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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy has the acute onset of ...
Lymphocytes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pparalpha(93)
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EBV HHV)4-( cnitsef B cell gtohurh C2.D1

Aiacytpl yhltmocspye on ileerpprha odolb rasem nt(o iefcentd B ,clles utb revteica cootixytc T sell)c.

slo:s""onencuoiM + sonmotpo tste niaeitdobs( deeecttd yb uiagnigonttal fo espeh or soehr BsR)C

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sbryant6  caipyAtl esyplmohytc aer D+C8 T lsec,l nto +4.CD mrebmeeR .that +17
mangotango  I breemrme siht cuebase efuiIoscnt ooMncuseilnos si euasdc yb a uivsr oy(lmst BVE, eimotmses VCM) nda CHM lCssa I fcousnnit ot trpnese onoesenugd tnisegan .eg.( iralv or osytlcoci r)tisnpeo ot +8CD T lc.sel In pnasmoocr,i CMH slasC II is emro nvidovel iwht ensniptger xnouesgoe nagtneis g(e.. belctriaa pnis)troe to +CD4 T // FA ,0912 gp 001 +3
amy  I teg the ciatapyl T ellc ie,ad but nac eosnemo phel em drsedtnuna ywh enomctoy is not eeevldta in enlnsTcomo?W, i?us?o?B etehr rae tobh ptheeihrlo eiEViv(t)pBos ADN oeeihthplr (tanCgVeeiM)v ,nocmnosluoise so ttenpia cna eavh - tpomsoon estt adn llist avhe osel..n.munocsoi +
drdoom  m@ya omuonlcesonsi ≠ s-nouMoinoecsl rresfe to eth iercnase of ouaoenrcn-ml sellc )meylcoyt(sph in hte ld,obo as oedpspo ot cumpylproaoe-rlnho or en”s“mdgtee wehti dloob elscl ikle npit,ehluors ,oialhpbss ro shselniiop—coihwh lla ehav teihr nueicl idvided iton 2 or oerm “bos”le mlrouta(ibl l)cel.s Mlsoecoinons”-“u sjtu eesfrr ot na easeirnc ni eth ldoob fo osthe cesll htwi a ,nigse“l ltsmegnubdou/uente”delan clnuues = theypolsm.yc +1

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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I"n oiitddna ot hyllsgit reascdeed teapltle n."ouc.t. — yhw ear ptsl tglsilhy owl in BEV ootcn/n?nomfiie

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