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Retired NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 2/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Ureteral calculus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: renal repeat

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submitted by โˆ—feochromocytoma(36)
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The nateipt si higvan anlkf naip atth saetradi to eht rinog, ihhcw is iayclpt fro a nalre stnoe )ac(lsuucl.

lo,As moes tinseatp thigm erestpn thwi aeusan nad mgtvii,no dan srhteo thigm aveh ytcoavheip bwloe dsnous due to an taciaeodss sieul (UdlrWo DIQ 186.)

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an1  mhgit eb mengpitt to yas ieaslcutrt toonsri, eens taht 'she a unyog mlae ni evrsee .npia tbu breeemmr ahtt rntioso ahs ghhi iidrng zhaolrtoin estrte nda na teanbs iraertesmcc rf.xeel henW ni dtou,b kflna inpa gntiaarid to gonri thiw NV is slwaay a yndkei snote hsc(kyet) +

common locations for ureteral constriction: 1. ureteropelvic junction 2. crossing point over the common iliac artery 3. vesicoureteral junction at the entrance to the bladder

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