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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying the regulation of ...
Intravenous infusion of 0.9% saline for 5 minutes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: immuno Saline Lymphatic

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 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by andro(269)
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itFsr Poitn : pyhmL mrfos ta het piCalraly elvel fo lbdoo slsseve ( sa shit si rehwe fudli somve in and otu of vsessle lagno htiw ebtiatoemls nad riuetstnn ) .

The inutfcno of ylpmh si to tnruer sexces ntrpeosi nad neittrltiias dilfu bcka ot eth somboartdel ( lRecal Lpmyh veutlnayle dinasr tnio eht rgale si)nve

Sncdeo Ptoin : We yma aenrscei yhmlp rieteh by rcinnasgie 1. the trea at ichwh we orfm ti . .2 eanDsiergc teh rate fo nidearag ( .ei - istubtonrgc pmyhl eesvsls )

oT rseceian lymph ooanrfimt we heav to neercais eth taer ta hicwh iuldf ierstlf uot of eth alcieiarpsl . This nac be ndeo yb iltraegn nilrSgtas scofre in the cyalaplir

  • ericIsgann ttyoidahrsc eursserp
  • nrDiesegca ociOntc repsusre

ioGgn rhhtoug teh pinosot
opO int A : ehotldnEin wlli csuea sratnovotsicnoic of rnPmyaulo artyre ihT.s si prlpreylcaia anmgien ew illw ehva sels lb/odo ufidl ntitegg ot eth aceplrlisia - recdaesde tioystcrdha ereursps nda edrdsaece mlpyh mtionfaor
Oitpon B : nCinooscittr fo ypulmraon aetryr naiag
not pOi C nda D : adle to the coylgoispih rnpeseos fo ypohxic vtanoncoicostirs
t inOop E : cnserIeda citcnoo eessurrp eescrsade hte ouamtn of iudlf moignv tuo fo ecsaallipir

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lovebug  nwo I d!utd~~rneans! HXT ): +2
limberry  I iveeleb ouy eamn tniO"po :F cIeradens tcoiocn eerspsur csraseede teh utanmo of ldfiu ovimng uot fo lic"srilaeap dsainet fo Ooitnp ,E ihgrt? +3
weirdmed51  Yes . lbuminA kaa o.lcidol +

 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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mhLpy owlf etra si saullyu l.wo tI si uflendeinc rrlaiymip yb eht atre fo pylhm oaftonmri. Fro pelme,xa if boldo lcyipraal uprsesre is risacdnee yb aairetrl tadsinlaovoi or nsueov cr,tioionncts het lofw erta of lphym secia.erns oAsl, eth olwf ater is tefecafd yb rcmopoisnse fo iyphmlcast yb ctitnoornac of giigebronhn cauultermsu nda yb ienvgaet ihatcrcaitorn rruspees anbht.gre()i

nrittIsiaelt pesusrre (os esrsurpe in hte CF,E ihwhc dwolu enrsaice if vgnie IV ealsn)i nad hpylm wofl rae soplyetivi aleedtr. A lalms rnasceei ni asrltititnei vumeol lrategy csrenasei sti uersrsp,e rpotomnig ymphl flwo htta tcsa to erostre het iilrtstnaeti uovlme to om.anlr

oemr no sthi itcop: /wB5ow4o4bso.gK.l:nib.p./tvmsh/nt/38N/hcnwik

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linwanrun1357  Do nto rnatdesdnu eth hbgretnia cieh(oc C adn terDa)hb in and tuo rae fd?rnfteie +
khanhluong  I 'otnd kown fi tis' rocctre ro tno btu ohw I creahdoapp C ap&;m D aws hatt yeht hotb eusac ntoscscitonivaor in hte ratieleros ebc(aesu shit si het gnlu hewer yixpoah saecus iocatcsr,)noosntiv wihhc cedaeress dtroasctiyh rspeseur orhuhgt eht pesalcrilia dan vneltylaue dseesarce hlmpy .olwf Meyba I yeetlomplc otg tsih esnouitq ihrgt rfo grnwo r,osane but I tefl htta ti orwsk itwh lla of teh snswra.e For F) I wsa gnhinitk htta it dwolu asecu adcienser yclalipra nitccoo sruseerp wihch usaesc oemr ludif to og niot teh ylpcraali htan tion teh mphyl .sl.esesv. rsH e'e a pec:ruit hap/L0mtea9oi0gs:pdoodmt.-ywct/enayhnpew2.wtpgclf1tbi//.mw/ml1sh/ul/ocp +5

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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cVtctorsansoonii gaw(rorinn of a b)eut lwli eusca the owfl tear ot resiance uhohgrt taht eu,bt hchiw cdersasee railrawuoad/td rsusepr.e heT fresta a fuidl soemv ruthhog a ueb,t eth less rw“uato”d corfe ti .esetxr isTh( is okwnn sa eth rVniuet cfftee.)

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hungrybox  otn eneigs ohw sith is rvtelean +9
sympathetikey  H'es oswhgni ohw A mp;a& B ear ciecnrtro brgnx@hyou +7
nerdstewiegriffin  wtah a nmroo nrxg@obhuy is !! +2
leaf_house  CAMT scfashlbak no sthi amegi +1

I think the more correct explanation is that lymph mostly is hyrdostatically pressed out of the thinner walled small arterioles, capillaries, venules

If you vasoconstricted the pulmonary arteriole, youd get hydrostatic backup but not into the smaller arteries, capillaries, veinules but actually less flow (due to constriction) and less lymph formation.

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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0%2 ilbaunm is cEPRoHnYit nda cusase nraidwg of ilfud uto fo eth ttritieusnm and niot eht doolb.

bn"uimlA (umHan) %20 si niddaicte ni hte ecnmgeyer mteearttn fo mypliehoova thwi or uhttowi hosc.k tsI efceeisftnves in srigevren hpoiavyomel denepds aerllgy ounp its itiyabl ot adrw ialttesitnir diufl ntio teh crniocluita. tI is stom teefefivc ni natiepst woh rea lewl dydth.aer ehnW lodob mulove tiicdef si eth eulrts of ohem,harrge cotbapliem red dobol llecs ro owhel dloob dhuosl eb dereianidtms sa qyclkui as se.pio"lbs


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by assoplasty(108)
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Vncoasoctsoiritn ascrseede loobd lwfo dna usth ceadesers cysottdriha presesru. Smees retunco tuieivnti tub I dah ot look stih pu fetar I got it nowgr,

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bgreen27(6)
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nCa somenoe phle a ebrohtr u?to My tikignhn swa htta enscdreai lufdi ni the ilenritatits eadls to eincsdaer hl,ypm so I tguthho htye erwe oglnoki for teghosnmi to mtaselusi high lttuaide mnpryloua edema or aarlerit ualmyonpr ,HNT cihhw I am yttper suer otbh dlea ot lpraoynmu ma.ede Weerh did I go ?ngowr

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ali_hassan  shti thimg be utidps tbu i tgo it rtgih ithw iths aa: rilnatnrseoicee "lrona"m fliud (%09. )elsain ni yobd = ceaseinr phyml wo.fl esulbltayo no licdmea oncctep to ,ti tujs lcogi oll +

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