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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
During an experiment, a Southern blot ...
Gene rearrangement ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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ouY cna ookl ta this etnoisuq tcryatllsgei.a

  1. henotrSu oltb t;&-g- so A.DN
  2. tyhe ear guisn na osedcunneael to nftasrre ,tisb hsit ndost'e erayll eanm hygtnina ot uyo tye.
  3. cDAN si ingrobp orf negsil nu-icgbmausmnniotootlnl egr.oni

a'hTst tmanpit,or beesacu won uoy nwok eyht are ooilgnk ta eht tnctanso ngreio of ongmiblomlnuui kaa cF of teh ehyav cnah.i

So ywh si hist NcAD taht cdseneo ,cF glngtiih pu lnyo econ in eorth itses,su utb teh meas NcAD slitgh up epitulml eimst ni lena 2 eno(b mowr)?ar Tshi is sb,eauec at the oneb rmawor drmnoa atcrboionnmie fo ilght ro vyhae hcina oru,scc dna uro AcDN is esptrne in fdeineftr randmo oniaoitbcsnm hitw tgilh htaT cepficis NDAc qeusecne ethy dseu nt'ddi ecahng beeenwt teh uestssi or evne ihtwin het beno owrma,r dna it liwl nyol ibnd ot the one egen .qseceneu The tacf st'i hinitglg up lpemtuil smiet tlesl oyu ttah het aems uesnecqe is tepe,snr uroy iosequnt si hyw so mayn

sAlo a dise eo,tn nsouthre tlbso are ietm cnmug,inso so sbal seu ethor sdthmeo ot od teh mesa nhitg like( R,P)C but hoestrnu otslb rae stlli het esbt nhew it mcseo ot nhgeickc igoboimlmnlunu nda T llec octerrep enge taaegrnerenmr.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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ihTs ueonistq si anskgi outab JVD rganrermnetae hwcih ppshean ni teh neob heT seneg aer lla ochedpp up aubeesc eht B lcel is yitgnr ot tageneer a nuuiqe ntbiioamnco rof tis teerpocr
l ismpe .op.sncce.t ddo dgroniw

hretpaC 3 of hw"o het miuenm mtyess "krsow - mwesaeo okbo

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varunmehru  in hte eoqinust tsem, yeht rea kansgi autob a tctsnaon eno.rgi JVD ernenragrteam si orf eht airveba.l tI eo'ntds meka eesns :( +4
sallz  tBoh the stnoctna y(vahe sihca)n nad teh hltig chsain urndego ngee ntrnaegmreear. The vayeh ciahn nsorueged JV(D) dmrona osae,iciobmrtnn ehilw teh tligh cihan goneudr JV aodrnm aobincmonsire.t oS enge eeamngerrnatr dcolu rkow ofr obht nsir.ego +13
azibird  Teh tasncnto eoginr edso nto ugrnedo .reibcntomnoia T'htsa hwy t'si eacldl ntc.aotsn s'It jtus igthr xnte to eth brlveaai ignero htgho,u os yhte gte sexpesdre ortteghe sa eno opt.erin T'shat wyh eth entadabntcolls-e AND oreign si ribalave hengtl +4
chaosawaits  r'oYeu tihrg hatt eht tnsanoct eginro si ont reuigondng eirnab.icntoom Teh liteplmu sbdna era nto do to atnsntoc ireong remtrargn;enea 'its deu to eth rvailbea canih arrgnanigre dan ehnt teh NcDA ebopr tath is ccifsepi ot eth snoattcn reongi thtasaec ot echa of tsehe gneemsrtarrn,ae censi it hant's edganhc +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—em_goldman(31)
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I evbiele ls(p trorecc em if mI' wnrog) you wludo vhea mirasil uhSoentr lbot slurets nese ni B clsle digonunegr isctoam pah,iyttouemnr btu ttha ketas calep ni the edrncosya lipydohm su,teis otn in hte nboe mw.rroa

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madamestep  I tnhki oeruy' igtrh +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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I read shit eqonutsi sa lnaazying mmgoubnioilnusl in the enob omrrwa sv uto cicnarugitl ryarhile.pple I own iarzeel hsti si orn,gw and etyh rea tjus nlngyzaia eht NAD of itefdnref lelc aipuootnpl, ekil a aeoepyttch rof pmexle,a ont boinlmgsonlmuui prsente in teh vrl.ei

With hsit eaeldrc pu, I anc see woh )VD(J mobirtniacnoe could ekam the oailingr DAN osteinc e.rshrot Btu who lcudo DV)J( niioctrbemano spsybloi amek hte NDA oesntic ngroel? ereTh aer ndbsa no hte elg that ear rehhgi lucamelro ehitwg ni hte bneo mra.wro iatieconRnobm onyl teronshs eth NAD, emoenos alpese teoccrr m.e

Aols hwy is erhte on nbda ni het nboe mrroaw atth si eht mesa ezsi as rehiplpera dab?ns rSeylu het CHsS hvea not neeorugnd ,ioimceatnobrn eehrw is iethr DAN???

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azibird  eerH is hte rfiueg mfro aanKpl mgoulym.noI See who otecnaminboir noyl eaksm eth ceqensue r?es tohrh/upf:g.tsj/rctHmf2I/miaou/alnpaK lsoa ys:sa e"hliW eyvha icnha eeng estnsmge rae godinunrge oemio,ctrbinan hte mynzee rmtialen doubridlxoelnetyyoci aferntesras T)dt( nodlramy itsresn ssabe w(toiuht a maeletpt no teh alrocneypemmt )tasdnr at teh uojntnsci fo V, ,D and J nemstegs Neinu(tco-eld aidin)o.dt The nmorda iaoitndd fo het ue-locn etdi naestegre auclninojt ti.rvs,H"eyioede rvw hsti uoldw not cutoanc ofr teh lueaq swspieet ghntnilgeen of DA,N whcih si celalyr ofrm teesh oebanbmcielr ni.tus +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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iogcnhE ewoao'str@l .mtoemcn

Tish Q si ylientleass iakngs h"Wta si teh uoicfntn fo hteunSor ?"lbsto

:wsneAr eTh tcnniuof fo horeSut lstob si to chkec orf CRB or RTC gene nmagerenerasrt.

See asroo@lw'et noxtlnpaiea rof hatw is fepyaliicslc going no sa afr as hwy heter ear effeidnrt bdnsa at efntriefd aecs.lp naA,gi eth aeswrn to tshi si e"eng eagrnrr"antmee utb tolewo@ar alxnisep ni with oerm td.eali

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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otnuhSer oltbs rae mcmyolon used in laoiioucmlmgn ts,duies as het suhonert oblt wllaos for hte dsuty fo DAN lnsatti.oare haWt si aomllrny one neeg utioafigonnrc trelead ot unimem sblloginu in stmo essiust reesnsdamott leipmtlu nefedfrit dnasb ni the oben raw,omr itvdiaenic of enge ema.nerrarnetg hTsi si iblayscla how ew tcerea enw adtnoiisbe. aeicvtRe erscseops rae lllocpnoya tieplm(ul n)bd;as mleau,eik in nstacort, si amlooolcnn l(gsien bnd)a.

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ali  I tilsl odtโ€™n trnasednud isht .neo oCudl uyo deoirvp a ertteb txneailp?ona +1
bwdc  ehT cDAN tag si agtgign a tctonans reogin ocnomm ot subgmomlniil,onu os it alyolmnr oyln ndifs the eno adbn npsoidrgecron ot tath uriatlrpca nege he(t nasdb rvelta dfifrnete usomtna ude ot etihr feinidgrf /iztheew).sig nI eht beon omrrwa s,lempa hatt gene ahs arenrgrdae tle,fsi os hte DNAc eocln taiesnd gats meplitlu ernietdff gesne htat era fo dtefefinr szsie on teh gle c(eha eno hsa taht emas ttonscna roineg the DNAc is ntigagg, but wtih fntreeidf fsutf adronu ti chsu taht eht sternotcrii yemezn sha cut it up )yfflteinrd.e dโ€™I be phayp rof soeneom to epts in nad od a rteebt boj no hatt pt.aniaelonx +19
em_goldman  A otehurSn ltbo stastr yb inguctt NDA tssradn ta a rpltaacuri to()hsr tsei nda nguirnn htme rhtghuo elg plerosetisre,hoc so iinltadec NDA eesqsneuc teg utc at eth meas eist nda htus aer eth aems lhetng, so hyte are at eht amse peacl no hte lge. fI rheset' solt of irnfeetfd ,nqseeeucs eht eoitnirsrtc cleanesuendo he(t )ossisrsc uct het NDA at deiffnert ecsa,lp deaglin ot rsansdt ahtt wree het maes gltehn iloayirngl tub rae now sotl fo rdneifetf sglthen t-g;& terdffnie pelcsa no eth le.g Btu owh od yuo know itsh is teh asme eeng, ujst htiw teffndire unmttaiso? ehT ortnhSeu bolt suse a ebopr ot oklo rof a rmoe fcepscii n)gol( iergon fo DAN htta oyu konw is ni teh ttrage e.gen oS neve hutgoh treeh era oasunimtt cuainsg the pi-icesssfcle nlcndoseeeau to tuc eth DNA ta etendffri t,pasr hte vaoellr rtrccehatuei of teh geen si mrilias nghoue ahtt hte roebp cna bd,ni tush ew wonk 'tis the mase (And ni beon mworar sCBW, the scmmnihae rhee si ncteieg rmgnneraere.)at +2

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