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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 58-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Hypertension 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cardio

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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I wsa rndeu hte nsprismeoi htat sthi swa na iaoctr isidts,neco ued to e"rvsee chets "ipna as well sa hte sfael mnelu in the raoat. dnA HNT is eht 1# irks arotcf rfo aoitrc otscesiidn. eoenmoS rrectco me if 'im rg,nwo utb I inhkt sthi si rcatio tsioncsied rtreha ahnt itorac .reuansmy

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chefcurry  I ileeveb s,o FA 1208 pg 929 +3
ergogenic22  It is tsisdcenio xraet" nluem ni the damei fo teh lorpxmai "taroa = "a nuagtidlnloi nimtila aictun( min)tai atre twih cosdtieisn of ldboo tghruho the admei fo het icotar lalw" ... nerwas si tisll epsrehintnoy +2
breis  AF :2910 013 +
pg32  tsFri Aid yssa taht taroci oiscetisnd sasecu wdeignin of the usamtienimd dan si deu to an nlmiita t,ear so I tuhgoth ti nwt'sa an ctaroi sntsoedi.ic nCa yanneo hple em redantnuds why sFrti Aid asw wngor ni tshi ?aesc sT!nhak +3
nephroguy  2p@3g Teh qtienuso stems sasett ttah ehrte si on nnweidgi of hte ,trAoa tno the sameitd.uimn nWgieind fo eth semamutdnii si esen ni iiesntodsc ilewh ndiwneig fo hte otraa is ense ni anusryme. Asol the lianmit eatr atceers a eflas nulme etweebn the amtini nad daei.m Hpeo htta !hlspe +16
j44n  /ohI./o11/:2l.s/nrC81A0Rso.Ra1gaw4d1Ar.CjStEaw363utHi/w61hp1.uec tprsi rhtwo a 100,0 heacratcr liimt +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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digWienn of het = YM!EUNSRA

tarEx eumln in diaem of aotar = ONSSCTEIDI

THIS tp sah an crtoia sdecsniiot

1 IRKS ratcfo is Hi!osper ytne!n

sillsuhpy( wluod eb rctcero of eht pt ahd an ysanerum tub SHI SECHT R-AYX DO ONT hosw gdnwniei of het artoa)

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gabriela  ston@eos1p weer ouy utspe ehwn oyu oretw hsit tommcn?e oll +8

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kernicterusthefrog(139)
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ihTs is not na emrnya,us ichhw is wath maske hits soiquetn so :edwri ra-yxs" of the shtce do ont hows iw.denig"n yM snnrteduidgna wsa ahtt siotsdesnic auylusl coucr ni eth uptreic of msye,unar eylslicape due ot rheiop.ntesny vreeHo,w pepsrha hts'ta otn eth csa,e patllraiyruc ni shete oSantdfr eypT A cdnoeti?sssi heT ctrueip ni AF user eaksm it lkoo leki a didnewe aorta mursen)(ya tihw a sostinec..d.i

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by eacv(46)
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This si na ARITCO S:DCNTIISOE No. 1 FR si ,ATH ilntima rtea fomngri a flesa elmnu adn hte npai sduend esnto siaaedrt ot eht akc.b

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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bRbsi':no eTh tow tosm rimtnaotp sauesc fo ioacrt rusayenms era achsseieorstlor adn petoehrnsn.iy eoissoehlrAtsrc is eht oemr tnmiando atcrof ni lmadianbo oaitcr nmyusar,se wlihe reiystnohepn si tasoisdaec tiwh nsandiecg raocit syrnmu.eas

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by step420(32)
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ytrsHennopie acn laed ot asnumyres ielk ni sith t.tianep Not ihssiylp bauseec nto aroticch aorat.

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by haliburton(225)
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AF 120:7 3° slyphsii uisstdrp the aasv rasuovm fo the taroa thwi sunncotqee haryopt fo vseesl allw and toidaatinl of oaart dan elvav gyaiMnr. see naaciciflctoi of acrito otor, ndgncaies taocri rhca, adn iortahcc at.aor dseaL to ret“e k”bar neaarppcae fo atoaC.ran sluetr ni yuseranm fo ncnsaedig taaor ro aoicrt ah,rc taroic .eyfnuicnciisf

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