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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old woman at 32 weeks' gestation ...
Obstructive uropathy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by xxabi(293)
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Asol orf stoeh of oyu how aer ltolyat ecseusll ilke ,em niaryur rtact itoubosctnr = ortibvuects rot.phuya

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skonys  I ese 754. uytDcfifil soerc dan tikhn o,w"rd I dt'on deen to gte hsti eno trocec"r +5

 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by banieb(23)
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rDguni het alts aflh of aenrnygcp daltnioi fo the ppreu nrirauy ttacr nac ocrcu ued ot nspmcoiorse of eth tursere by teh iwoggrn ssftuue/uret adn eth liaen .tnilemrias The necsrmoipso fo ehste si nto lganwlio ifuld ageasps oint het dlrebda asniucg rneui ilbpudu ni teh ,iyndke ihst ealds ot aidnoitl fo teh ikedny thta sned pu nsiugca sitatcmypom idhrsepsyo.hrno isth anc edn up in itnefnico adn mosympts shuc as het nose sneptre in hsit eptinta klie abck inpa nda CAV .dtessenren hte icyrng si amyinl ued to het pain udasce by hte ctistuo.robn dan jtsu as hogitsnme x:aret dbuleo aiitlpg cestertha is a asfe adn eslimp awy fo ttrinage ytpiacotmms hnrsheysorpdoi of pcga.rnney

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banieb  rteerUla cittsoonbru yb hte agntpern rutue smwtuvn.h.:o/bw7si9hmd.e1n79b.wcintpp3/g/l5/ +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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sreucvbOtti htpruyoa uessac a nslaretop imoaezta ;t&g-- wehn gleoondp,r ubrutla aemadg e.esusn ihsT selad to na ecuta larbtuu soicenrs, eaczchritrdae by eotcnric glups in teh rluuatb esmyst as esen ni the magie

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meningitis  soeD anyeon wnok the eercaenvl fo the stem aysni:g dg"runi hist meit seh also hsa eebn inycgr rlnytq"eufe? +53
usmleuser007  Tnkih eth plrneatos azaemoti is /td rhe nygen.acpr tWhi the enisgcrina in zies st,euf eth ipvcel ivayct is enibg sdecpsmroe nad thus erteh is esuesrpr on hte stereu.r hTis nagiedl to the .ioenrapsnett A s per bevao --- hte yicngr ebaym tujs d/t her pnai adn ionametol rstses ucesda by yrgowrni abtou sbosilpe toocaiisnmlpc iagernrgd rhe tue.sf +4
maxillarythirdmolar  yM utg elstl me ti mstu be mose orts fo ienttrnas cengha in panlcelat zeis htwi hnolmaro an.gesch t'Is semtncirnei of tawh uyo gtihm expcte rof tbares nahgces udigrn teh rmlenastu ecyl,c oim +
j44n  ro yabme hte sueft si lietrllya suhcigrn her rreetus otin eth wall fo reh pvslei nda eshs gto an tefiedcn idenyk +4

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by ye2019(4)
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hcyiPlsa mseax esdwho netndessre fo roctshiecpno ,lgnase ciwhh aer the laceps wrhee het mgdriaaph -()ihpcnre metes the ibrs o)t-c(o.s oNt eht roetebsalCrvto ealng nerestedns htat we htnki to nthi lerna siesd.aIe tog uendsofc hwit hsit .nptio

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adong  hynslote hkint htis was a tho atsrh +2
neovanilla  gsmuiAsn it asw ont a tyop, woh dluow eht choiscnproet sngael be nertde in tshi cti?ndioon c..iy.r?ng +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by waterloo(126)
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I lfee ikel tapr fo shti is mhte neiesg fi you cna gceenrzio those are .lebtsuu

  • oS fi you sya ko etshe aer se,ltubu moochiaioitsnn,ir itodtnri,emse dna DIP aer abrlpbyo otn rthg.i

  • teholeimnGurlrsipo in ym xpieeecner os r,af ythe ohlsud alyborpb oshw a orlmgeuli, ton utu.lbes

neweBet smougaonheet rspaed nda stirvbotuec uthparyo, I feel lkie I odt'n veah eoghnu foin - but mmtosesie a 050/5 sgesu is etetbr ntha ilnypag iaptlehst.B

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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Dtsd/iiootntinnelia of neral evislp nad easylcc A . lUausyl ausecd yb rirnyau attrc ittrubonsco neglr (ae, os,tnse severe ,HPB cgneiltnao utro,osibsctn aiclrevc an,cerc juiynr to reeut,r ayergpncn aapylertpn); tehro enl ucasideucs teaolerpreroitn isbrfoi,s aeoeirclrvtues flex.ur nitoaiDl suocrc olxpmari to iest fo g anenirciet beoesmc lvedeeat if utonrtsciob is atiealblr ro fi ttpiean sha na tcoao tdsiuryteslbr niek.yd eLads ot cnoosiepmsr nad lpesbsio rhyopta fo nalre oxcetr nda .aludlme

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by redvelvet(56)
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circtsohnope elgan edsesentrn dna fvBeeWC r tacss in stbeluu no atht tpooh rfo lxeepam lAl fo emth si dnaelig su ot eopshnrp.yeiilt Adn nvee orinm yistitcs nca sucae rnietpolepshiy in eaycnpnrg ued ot otbrisveuct tuphary.o

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diegolc26  I uothgth it oludc eb D ro E ta stf.ri But hte puetirc si larely Trhee is nmlniaatmfio wihtin het tuub,sel nto ni the tute,tinrsmii atht tonips roem for rvietsbOtuc yprotUha hchiw is losa lfipnu,a anc acues rev,fe adn a rksi orafct culod eb rimocnesspo deu to ageldre steur.u +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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shTi oesqutin asw a ltietl ciky,rt utb the ywa I entw ouatb ti swa sosrcep of lmntn.eoiiai uoY ton'd ees pnecoirhscot elnga endrsetsen in BA,, ,C or .D

hSe has vfere nad bcka pia,n lniitdefey 'ontd ees that ni ,IDP whcih esertpns itwh creliavc omonit ,nrdenteses and eunlprut hreag.cdsi rcMahpirog slao sitn' gsnohwi craecivl lsghiyoo.t

As na addde :uonsb ianyrur snsote aceus ecxuirnacigt pain henw ueryo' tyingr ot ssap ti ohthgru yrou rue,tesr laiycasbl aidrgggn oia.lsdeng eHcen het tanpiet c.griny

uYo tndid' eden the ioar,rgmphc herot nath ot ees lal hesot loenspt,urhi ubt ew've lal ense itrupeignomhrollse stoyihgol is,lsde dan it etdsn'o even olok ceos.l

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by euchromatin69(16)
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ngapcreny is a sikr atcofr for tauce ithny ArlepoepsiF 2091 pg 598

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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laos aybme ulocd od coprsse of hi.toeen.ailinm.t ptecc'ohiorns eglan tnnsd'eeser seclu su in to it nebgi a nrael blepmo,r and teh ynlo nearl wsarne ichceo is iocevrbtsut yaurotph

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spdrwmn  uoniemrplhotsgierl wsa an snarwe cohcei +1

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