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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man develops urinary ...
Pelvic nerves ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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cymyoseihna ptesdo stih etrga cpi woleb

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eacv  erhe si a eoidv orf tinialtrsuo tSUukhe?wm-:yah/s.Wp0xsw=ctouwt/bo.v/vcwNot +2

Based off this pic:

External urinary sphincter: inhibits (via pudendal nerve) Hypogastric nerve: ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor) โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+2/- hungrybox(1277)

External urinary sphincter inhibits (via pudendal nerve)

Hypogastric nerve ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle

Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+/- hungrybox(1277)

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submitted by โˆ—peridot(115)
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eerH is ym myarmsu of eht tvediir/eoucp htta wsa eospdt:

heeTr ear 3 whtysapa onevildv in peieng:

  1. ceivPl n. aka( ivlpce aisncchpnl .)n dessn iprcpseamtathay fibesr ot rueldtros to ctcantor gt;--& eusqeze drdlaeb nad eep.

  2. gaopyiHctsr .n sesnd pihcaeytmst reisfb ot eht tlerudosr ot rxl,ae sa ellw sa het ietnnral hinrpsetc to tccrtano -;tg&- hold kbca epe

  3. dPalunde n. sedsn sitmoca bsferi ern(du suosccino )tcrlnoo ot the neraletx cirhseptn to notacrct -;gt&- dlho abkc epe

nI stih ut,ioneqs teh tpta'sine lbdeard si nilgifl pu os chmu htta sti' crofde to oov.efwlr thTa mnase erhet si a oelmpbr wtih noeiascr 1 - degmaa to eclvip n. os ttah he 'actn eeqszeu hsi rlebdad eevn nhew i'ts uespr .lflu

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peridot  oT ylcari,f isth ctidrisopne is neamt ot og anlgo thiw 'ornux@gyhsb pic ilnk and s'e@vca vdoei kiln +4
lovebug  tsahkn a tol! +

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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hTe scalra ncuitrioitm ecnert si 1 fo 3 snoptnmeoc fo umriotcinti lxeref (rheto 2 rea romf onntiep cetaurilr riftnomoa nad ereblrac .xe)tcro crSaal imct cntere = -24SS ainpls drco vllee airgtevnl rfmo ratvlne weiht amrtte in eth ilvPec vnsree, eirbpnsesol fro rdldabe noicottracn aiv teh lhcrgecoiin sevrne hi(tkn ti tsca no the M3 preetorc in het ddblrea rue?o).dtrs fI you elos heest nersve .i.e( in ilecvp ur,aetcf)r iwll urstel ni oefworlv ceint.ncnonie

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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plciev ;e-&tve-grn nscereias iiogdnv eniu,r m3 rrtp,eeco eat spccsamaahpiyhyortpgrti rntgev&--;e caserisne rryiuna erntto,eni taysm,cpieth abet 3 and lha1pa .rcelnsdu daertoepp &er-tn-e;vg ont rtpa of uimr,noittic sit a ctsimao onpcemont nad ahs a itinoincc eeor.cptr

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huszagmc  Etraioglnab wiht a bti oemr eldaih:T et deldbra receseiv pntiu ofmr htob eth niaucoomt etimtcphsay( dan aptcasphiy)trema nda ioscamt rams of hte vnuorse p.est Styiatesmyhcm โ€“ itocphgsyra nreev 1T(2 โ€“ .L)2 tI essauc ieatoaxrln fo eth eusdtrro c,melus gomtrniop uiern tecr.tyoPsanaatriimt epnhe โ€“ cvpiel eevnr 2S4.(S)- ecdnrsaIe lisngsa ormf hist vener uecsa roctianncot fo the retdusro semuc,l alitumgstin utii mntairScmt.icoo โ€“ dednpaul reven 2.-4S() tI innsreaevt the xaelrnte hearrtlu niscpteh,r rnoiipdvg tyruvanol nltcoor revo tc. iutIninmior shti ui,oqestn the mna hsa a dsnedtide ldrbead, ihcwh I ndpetreerti sa eh" tnca' rntaeiu opstu"lneasnyo whirseot(e eh bobplyar 'odnutwl etl hsi ebdadrl etg so l.).fu.l -โ†’ sseme lkei he ash fdiulitcyf nccaigtrton the oersrudt sumcle ot tiietian timciuintor โ†’- sieus wiht vlceip rne.evs +1

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submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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yuilsrnisprg doog onatpnaixle and reuctpi found on tish .tesi sginmthoe glaon eht inles fo inoimiucanttr eflxre aka( drebadl is lflu and you psis ele)rfx is eong so eth effenrta eisfrb yarngcir het ngiasl atht het leaddrb is full nreat' kn.orwgi hoets srfbei are erdiarc ni the ivcepl evrnse


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yo  if ltsli c,suefnod a ttreeb naopeialtxn nca eb ounfd jmoer nitusroopr/n:ii..iuenrieh/snhsttolscnd/s.enu/es/anotttc guahhab/w +24
hyoscyamine  i nfudo hsit iegam to be lulfhpe in immeerrgebn wcihh nvrese do what no hwihc etcrreo.p aw.fpsxihs/l:/.htiimWaetyaiegc.moejtXlJut/ogvpmr//kd +7

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submitted by โˆ—bbr(58)
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'mI lilts nsc,udoef rehwe is ihst usgy opmlebr o?ncucrig sI ttah he si blnuae to nuiart,e or ttha he sah eoolwvfr nnnicetienco? getiGnt solt ni htese ee.vrns

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