom of eth lg)un cseeardes isuomd cna.tiooncretn riePsntpolacaa n.meordys ]

In tePthk:chSay VSC ednyroms is eht der baonlol nera het uetnaisdmmi sphi and DSHIA si eth uyg nrigty ot cayrr eth aetrw roceol nad tgntige eatrw all oerv mief.shl

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makinallkindzofgainz  I aeerg! riruoeSp uulscs usmtor is a nlgu oaicanrmc atth occrus in teh epxa fo het lnug nda nca esauc CVS oersynmd. +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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am i eth nylo mdbu eno how tgothhu ti wsa odeimneaga sacue of the AEC ?nihortibi yalltot dtenlecge all hrtoe no.nfoiairtm

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dwdelva8  I did eth emas ,hgitn tub seh dah eebn on htta CAE hioibtrni rof 15 arsye os I ugess ti dlowu eb asgetnr for ti to all fo denuds uceas syptsmom +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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Wsa it grnow ot see boold ndietg ut,upsm nda tyotulaalcami mauses tis anccre? escin nnoe fo eth oehtrs wdoul avhe esuadc oodlb ignedt ?suumtp

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