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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 43-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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fO all het oiopstn ie,stld rhtee rae owt thta oitnfncu in rioenvse fo teh otfo ad(n udwlo acues ihst aetnipt ina)p: the uisaifrlb irbevs nda lfiasuibr .rtstuie

tA iths nti,op MEBN spxctee su to ehva msoe epurs naiisen ,nwdkeogel ubt s'hree ywh I( )tkhni teh esnwra si bvirse nda ont iuetr.ts Teh bveirs ceslmu nrus rvoe eth aalterl lmuoleasl adn eothferre ecytirdl rveo hsti Teh etutris stake a feidfenrt oruet iont het oto,f icnse it srsiea mfro the amdlie iuflab dan so ti nusr tarrieon ot the tla usmlalelo dna tnlo'wdu ossrc het rfetucar eis.t

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submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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the ilibFrsua iervBs si teh lnoy upre otfo roeseivn uslecm dsilet r.hee negEvtir sih foto uwdlo exrcaateeb sih niuryj dna caues mih reom pnai ta hte turfcera

moi aittrcooncn of yan fo eesht smeuscl duwlo be upanfil ni htsi sacieonr

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weirdmed51  eDu ot ist rpoo ihacnlacem eel,vagre lirsufbia tsruiet nca drpcoeu lyon otw eawk moene:tmvs otoF olenrxsidfoi doranu het uatlrrocla k(aln)e jin,ot tiwh eht eplh of extsreon tdumroiig nglsuo nda biitials taronire uslsecm. otFo esnovrei at eth atlasrbu otjin htiw het aid fo braisulfi sgunlo adn rluasbifi erbvsi +2

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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Tshi klni ahs dgoo epctursi as ecrneeref ovoeo-serti/saspodtphshrtri-iecbmr-wyeagitsialwuisgnol:/puhogibgg-pteburln-nr.f/leusloe-tw.-v/errtebis-n/

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Though both peroneus brevis and tertius are foot evertors, peroneus tertius is an anterior compartment muscle, and peroneus brevis and longus are lateral compartment muscle.

+6/- apurva(101)

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sHeer a dgoo geami e/e-etm/sae.o/hsmr/nha:liatemyawmoollnaulle/cnt-cprstoptgi/bmft/tlmrace

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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fO lal the osinopt itls,de erhet era wot hatt nifountc ni nvisoeer fo eth ooft and( would uceas itsh nttpiea i)nap: eht iliuafsrb ebsrvi nda lafsriibu it.tuers

tA sith on,ipt EMBN stecepx us ot hvae some epsur isinane klwegd,noe ubt sh'ere yhw I( )intkh het resnwa is bviesr adn otn etisr.ut hTe isbrve uesmcl urns rvoe teh latelra lleausmol and retrehfeo treycdli erov shti cr.tfaeru The ierutst takse a efrtifend ruteo tion eht ,otfo nseci ti irseas mrof hte daelim fbulai nad os it ursn neraroit ot eth lat aslluelom dna 'lodtnwu srsoc het cruetfar

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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tsih dlpeeh a lto wwb6t/y.h.otXVauhup8oc/Iwm=sv?kv0ev:Itwc/tZ

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