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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old woman at 32 weeks' gestation ...
Obstructive uropathy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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olAs rfo stohe of yuo woh era tylotal celessul ilek e,m ainyrru rttac cuitnbtsroo = ruvoibctest rhpoaut.y

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skonys  I ees .457 Duliftfcyi sorec and thnik rdw,"o I 'otdn dene ot egt this one troc"ecr +5

 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by banieb(23)
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rDnigu hte tals flha fo npengrcay dinloait fo eht ppure uiarnyr acttr nca roccu due ot sresnoiomcp of eht rrseteu yb the winrogg euufrteuts/s and the leina nr.imlaseti The moisceosnpr of etshe si tno lwonigal udlfi spsaeag inot eht berddla csungia uenir uldpibu in eht den,iyk isth ladse ot tidolnia fo the kdinye thta dnes up nsicuag psamtycmtio orshery.onihpds htis cna nde pu ni tieonncif adn syotmmps uhcs sa hte noes eteprns in siht tpienta keli abkc ainp and CAV ne.sdnertes eth grnciy is anlymi deu to het pani deusac yb teh dna sjtu as genihmots tra:ex eodlub pglitia cethasert si a fase and elismp yaw fo niargtet tmmsctaiopy yndpoihssrrohe of eyrga.npnc

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banieb  eaUrlret iotrcnbtous by hte tepngran tuse ur.gnihe./ +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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trivcbuetsO uapyrtho csaues a sarnteplo motzaeia ;-t-g& ehnw lopngder,o autublr gmdeaa e.ussne hTsi esdal ot an eauct ublutar ionrssce, hzrdcrtcaaeei by teiccron plgus in het bulaurt sytmse sa esne ni hte emgai

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meningitis  Deso noaeny nwok hte rveecanle fo teh smet n:gisya duigrn" sthi ietm hes lsao ahs enbe ncgiry leq?tryufen" +53
usmleuser007  Thikn teh npoteasrl tizoaema si dt/ ehr pn.cnraegy htWi eth ageicinrns in isez etsuf, eht lceivp ivyact si igbne sormeepsdc nda thus hreet si rsepures on eth sThi iedganl ot teh peentn.asrito sA per vbaeo --- eth iynrcg emyba tusj t/d ehr anip and itoolamen rsstse dscuea yb gworrniy btuao psilebso iiocsmocpltan nagrgrdie her s.ftue +4
maxillarythirdmolar  yM tug llste me it utms eb osme srto fo ntsarenti aghnec in llnatcape isze hitw anoohmlr gas.hcne tIs' ceitrmnesin fo thaw uoy tihmg ceexpt ofr astebr echansg uginrd eth nmultaers ,clcey moi +
j44n  or eymab het steuf is ylaelrlit rngchisu her srueret iont eht wlla of reh esipvl and hess got an encifedt nieykd +4

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by ye2019(4)
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Paisclyh asxem oswdhe nenerstdes of cinoocsetphr ls,gena whhci ear hte sealpc heerw the mrhiapadg ni-phce()r smeet teh rsbi ost-c)o.( toN the rtrtobevClesao elagn snsderneet ahtt we nthki ot nhit ernla de.iasesI ogt nsdfcueo hwit iths ot.inp

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adong  tnoyelhs nithk tsih was a .yopt hto shrta +2
neovanilla  iAmusngs it was ont a pto,y who owdul the ecsoopcrtinh egnals eb deetrn in shit on?dntoiic r.m.Fo. ?.cg.n.iry +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by waterloo(126)
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I fele keil trap of sthi is hetm nieges if ouy cna ieznecgro hoest aer .ubeuslt

  • So fi yuo ays ko sehet ear tlusu,be niiih,iotamcronso ie,rdtmoesnti and IDP rae baypolrb ton h.tirg

  • phteurneimoroiGlsl ni ym xeieeeprnc so ar,f etyh udlosh olrbaybp sohw a o,lemlrugi tno s.belutu

ewenBet enuomsagtheo prseda adn obctutiervs ,ayphorut I lefe leik I o'ndt avhe ogehun oifn - utb tmsiomsee a 50/50 gsues si trbeet htan laigypn thtsieplB.a

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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oisiteanDoi/lindttn of larne pelsvi dan yaeslcc A . uylslaU uedcsa by urianry tarct oincbtursto ,een gal(r nsos,et reevse HB,P nnolegaitc sc,ostinbutro vialrcce acce,rn irunyj to ut,erre neypngcar rptynleapa;) otreh iuslduenas cce rietnrtrepoealo si,borfsi ouceesvarlteir l.xruef inoDital cusrco oirmpaxl to seti fo Sa phor.gyumlteo netaienrci mebecso eaedtlev if rbootscnuti is ilralbtea or fi iattnep sha na cerart iydsbtstlouo nkey.di Lsead ot mpeocisosrn dan olsisbep trhpayo fo nerla txeocr nda u.lladme

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by redvelvet(56)
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psentciorhco ganle ednnssreet dna erWCBefv stcsa in luubtse no thta otpoh rfo emaxpellAl of etmh is algdine us ot eppotlhsiyrei.n dnA nvee norim cittyiss cna sucea oyrpslenieihpt in negapnryc due ot otercsubivt .oryputha

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diegolc26  I huttgoh it uodlc eb D or E ta s.rift tuB teh iperctu is llayer e.cral Trhee si oaailmnnftmi twinhi hte lute,sub nto in het uimeittni,rst ttah oitpns oerm for vuriOctesbt rahtUypo ichwh si sloa faluni,p nca euacs r,veef nda a sirk ftrcoa oclud be oeiporcssmn due to egldera er.utus +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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Tish tnusieoq swa a tltile ,ykitrc ubt eht wya I tenw utbao ti saw cpoesrs fo mot.ilinnaei Yuo tnd'o ese tcecshpioonr lnega nenterdses ni B,,A C, ro D.

ehS has erfve dna abck in,pa efytdiilne 'otdn ese that in ,DIP wihhc npstsree wthi alviecrc iotonm dt,esenrsne nda lutepnur ec.hrgdsia paMoircrhg oasl si'nt ghoinsw ceilvcar oyil.oghst

As na dadde snb:ou nayrrui sotsne esuca xiegcctrunia ainp when reyu'o tyrngi ot assp it hruothg uory retsreu, lsiycbala grdingag ilnodaegs. eHcne hte ettanip nryicg.

oYu id'tdn edne het cpramhrigo, erhot thna to see all tesoh ,rntsioehulp tbu ve'we lal seen regiortshlmponlieu oogylhist idsles, dan ti n'sdteo veen olok co.sle

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by euchromatin69(16)
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cgpnenrya is a rski froatc fro acuet epltyApe hFioisrn 1209 pg 598

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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lsao ybeam doclu do sespcor fo mitat.nn.eo.ileih hin'ropoctces naleg ss'renneted elusc us in to ti giben a earnl epr,mobl adn eht oynl aenlr asnewr echoic si ttsouibcrev rauyhtop

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spdrwmn  sneiroomhtrpillueg saw na anwres ehocci +1

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