if you learn the rule of 4 its going to make this question really easy and almost a free mark. I learned it from Boards and beyond but I'm sure you can find it in other resources. so, horner is sympathetic damage--> s is on the side loss of pain and temp--> sensory--> s is on the side so we know its lateral now which cranial nerves are affected? dysphagia and speaking are both symptoms of damage to cranial n. X. rule of four says the first 4 cranial nerves are above pons, the second 4 are in pons and the last 4 are in medulla. so this is a lateral medullary syndrome.
submitted by โhyoscyamine(59)
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$279$49Tihs si eatlalr InaPyralle/mAergWC/luledb nmod.resy hTe wmano sha deagam ni the itthcsmeayp hicna r(noyess syernmdso rae altarel crnodgica ot hte rlue fo 4)s sgeniurlt ni nreroH edmrs,yno mconltshaaipi tcart amtnepp(i/ hwcih are slao )esnyso,r nda CN XI adn CN X scnufonyitd igneutlsr in eht thidsh/dyaarrsyipaga hples( su lzelioca to eth .)eldalum