Lmyph owlf arte is ulluasy .owl It is encldufien aiymrrpil yb eht trea fo yhlmp faomtrnio. orF pae,xmle fi odlbo aacriplly pessreur is ineecarsd yb airlarte iaalnivdosot or uenosv nitsootrn,cic hte lwfo aetr fo mlphy sns.eraice A,slo eht lofw trae is eeftcfda yb osiepsmcorn of chsapyimtl by nocncoirtat of nrnibihogge mulcesuurat dna by iaevtgne ritcrthanoica prseuers hib(neg)ar.t
iIislntteatr seupsrer s(o sresuerp ni het CFE, iwchh owlud ceinsrea if gveni IV slneia) dan ymlph flwo era ovspyiilet a.edlter A lasml eernsaic in erlstitaitni euolmv taeygrl eesnsraci tis rsepu,res rmptingoo pymhl wflo thta tcsa ot esorter hte litieitrntas mloveu ot .anroml
more no sthi i:topc n8otn4iswlNK5stwm//bv4kgpw.nhi././ob/3B.:hco
Vonocacitisortsn (rwianognr fo a ub)et ilwl seauc eth wofl taer ot eienascr hgurtoh atth bute, iwhhc aceessedr d/talraiuwaord ersprus.e heT tafrse a duilf osemv hturogh a ,eubt eht less atr”uw“od rcoef ti .tesrex ihs(T si konnw sa teh inVertu efcfet).
I think the more correct explanation is that lymph mostly is hyrdostatically pressed out of the thinner walled small arterioles, capillaries, venules
If you vasoconstricted the pulmonary arteriole, youd get hydrostatic backup but not into the smaller arteries, capillaries, veinules but actually less flow (due to constriction) and less lymph formation.
2%0 bmnuali si nRYEticoPH dna scasue ndiagrw of fdlui otu of teh tesrmttiniu nda toin het .bldoo
Aiub"lmn nmaH)u( %02 si dadetinci in hte genmceyre rttatmnee fo mvyelphaoio wiht or huwtoti ocsk.h sIt eesveeistcnff in vgierrnse vmelopiyhao pesdned egyllar onpu tis ylabtii ot wadr aslerittitni dlufi tion het rliuccatoi.n tI si tsom eceevtfif in iepantst who ear lewl e.dhyadrt eWhn odbol vlmeuo ediitcf si eht uselrt of grheemho,ra ietpbaoclm erd lodob llsce ro lweho obold sodhul eb msniedatredi as ckyiqlu as bl"os.spie
anitoosnistorVcc rescdeesa olbod lfwo and usht sedsraece attyicsodrh esrer.pus eesmS ctouren tevnitiui utb I dha to olok htis pu rtaef I otg ti ,wnorg ot.o
aCn smoeone hepl a brroeth uot? yM inkihgtn wsa atht dreiesnac udlfi in the eirisltttain ldesa to rcediasne hm,ylp os I htuogth yeht reew lkogoni rof ihtsgonme ot aelusmits hihg luidttea nyarmlpou demea ro taarriel mrpuoynla N,TH cihwh I ma pttyre ures tbho dael ot yplaounrm .edmea eWreh idd I og rwo?gn
submitted by ∗andro(269)
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$279$49rFsti ointP : phyLm rfsmo ta hte plCrayial vleel of blood sevesls ( sa ihts is ewerh uildf semvo in dna uto fo vsseels ngoal iwth eeaobsitltm adn sueirtntn ) .
heT toncifnu of pmhly si to rutner ecsxse ntriopes adn leirtsniatti liufd cabk to eth mbsotdeaolr ( Rlaelc Lmyhp tneeualvyl radsni toin eht lgaer ei)nvs
cnodSe otiPn : We may rcaeensi ylhmp ietehr by igaerncnis .1 eht etra at hwihc ew frmo ti . .2 rcnDaisgee the arte of eiandgra ( ie. - tigcobrntus myplh lsesevs )
To ecrsaein lmhyp foamnotir we vaeh ot incrseae the eatr at hihwc ldfiu lftseri uot fo teh lraicepsail . hisT can be oend by rtilgnea tanlsSigr erfsco ni teh rplcyiala
nogiG orghthu the poonsti
Oopn it A : dihntoenlE liwl uaesc ccitsnovsnoairto of uaomrPynl ryerat sT.ih si rclearyappli nnmgaie we lilw vaeh lsse dloo/b lfiud gtinget ot eht asiialcrepl - cseeaerdd athicosrydt eseruprs and eredadcse ylmph trianoomf
tnpioO B : stnnictoirCo of polmuaryn rtyaer aaing
Ot ipon C dan D : elad to het icpsihygool eosrepns of oxhpyci aooitivcntscnsor
onOtip E : drIenesac cotoicn rsupsere cedsersae eht omuant fo fludi igomnv tuo fo piiallresac