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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy has the acute onset of ...
Lymphocytes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pparalpha(93)
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BEV (H)V4H- fnicset B elcl horhgtu .12CD

yAptacli phcylmoetsy no rerhlipape bdool aesrm tno( ietendcf B lecls, tub vticeaer yttocicox T

onlsn"ieoc:"osMu + omnopost estt otbnid(iesa tdeteecd by tganniulioatg of heeps or hrose BsRC)

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sbryant6  tpliycAa hmcltpyosye aer C+D8 T cle,ls nto D4C+. mbeereRm +17
mangotango  I rmbeerem sthi auesbce tecuioIsnf cnMeuooinolss is dauces yb a vsriu o(ymstl E,VB esmosmtie )CMV dan CMH sCals I cinfstonu ot rstneep gesnendouo aingntse .eg.( larvi ro tscoyiloc ts)pnrieo ot +C8D T l.elsc nI mopcoai,snr CMH saCls II is omer eonvivdl ihtw gntseirnpe genoesxuo siteangn .(e.g leciarbat rsn)otepi ot D4C+ T .llecs // FA 0912, pg 100 +3
amy  I get het iapctlya T ecll ei,da btu can nseoeom hepl me durandntes ywh toeoynmc si nto teleadve ni ?o?Wn?eBnlcims ?s,oouT erhet are othb elhpoetrih oiBpEve()iVts AND hpheroleit ivVCneM()tage cnnlus,oimsooe os pntetai acn veha - opmtosno sett nda stlli eavh mnol.ounce.i.sos +
drdoom  yma@ oseniumocnslo ≠ ocyesmn.ot sunoscnMoe-oli errfse to the cranseei fo oe-arcnnlmuo lcesl ymolct)ys(peh in eht ,obodl as dsopoep ot peropoylluhn-omrac ro “metden”seg eithw bdool lclse ilke ,uhetlponsri b,sashilpo or wochsiihpnehlosi— lal veah trieh ucelni eidvidd ntoi 2 or omer l“bo”se lumt(bliroa lse.)cl u“sloo-nnceos”Mi utjs erfers to an eercinsa in teh ldoob fo stheo lsecl htwi a en,is“lg oulldbesnandgutuenm”eet/ ucusenl = y.ytmoslpceh +1

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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"nI ioddntai ot tlgishyl dersdecae eepalltt "otu.n..c — hwy era tslp thlyglsi low ni BEV /oiionecfnotm?n

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