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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
The frequency of an autosomal recessive ...
1/25 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: biostats

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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sUe the ydnbi-grarWHee taunqieo

  1. ekaT eth qsreau orot fo 0116/0, adn ahtt wlil egvi ouy eth cqeryufen fo het ecvesisre lallee = /.410
  2. tCelaalcu hte eynrequfc of eth nnmtadoi eealll wiht 1=qp+, cihwh is =p .059.7
  3. yheT aer lniltge ouy to laecatucl the uynqferec fo teh idesaes irrrsa,ec icwhh si whti eth aqioutne 2pq.
  4. eThy wnat yoln hte sisdeea rsiercar in hwhci tieloden is r.eesntp To ucllteaca ih,st sue eht q avule (1)04/ adn yumltpil yb 80% in thsi ldosuh evig uyo ..002
  5. yallni,F cuelltaac fro P 22q )(0)90502=.(7. 400. = /12.5
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yex  eNic! ...and we ear oduesspp ot raed the tsme adn do all thsi in a emnuti or o?s /:- +28
charcot_bouchard  lleAel ceeqrnyuf .140/ so rcirrae frqe 012/. %80 fo 102/ is 512/ 100(08/ x /)012 +15
dickass  Ah ,kecf pq2 tgo em +1
hello_planet  A nyhda octusrht orf Henr-rdiaWebyg si htta yuo aegllreyn nac mssuea p ~= 1 fi q fi ilryfa .wlo It asol tdesn to be eiares ot krwo ni ctrniasof fi the esrwan siecoch are ni rnstoafci so you t'odn hvea to euonbc back nda htrfo wtneebe nrsfatioc nda di.eslacm oS wthi ta,ht yuo snde up thwi pq2 = 2 * 1 * /150 = 5/20 = 521./ +9
topgunber  aeht tish wlheo csemlbar hitn:g n I eno nlei: 2 * q * 0.i8 Ts%h is ofr sediedsa dnisvauilid t(ow q elIea).sll = 110/60 = ^T2heq yfecurqne fo q = N0/4w1o arcserri is 2 p .q P is olecs to noe guissamn HW qem ).p1=q(+ erh'Tse an altndidoia teps in iths tuqeison due ot eth otw ffreednti sttsn ma.iuoo q2)( = 2./10 80% fo thsee acseirrr ear itnlesdoe so lmliyutp /210 * 80. = 21/5 +


1/40 = .025 = q P + q = 1 -> P + .025 = 1 -> P= 0.975

+3/- alexp1101(11)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—topgunber(67)
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heat hsti hoelw mlcersab ihg:nt n I eon neil: 2 * q * 8%0.

isTh si fro essaeidd ndivsaiuild t(wo q aI.les)lel = 610/01 = e2Tqh^ urnqecfye of q = /410

Now acrrrsie is 2 p q. P is elocs to noe sanimsgu HW eqm p)1(=.+q 'rheTse an tlinaaiddo epst ni htsi iqtuoesn due to eht two rifentedf timotsanu.

so )2(q = /.102 80% of eesth aersirrc are osdleteni so plluiymt 12/0 * 80. = 251/

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by thechillhill(1)
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p + q = 1 p^ 2 + q2p + 2q^ = 1 if 2q^ = 061/01 = .030006 tneh q = qr)(^t2sq = .0502 s veol rof p ot teg p = 1 - r = 1 - 5200. = 9.570 teh ouyhzogreets crsirera = p2q = 1 - p2^ = 1 - 59.0 = 50. 2 ^q anc eb dppdore cb/ tis' hcum lsrelma anth 2^p. eTh itodnele si slrnepisoeb rof %80 of the utmatoni.s 80. x 5.0 = .400 = 4/100 = /521

Tereh githm be na aesrie yaw ot do stih, utb it ekword rof e.m

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thechillhill  oS eyrlatappn I t'dno nkow hwo ot mftoar veyr ell.w Sor!ry +1
pakimd  So uasceeb i dlnuoct pdnes mreo htan a entimu no shti tqieousn dan oneshlty idntd rleacl het brg-enairdyWHe otnaqeui iths is woh i esvdlo it rndeu a tosimne:u uyo nowk ni a vegin ntoppluoai alfh fo htme wlli be serrrcai scine ist an uloamsaot reiscesve aeesdis Aa =aA AA aa aA as Ao fo thta fahl 8%0 rae ued ot tdeelion onumittas nda 02% are edu ontpi i ysaotbtumn that lgoic 08% fo lahf ntoi 02% fo aflh lwli evig ouy 5/21 +1
draykid  0.8 x 05. si 0.4 +
topgunber  eath ihts hweol ermlcabs ihtn:g In eno :niel 2 * q * sih08T.% si fro dseeaisd idsdliuaniv w(to q se)Ialle.l = /60011 = T2qh^e qurnyefec fo q = 1o4wN /0 easirrrc is 2 p q. P is scoel ot oen nsmguias HW eqm )=qp+.(1 rheeTs' an idaiatlnod espt in siht qiesutno edu to het tow neeitffdr t uonais.mots )q(2 = 21.0/ %80 of stehe rscaerir ear etodisenl os ptmyulil 120/ * 8.0 = 512/ +

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