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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
During an experiment, a Southern blot ...
Gene rearrangement ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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uYo can olok at shit uisteonq caiegr.ysatltl

  1. hternoSu oltb g;--t& so A.DN
  2. teyh era sguni na aeenluenoscd ot enarrfst t,isb tsih 'netods alelyr mnae nnygaiht to ouy yt.e
  3. DAcN si opibrgn for neslig mgntl-onuaolncmotibiuns noegri.

Th'ats otmanr,pti baeceus own yuo onkw ythe are ognloik at eht cntonsat oenirg fo lmonguimnlioub aka Fc of the vyaeh

oS yhw si ihst DcAN atht eesodcn ,cF gigitnlh pu olny enoc ni other sstus,ei ubt eth meas ADcN itglhs pu mtlulpie mtsie in aenl 2 n(ebo )romr?wa ihTs is bee,usac ta the nbeo wamror amrdon acteoiribmonn of iglth ro ayvhe anhci srou,cc nda ruo NDAc is esnterp ni tfindrefe narmod nsomboinicta iwth gltih .anhsic tTah pceiisfc DAcN qeneeucs ehty sdeu 'dnidt ngache enweetb eht ssteuis ro neev iwnhit eth boen omra,wr nad it wlil nlyo bnid to het oen egne nu.cesqee eTh actf sti' thiginlg pu tliupmel smiet esltl uoy atht hte esma neuesqec si t,presne yruo nqoutesi is yhw so ynma im.ste

oAls a dsei onet, rsehunto bolts are time omgsu,cnni so lbas eus oerth tsemohd to do eht easm hgnit ke(li C,PR) utb unhstroe otslb rae tllsi eth sebt wehn it smcoe ot ceckgnhi lumigbnumlnooi dan T clle tpreeroc egne rerermngatane.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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hisT eqitonsu si ikgasn tobau VJD gtaamerrnnere wihhc aepsphn in the bnoe w.mrrao hTe esnge aer lla ecphpod up asuceeb the B lecl si nyrgti to eeteagrn a eiqunu ntnmioiacbo fro sit cetropre
silmp e ..topccse.n odd rdongiw

Catperh 3 of wo"h het ummnie ssyetm rk"sow - amseeow ookb

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varunmehru  in hte tuoeiqsn stem, hyet rae sgkani otuab a ttanscon inger.o JVD traegremrnaen is fro the vl.ribaae tI sont'de akme esesn (: +4
sallz  oBht teh nnostatc (vayhe ahsc)in nad hte hlgit isahnc druogne eegn amtnreagnr.eer ehT avhey ciahn negorsedu J)(DV nomadr in,oocartsinbem eilhw eht tghil naihc rudgeon VJ radonm cisromni.tanbeo So eeng nrramegtanree dcoul kwro orf boht r.eonsig +13
azibird  eTh tsnntcoa ogenri esod not ueongrd orotbcae.imnin 'htaTs ywh sti' caldel sontt.acn st'I sjut tihrg nxte to the relaibva rogeni hgtuoh, os hety gte edpesserx tgetoerh as eon tropin.e asT'ht wyh the saantelcoteb-dnl NDA rieogn si leaiavrb tenlgh .ehre +4
chaosawaits  oYru'e hgirt ttha hte nstancot ingore is otn neundgrigo ncirbna.itmeoo Teh eitmlupl abnds rea ton do ot acnotsnt ionrge gne;atamrrneer its' due to the lbeavrai nachi eriagrrngna dna hnet the NcAD eporb htta si epfccisi to eht tcsnntoa rginoe saaehctt to ceha fo hetes merarrnnes,gate ecins ti snh'at eagchnd +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—em_goldman(31)
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I vieebel (spl rctorce me if I'm gr)onw oyu oudwl avhe iimslra eSrhtnou bolt teusrsl enes ni B slelc ginruendog oitcams npumiroaety,ht tbu ttah akset peacl ni hte roynsecda dpymlhio uis,est tno ni teh oebn wa.omrr

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madamestep  I think y'roeu irtgh +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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I eadr this etuoqins as gaannilyz iginulbonlmmsou ni het ebon amorrw sv tou ricnaigcutl rryi.leeaplhp I nwo liarzee shti si wrno,g adn yeht are tjus alznangiy teh NDA fo itfefnrde clel ,auppionlto like a ctaheetpyo rfo ,emlxpae ont niuumgsillbonmo etpsenr in het irv.le

Whti ihst eacreld u,p I nac see woh (V)DJ riebnamooitnc loduc mkea the lgoniari DAN inecost .trehors utB ohw loduc J(V)D narnocembtoii sypblois amek hte AND einstco noe?rgl hTeer are sdabn no het leg ahtt era ehhirg clruaeoml iewhtg ni teh eonb rmora.w necbRmoiionat lyno ostrsenh het ,DNA meneoos leaeps crctoer me.

slAo hwy is reeth no danb ni hte bone oramwr atth si teh ames iezs as eepplihrar b?ndas eSlyru the HCSs hvae not ennueogdr abncieoirot,mn eerwh si rtieh A?ND??

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azibird  Here si teh ergiuf omrf Kpalan nuoIgylmo.m eSe how obtionarmnice olny keasm eht qneecuse orer?h ts/cfgu/timpHojs2:umhIra/t/f.aa Klnp laos s:ays elhi"W haevy hcnai neeg tegsesmn are ginroenugd mnnai,ticorobe eth emznye ltaimenr xotoiuoeleyncbdylrid tfenesarrsa (dt)T loymdran senrtsi sseab oiuthw(t a tepmealt no the nycrtplomeema atrs)nd at eht onuntsjci of V, ,D dna J gsements deu(neliot-Nc ao.nd)itdi ehT mrodna nioditad of hte o-elcnu dtie raneegset toaujclinn o vievert.wredis,yH" hsti duwol otn caoctnu for teh qelua siswtpee igtehlnngen of AD,N hwhci is eyalrlc mfor sehet rebebnloicam sin.tu +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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ihEcong wotrsoea@l'

ihsT Q si seytienalls anisgk "htaW si hte nfcotnui fo reSuhton ?olst"b

:wAersn hTe nfonuitc fo reohSut lobts is ot ckhec fro BRC or CTR enge mnnsaareretger.

eSe twesorao@'l exolantipna ofr awth si yiilcsclfeap onigg no as fra sa wyh teher are refndefit dsanb ta feinfdter cesap.l ,anigA the nsarew ot shti si "egen nrnr"eaatmgere utb olweaor@t lsaenpix ni hiwt mero a.idlet

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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uronhetS tobsl rae cnmoylom seud ni mimlociloagun usdits,e as teh thuneros obtl lwlosa fro teh dtyus fo AND liast.tarnoe aWht si mnalolry noe eegn oigifntourcna dlertea ot uemimn solubngil in otms susitse ertmeasostnd lpluetim efedfinrt bnads in the beon mwaror, itcvadiein of neeg mnt.rregnearae ishT si allcysiba ohw ew tceare enw ine.boiadst veeaRcit ssspeoecr ear lloyconapl l(itelmpu sad;nb) kmiauee,l in ,torsatnc is nloaclmoon (igslne n).adb

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ali  I ltlsi toโ€™nd tdersnaund isth ulCdo yuo dpveiro a erbett naixae?lnpot +1
bwdc  The cADN tga is iggatng a tntacnos rineog mcmnoo to omn,iuiosulnlbmg os ti orlnmyal ylon finds teh eon nbda roeoirspdgnnc ot ttha lritupaarc eeng (eht bdnsa taevrl tfrnieefd uosmant eud to irthe ifegirdfn t.zise)/iwegh nI het ebon arowmr ,laepms atth eneg sha raeeanrrgd sf,eilt so eht ANDc neolc aenidts stga uleitpml intfdefer geesn ahtt rae fo ftrfndeie szsie no teh gle a(ceh eon sha htta amse ansnctot egnroi the cDNA is ,gniggat tbu twih inferdtfe futfs udorna it hcsu tath hte iosicrtretn eynmez sha tuc it up er)nifetlyfd. dIโ€™ eb yapph ofr oenmoes ot pset ni nad do a brteet bjo no ttah xptaaln.oein +19
em_goldman  A euhStnor ltbo sstrta by itcungt NAD ssntard at a raatpurlic trhos() itse adn nuingnr mthe thrhoug leg o,rioshetcelsepr os anedtciil AND usceesenq get ctu at het eams seit and tuhs are eht eams ht,nlge so eyth era ta hte aems capel on eht lge. If 'ehetrs oslt of frfnedite sceeeuq,ns teh scntrioreit aelsoenuendc te(h roc)ssssi uct hte DNA at fdeeirtnf lpscae, anegdli to arssndt atth ewre het asme lnhtge rilnyailog tbu aer nwo otls of frtideenf ehntslg &g-;t eidffrten slapec on hte le.g Btu ohw od ouy wonk shti is eth seam g,een sutj ihwt eeftnrfdi aunisotm?t Teh hrnSoute btlo sseu a epbro ot ookl ofr a more pfcecsii lg(no) nigreo fo NAD hatt yuo nwok si in the rgetta n.eeg oS vnee uthogh rhtee rae smtoaitun iansucg het efepsilss-icc eoeeandlnucs ot uct the AND at ntfdeifer aprs,t hte llovrea ureaectitrch fo the geen is limsrai houneg taht eht rpbeo cna dnb,i hust we wkno i'ts the emsa .neeg Ad(n in enbo rarmow C,BWs hte mhnsaicme eher si cnietge )mar.gnnrreeate +2

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