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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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'Heers an tclnleeex eiamg rfom SMOBSA if lepepo are havign fdtuyfilci vigusniliza s:tih omuRQt/c.t/maWihspghr:m//Vm

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lovebug  vyer elplfhu! sthn!ak +

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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APD owlsf mrof taroa ot uyrlanmop atrrye egsianrdec oheloretffarer.deT a dcrcaai uotutp nicesrase

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seagull  osednt -redlopa aosl ecdrseae wichh udwlo ropd the C..?O +
hungrybox  gl@luesa I hknit ti dlouw renisace elaordp c/b eomr bdloo si inogg iton the lpayonrmu seiretar >- unlgs -> rpuylanom nveis -> elnavletuy roem oblod in telf t/eunltreivacrim >- nic deoralp +63

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submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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ADP lfosw from the Aarot gt;=&= olynPurma sarie,ert by nagpiss hte RV os ehrte is on hegacn in 2O ni het V.R

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felxordigitorum  eTh ""tlase mfro het araot grduin laeitdos iueqesrr edcensari cdracia otuupt ot epcosn.eamt ltrEymxee rupretmea fntasni evha idmteli yalibit to resaenci ortsek luevom nda htsu seu darseecni thrae reta ot aicernes cdcarai t.tupou 4l30ok/7inw:shKm/NsBhnpo/t..ctwb5vw.8o.b/i/ng +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A PAD ynslasetile reaetsc a fg-wloihh trhae aiulefr toautnsii in hte bayb. neciS a fatcroin fo hte VL uoutpt is drretenu thuiowt hcrnaeig teh d,yob in rrdeo ot naminait a anrolm OC to het byod het elft cltievern sutm ppum a righhe .lmeuov Tsih oduwl loas caseu gihher hatn lrnamo npualyomr rpilalcay of.lw

I ikhtn msoe fo eht orteh iqustnoe rea tetigng at het edai ahtt ew nd'ot nkwo het rnioceitd fo flow rfo If teh olwf aws &;lgttuoa-r,-angs teh emsysict PO2 uldow be lmoarn dna VR OP2 g.hih tBu if i'ts osipeotp, hte eitoppos udwol eb urt.e

icSen DPsA aer imndniaaet yb E,2GP ahtt dowlu tirocbtune ot a wlo apirlpeerh lucavasr .tcsneisear

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didelphus  eathno*r esur oentd atth sthi o'tlduwn matpci RV yxgeno ueaecbs teh boldo is adedd to the ynuarmplo ,rreyta wcihh has texdie teh VR. +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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Why si does a PAD eraft irthb rstlue in heg"irh ahnt ornmla elft nvteicurlra rdacaic "tuptuo orve rsnceiade ighrt" tlecrriavun P2"?O Dose eth lpmu aryert --tg;& taaor uthsn mebeoc desrveer eatfr ,birth os hirhge exngoy aroat loobd wudol lfwo kabc otin hte tirgh nc?lvetier I etg atht emro ldobo duwol be mppued to het eflt eciervlt,n iugrtensl in ,VRHLH/V tbu tdno' nretaundsd eht O2 .tbi

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usmleuser007  1) rheigh htna olnmra OC b/c doolb si dnhtues from ortaa ot munpralyo sa.rirete hsTi oobld is ddeda ot het vmouel thta was pdpmue tnoi teh ouaprylnm ereatisr yb teh .VR wNo nhwe teh odegxnyate olobd etsnurr to hte LA & L,V eth O2 cttonne wuodl be aeegtrr /dt egihhr blodo .mlevuo Also for atht mase noears mero loodb is grierutnn ot teh VL /d(t LV lovemu plsu naoicrtf of VR o.elvmu) hisT enrcsdaie het hRC-t>i .-O g eLtf tunhss haev tlae csaisyno /bc eth VR si hpgsnui nitsgaa teh secxes rsuepers raneetgde by eht LV. hsTi eadls to gseirnnemeE yodmeSrn sa VR nalgeers adn sspuhe gtsnaai the psesurer frmo hte VL ni het D.AP hTsu itsgfihn Ltef ot igrht ot thigr to etLf adn hsut eht elat ysoacsin +2
temmy  heT atyaonm is orl-arnoumaypat rlatymuapn-erory eefsvtnli- altmufri-te ct oNtelrivniece atth hte oodlb did not coem oasrcs eth htigr reath ta all dan eacesub of the TLFE TO RGTHI sutnh fo eth DAP, we add erom levmou ot het ETFL cHene eth niecdaesr ltef lucanetvirr ttuupo +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  iGgno ffo of het mnsctoem eolppe aevh tosdep eavob & anidk grbinngi ihgnts e : t PD toheArg fwslo rmfo aarot ot loupryamn ,tiarsree hwhic srsveere taref ht.bri Thsi enmas godaxed-eynet oodbl wlfo omfr the uprmayoln tseareri ot eth aotar & sels umvleo iengb etsn ot hte FL sdie of eth h.aetr s hiT sestlur in a aderescde tafoerlad eesbacu rehet si ssel bodol goliwfn rmof teh glusn ot elflri- het FL e,nviecrtl & teh htrea is llits pimunpg wthi hte msea reocf sa beo,fer so eth saem moulev of bodol si g,anevil tbu essl in eergitnn the FL iesd of het a r r hmoF. te ,reeh ouy use CO = SV x SVRH = eloprad - alroefdat ch(hwi si eddeeacrs ude ot hte s h iDP TA ) teursls ni SV nebig graler anht aolrn,m os hnew uoy pgul that otni OC = VS x HR yuo etg a girehh emnrub rfo icdacra uotup.t +
didelphus  eTh sdtuuc rsioaretsu slowf ofrm PA ->- raaot in oeurt ot ybassp hte lnusg, hwhic hvea lemexyret hhig setsraniec ot lwfo. Tihs sreeserv refta hbrti due to a drop in P2EG ih(wch aws pieplusd yb eth acnl)tpea and creineas in -seldiefdt mscsitey So a DAP lylpctayi olwsf oarat --> AP a(nsmisgu htree era no troeh )sdc.etef +

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submitted by jandj19(0)
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Tish is a evyr oolc ponctec edpnixlae in hte diaRp iRweve gtayhploo ,koob gpea 52.7

eidstfeLd- ot rhietgsdi-d aehrt tsushn eutssrl in ouemvl dooravle in het ithgr idse fo eht ,eahrt ihcwh riseecasn LV emolvu )odelrpa( ude to reom oldob tierngnru omfr teh hitrg htera to eth tfle a.htre An cseieanr in LV alrpeod is quale rmeo iccrada tuputo adn emro wkor for hte a.tehr aLert in lief htta lilw laed ot na tieccrnce peyt of LVH htiw seceread cadciar ,ptotuu runaypmlo enntiheopsry nda a cnrcoiectn VHR ude to gihh dfleoarat ttah eht gthir taehr hsa ot uppm t.anaigs

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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wLo flaedaotr t&g; ihhg CO

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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isTh si teh auclta crtocer tn:xainelaop

ADP sesuca oodbl to owlf from nsgendceid raoat to entpta ucusdt saetiurosr inot ulnryompa ioinurlctca itlf")-het"tr-go(

heT slat""e mfro eth aotra gniurd laesiotd ueerqirs ecdnasrei criaadc tputou to psconteeam ot eerdliv eaqdateu unaotm of lobod ot rets fo dboy

rSo:euc hB:bwNnov/nnok/g5ti/iopl..m/Kb.730.ts8s4/hwwc

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fkstpashls  stI' L ot R +2

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