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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Increased parathyroid hormone 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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doySaenrc ppytareimorhryaidsh slluauy( /dt hccoirn nrlae ).aulerfi

Lba sifgidnn icedlun ↑ TPH eosrse(np to wol i)acm,clu ↓ emrsu maiuccl (lrena liaf),reu ↑ muesr phaohptes ar(lne )f,alruie and ↑ lnlaeaik hpeoaahpsst TH(P iatavngitc lasttsBs)o.oe

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haliburton  also eebremrm ttha ni anerl eiur,laf eaxa-drloy1hap-hlsy vyititac si odn,w os ehetr wlil be ssle cainatitov of eccxcheo5y2oiyarlf-drlhlo to yhecored1l,rhlfc52ciaxly,-oo ihwch is a eyk nmhmcseai ausicgn almechpiyao.c +4
cr  ywh otn racsdenie le2ic,-hlooyedcroahfxycr5l? whti eth ames gcloi ualonrbtih nilxepa +
nala_ula  esdeIacrn hehtao,pps csine het skidnye 'ntaer gkorwin l,lew selda to teh erselae fo btaliosbrf rthogw tcfora 32 fomr ebon, hwchi eedsearsc iaicltrlco poudnoictr nda cdeesdrea uamilcc .topoabrins eTh seaincre ni shpopthea nda the edcerase ni macicul alde to anoysedcr .ieoahphymtyrrpirsda +2
privatejoker  rybalPob a bmdu insoqute but who do ew fdenilivyeti wkno hatt the LAP is eleetvda if thye ivge us no frercneee grnae in hte lba ulveas ro Q set?m tgenyrihvE tesdta ebaov ifdteylnie mekas eessn rfmo a ilolhypsagoic npis,aontdt I aws tjsu scuiu.or +1
fatboyslim  rc@ eht sueiotqn aksed the" stnpe'ait NBOE NPAI si smto llyiek ceasdu by chwih of eth o?o"gwnfill eadnecsIr veslel of xdhahocrocryo2c-flleli5ye mtgih stiex ni ahtt a,iepntt ubt ti tluw'ond aecus noeb a.pni HPT sucsae bneo inap csbeeua fo boen inrorpseot +3
suckitnbme  @riktoevaerpj LPA is diceudnl in het nrdaatsd alb aevusl +
makinallkindzofgainz  ke@tjervairpo ALP is etlsid dnrue sehtoasphaP" (l)enlaka,i msuer" ni eht alb uelsva +1
pg32  Wyh esod AsohkPl naeciser ni lnare teoospyrotsydh? heT PHT udlwo be intryg ot steiulmta obne onristepor enaec(ris AtCSeosLTo ai)yvt,itc ton oneb mfotoainr BetosL(SAoT it.atvc)iy +
drzed  g@32p het ylon way ot utmesaitl an osaocsetlt in ihst ecsa avi PH)T is by ustigmalnti etlsoabtsos tsfir turh( ANKLNRAKR/ oncit),ntiear suth LAP .ircneseas +1
skonys  FA 1092 34.1 thaW I ma oufnceds on is wyh the aC is ni eth lo-rnolmwa gaern? yWh otn eacclyapiehmr leik ni yrimrPa pHHreyTP +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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mreeeRmb PTH as ehsopathP sTaihnrg .ronmoHe

uPorhohsps↑ tg&-; ↑PHT ernoitsec t;&-g bne↑o rpsoeitron ;g&-t AP↑L and beno ina.p

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cr(5)
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hwy not ceineadsr i,xradllehyelccfo2ooc5-yhr? whti the asem lcgoi ulbanotrhi elipanx +

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usmle11a  i veeibel eaesirnc h2ircc5aHoofllOceel dntcieias the rtgeoas itacaycp of tiv ,D hihcw twon eb effadetc in eacs fo .DCK i t gose kiel h,sti nydskie nwto enpdsor ot lgrraeu P,HT seosl aC adn acnt ceteeexr 4OP, TPH gest emda adn ierts ot unrb oben ot eupdorc C,a teguinlsr in aedelvet leelsv fo aC dan 4PO, aC will dnbi teh culmica dna go to ikd,seny eyt maes otrsy lal e.vro dda ot tath eht tfca ttha 1 oh yhrsyxaedol otnw eb bale to ncnoifut ni a edad ik.yend +1

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submitted by iwannabedonewiththis(1)
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ujts as a egeanrl ntieous,q wluod reeth be olw esvell of 1 -5H2)2O( ?

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sd22  s,Ye dnkeyi ash plah-a1 ahsyxlreoyd wchhi srvteonc CH52-C ot 1.C5,2CH- CKD g&-;t wlo s-aa-HOe1 tcyaiivt tg;&- low CH-C125, +

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