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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pg32(218)
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wBdoM/ElUrN oevl ot stet naerl ratrye estsnsoi ni hte itgtnse of yrntvseheepi r.gcegycr/nmyueene stJu ecsubae tish has bnee ndeo so myan es,itm uyo acn acyisallb get teh grthi wsnera rofm the sfrti flah fo teh ouq.etisn tP itwh den agrno usesis d(h,eahcae snocnou)fi nda aleyrl ighh PB (I wnok ti sitn' 81/2,100 but it si relyla .ig)hh oS siht yug ciaylalbs sha nrhevetisyep m'I adryeal thinnkgi t'is anerl trraey sn.ieosts teNx cen?setne A bruit vore eth letf domnbea. .Bigon aRnel ayrrte ties,snos tmos teonf sduaec yb iaehsroclrotess ni odelr men (sa erapdmoc ot sfiomrrcuulba slapsdyia ni ugnroey w.mno)e

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lovebug  He si evhay ksrome u,tb oN twghei ,slso No xhiacace g;-&t so can eb /RO etfL lenar lelc .ornaimcca si it itgrh? +
lovebug  nlscoarveRau d.s 9120,AF pg 295. +
misrao  nad no tmaariuhe so ro/ CRC +
realnorthomfs  020F,2A gp 460 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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mI ton elaylr rsue tub I kthin eth ointp is taht wthi eth aolcptrip odrliandceiu cnas eerth si a eyadl ni uniofctn of teh iye.kdn Wtha hyte tnadew us to ememerrb erhe si hatt ewhn ouy gvei a " A lr"pi to a ttniape hwit Relna eratry saoseshrocielrt teh raenl nnfitocu soesrnw ceesbua herte is iisnorncctto fo teh fetrfnee irtoereal

AF 8120 - 567

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kevin  fefrente ieldtas tihw an CEI-A edu to sols fo oniegntisan edadiemt tvaroicoonnsscti +
skonys  Thsi si an adsie tub eyth lvoe negstit lnaRe yeAtrr iSnoesst in teh tteconx fo CAE btornIisih beaceus it's a odgo syihpgyloo Fsir,t it eshpl ot kwno htat inAnegstoni II's eetinr rleo in het ditk/yehne nroesa ti ,dveeolv si to nimtaani GFR ni het ntigtes fo wol denyik preifosun yehmoopvil(c koc.s)h tI rerytnifelelpa aoisctrsvstnoc teh eff eol,eitarr riiecganns eht rsuprese just rtreaion to eth nosulcc,io usth fingcro tltraefi inot snmboaw esalpcu esdipte htere bieng elss obldo loumve rnnuign turohhg eth rye.tra In tlaBarlie elaRn retAry tns,Ssieo nnmtaceanei fo eth FGR si tpecmoylel iltrnea no InIAg tisoisnccaonvrto of eht freentfe r.rteialeo If yuo ivge moonees an ACE orib,nthii oyu esredeca AgnII adn aivotselda het rtefnefe er.laeirot hTe rfeco gmaitiinann the FGR is ,gnoe eitcpntgariip pealerrn- iatmea.oz h'astT wyh loeepp whit tsepeucsd Realn SA ende to ehav rihte CK ioodnretm soclyel uesecba it lwli sniceaer erfta nnrtiamisdtaig and ECA Ibirtio.nh +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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stuJ lradizee hatt elanr lecl caorianmc tnsi' hte crrtceo wnsrae c/b it diendav the ounves clricuintoa adn ont eht traleair. PB may ont be edafetfc as chmu. if RCC rwee het rewans tneh nteh teehr lodwu evah eebn daeme etnresp ra/odn ranle HNT.

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sympathetikey  sl,Ao sujt nknhtigi uot dlo,u ni eth easc fo CC,R 'sit eth dinyke uesist 'hatts yacdsplsit pa;m& vmo,ngi so echaniytllc the rlaen rearty ltisfe n'its cs,idyaplst gh?itr +
paperbackwriter  @esrsue0um70l yerv gdoo ontip igrenrgad eth onveus sv teiarrla oilruncaitc thta I denlegtce to cr!dneois +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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How do ew apnielx teh ibutr in hsit ?seca olAs yhw 'tsni it felt ytrare ?nsamreuy haTt sseem ielk it ulwdo eetbrt epxilan eth rtuib

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gdupgrant  Teh iurtb is liybclaas usjt nuetblurt o,lfw ihhcw is otsm ymonlmoc dueacs yb tyarre noainwgrr. I aws tjus aregidn iercnecmm34etm/:i-clle/eta0.s6ei5/.phlanidcicac1opds/t no laern aetrry nmearsyu dna ti lkoso lkei stmo fo het nnitseyhproe si culatlay aedrelt to a per mysuaren onssetis, os i tnkhi ssoneits si eht et"bt"er wnrsae, es.p iscne het tp ahs kile rveey kisr fctaro fro s nsisooeTt. eb nestoh I dah tno vere yelral ttohuhg otbua ARA fro sthi ecsa bceseau tbriu vreo RA ash neeb rdliedl iotn my aedh as eanrl yatrre s,sentosi btu i etpicrpaae sigeen owh isht si a eprsu nebroasael wasnre - jstu the ssesotni is m"oer kiyll"e +2

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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roF CC:R (As erp LUR)DOW

irtemmcyS iearltlab rolew meeyitrtx tpnitgi admee dan oorsttuu aondbliam sniev are noceringcn rof nr aiiornfe anve cava (V)CI scottibnu,ro hwci,h in the itgsetn of a -tsleifdde lkfna asm,s g aernssegltsu elcl n cCCrma)ac(oiR hwit ioxennset oint het .VCI  CCR scacunto fro tg%90&; fo lla igncnsielama niisarg ni eth iyedkn nad si lghiyh dsotiacaes tihw kg iomsn. itnet aPs iwht CCR iaallcsslcy eavh a idtar of lnfak pina, lalappbe sms,a and amrauei,th oghtahlu myna mnarie pmttyamsaico utnil eht dieaess is daa vcRdenCC. is a yhlihg varualcs ormtu saani dtvhet eth aernl vinn ei up to 5%2 of s ceas. IVC toionbsrctu acn coruc edu to lirunmntalia seoeixnnt dan utsorhmb iamroft,on htraer nath sasm ftefec ofmr het rumot sife t.l

ehT utnircbotos cna cocur ctleyua or guyalladr erov .meit  In rhcnioc a,sces larlecalto nsveou caricuniolt amy oedplve bdase no het tise of het rico. bttnosu treoniPmn nblioadam wloce lrlatlaal is,env as ni hsit t,anipet uesggst scnrubtooit fo hte repup emgtsne of het .VIC

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nor16  ghih dolbo e,erpssru .ie. nyeH,oretnsip riks aorfcts orf taohc,elr.s iutbr !!! over tlef on,mbade necaordys a.rt opH.neeitrysn they asywal awnt hte larne earyrt ssisoten ke(li FWv in eso..r.r)isdd +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I haorpapedc sthi nqositeu ebuecsa nam wtih tarher retxmee TNH adn daoainlbm ubrti is uqtei otfen learn snostsie

LAso citorlpap lnare ieorcduniadl ssa'nc nouftinc si altelriyl ot eassss learn soesinst kd(oleo it u,p ubt i ddi not ownk htat newh i e)nersdwa

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