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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the office for ...
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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thepacksurvives(21)
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I hiktn thsi noe sha ot do whit "atel gnuimpd eynso-"d-rm al,yiscalb atcrysh ofods sceau hecraliyypgme ;-t&g- esealer fo lnsunii ;--t&g mcteaalecniho serug t--&g; deaarhi,r e.ct

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merpaperple  ts'I tno isynaesrelc tale gpmidun noy,srmed shti is teh reytdai euegidinl fro ayelr ipngudm rosdmyne o.ot dsBea no DoTUpeat nad iteireScneDcc hsti is owh it kw bnessAr:ot ro yfscinonatudl lpcroyi nptrsecih t&;g- odof si aprydli peditme mrfo teh hactsom ntio eht lmlsa &bg;o-elt w cehyoinptr louosnti romfs ni eth ;&umtjj -gneu aridp lduif tisfhs romf eth amlpsa iotn het -;&egltwob eosoynihnpt nda SSN pnsosree e(.g okcylic adaniobml npai, id,aehrra esnua,a crlahSaetmaicdiy )p yerobrscaathd rea roem ncrehtyip,o I thk i.n/ntc-rcn/en/nnipdiwaodr/diweecsimugdsci-sceeomm/dspspotyit.enimet.r-ht:wdyct +5
j44n  hsectrsa era olexmcp acs=br oerm nhta -23 rsuag es,uomlecl fi yeth have nugdpim meornyds tyeh hvae daderesce stiracg inasttr iemt= meor sntudegdei sarbc aer ddelireve ot eth ettineisns and atth seigv ouy orem sabcr fro beatacri ot kbera ondw tlfeun(lace dan mosocit arairdh)e +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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othughT siht wdoul eb esohimgnt gedniragr baicrairt" "serrugy, ubt eop,n tusj no" rahstcy ,odfso cbeesau 'yerou i"

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hello  Yep, eessm atth uaseebc eth inetapt sah sep,tebdeari eh hlosud ivaod natige exeescvsi scarhyt oosfd. +
yotsubato  hcus a BS tnsqoeui MIO +7
yotsubato  scuh a SB qoneutsi OMI +
breis  I utp unts tnnkihig of fa"st" nad hatt hiwt a airrctaib yserugr teyh amy ehav bplsmore hwti ros.t.bipona +6
teetime  shTi nit's trgih aubcees eht rctiabira eyrsugr ilwl cure eth .tireepbsade Its' dgnmip.u +2
dr_jan_itor  Wyh ldsuoh eh oavdi ianteg svceeiesx ctasyrh s?odof To diova gnaiign witehg? It dn'toes mtrtea hatw srtnieucarntom eh etsa fi htey are leioacr llo.nceodtr +2
dhkahat  ayhe tub h'es rpeid.iatebc yuo tnaw eoomsen ekil atht ot hesov a hncub of acrhst nowd all het mite? +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I ahd upt sr""eahtsc /cb spt ahtt rugndeo bataiircr rryegus rea oyln pssdoeup to eat plmcexo bracs tt/ebgva()euslirsef nda dvioa islpme bcsar ie(.. aktearfsb bceael/redak s)godo

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brise  etS"chras cush as fderi toa,topes crei nad tapsa may ekma you flee bodetla ro ysags and amy otn eb ewll "ree.dlotat +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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dnma, i wsa awy i put geern ealfy elaeetvgbs ngtkiinh eth cirsdanee ofelat cnnoett nca seauc caiabtrel rrvghow.teo yttper ersu i had a orwdul snoetuqi ahtt sadi mtnigoshe leki .hatt

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bgreen27  I aws kihigtnn the mase Iht i!gn was hkntgnii teh sema g!YntiRBG h a( tpey fo igsrcat )yabssp nca uasce mslal sntelantii ilretaacb gwhrvoetro BO()IS reeinacds oghrwt in hte bnlid ohpuc gnt ISBO ertslsu ni iyeniedccf of tosm snmvaiti ,21B( ,A ,D nad )E dna inr,o UTB inasrcede tpoidouncr fo ifolc acdi nad maitivn .K -dwrloU +1
bfinard1  nyA daie yhw this nsit eth sa?ce +

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by garima(21)
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acuBese of the hsrcayt rnetua fo bdaer, ,ceri nad psa,at rfeat ouyr r,gyuser yteh cna rmof a eptsa in yoru rhatot ttah is dhar ot wlalosw uwoitth uliqid. In osem a,scse tehy can okcbl eth aos,tm the hleo to eht uhocp ttha is yuro ewn mhaos.ct Yuo dn’ot evah ot elcopeytlm rctjee seeht hhctihrgas- dsoof, tub tis’ esbt ot doavi ehmt ni eht e.nigbingn hneW uyo do tae m,eth ryt to avhe eyrv lsalm istnoorp adn emak uesr tath oyu ynlo ate lamsl besti fo

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by humble_station(85)
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I thikn ti ash ot do htwi teh .gsurery iGttgen a stragic ssypba ro ciraabrit rgyseru nasem uyo no lngreo angllwio tncsnote to sasp htuhogr the o.dundeum oS ahtt oldwu nmea if yuo ahd a ahctrsy elam oyu oulwd not eb albe ot leesrea hte partepaprio eseyznm rfmo het nasrecap to llwao for tn.sdeiogi

Peales ercrcot me if I'm grnwo!

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