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Retired NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 51-year-old man who is a farmer comes to ...
Leukemoid reaction ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: hemeonc repeat

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submitted by โˆ—okokok1(38)
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A way ot refttiindaefe ewneteb a eokmdulei itcornea vs CML is atht CML sah a veyr low etuekcoly iaakllen eospsthhpaa L)PA( sa a etuslr fo wol tciyavit in ntgmaanil ruhioln,ptes sv gniben oiuanlrtpeih luedmieko( a)trecoin ni hwich ALP is dueย  ot uekolย cety tunco htiw henoaultrpii ni npseroes to rrostsses g(,e efnisto,icn diioca,msnte eersev mrrgea.)heho

sAol omes plfuhel nthsi si ttah ish retapruetem si diaesr sa ellw sa ish lukytceoe .ounct So an cfnnoeiti ofrm sih .tuc

I kntih "ckluioelcats opersns"e was jstu hrete to irpt oyu .pu eTh clsoets gnhit I oclud ndfi to hatt mert lineon :aws ilctsyLakecocout iuvcsslati )CV(,L hwchi rfsree to mslal obold slvsee liti.fomnnama

eaLpknoieu is WOL ktlocyuee tn.uco

aluaeikoLpk si hatt tehi"w lpeaqu" oyu ees thiw snewoB issaeed uosams(uq clle AC of enps)i dan nca sola eb eens ni valuvr AC.

ueeieLnrskot eadl tihw uyro mienum ssemty nad rea tessydiehzn nad derlaese no admned mfor bshsi.lopa

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okokok1  edik*leomu aecniotr ilwl haev vldeetae PLA ude ot eleavted tcokueeyl ctonu +

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