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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I tkinh ti has inhgestom ot od htiw yilcnge e(du to sti sllam zeis it can itf ni nmay lspcea weerh oerht omnai sadci acn ton adn nceeh ti sdpoevri tualr“csurt escnptm”caos to the cel,ganlo ie.. tpu a kkni ni the lphaa l)ixe.h If ngiecly is aelpdimsc by gnoemihst s,lee I no’td ntikh cnogelrpo-la can fmor tsi trrceco noydresca

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jotajota94  !eruT olas, ielngyc is /13 fo nllcaego flaa ci,snah os it ekmas essen atth tuibitsotnus tiwh nlneaia (wchhi is hcum bgg)rei wludo ldea to trupiidnos ni eth aahlp xhlei +2
jotajota94  Teru! soal, ileygcn is 3/1 of goacelnl alfa sahi,cn os ti asmke seesn tath unbiusosttti thwi nenaali wi(chh si uchm i)bregg lwdou dlea ot stiiodprnu in eth lphaa ehxli +
thepacksurvives  iclGney is lmals dna ,ebndy hwhic asowll it ot rmof het rfbisli ofr eth iptler liexh +
brasel  Also in rnalgee (AF 0182 gp )05 OI si mrof rsbmeplo inogfrm hte iertpl lhxei wchih is rocdsaeny rutst.uerc rotnFlt,aeuy hyte vgae us iomstengh ot eonars whit in hte qteiusno ;l)-glAayGt(& +3
amy  Cna eosonem lhep em dterdsnuan wyh A is ctcreiro?n A02F20 eagp :50 peTrli xehli of 3 lgloncea a aihcns is dmfero ofmr aeplgornloc avi edygornh dna iufesdlid .obdn Is hsit yrve rsiialm to wtha A si n A?ibirgc.ed edDceersa dnebrohygdo-n ooainrfmt nweeebt lalconeg ec.oulemsl +
umpalumpa  heT nxolntaiepa ngive by laslarabewiat udloc rowk if eht ietonqsu ouldw say alGAt&;gl--y .nmitotua ,Heevorw the qteoisnu stseta taht eterh si an --al&A;lGtgy iomatunt. +

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submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I grud,fie nXy-lcYgi-e si ctnialchley rnddsecoie a apyi“rrm inoam acdi rutcturse of a rn”toipe niesc eth iodefinnit fo a irmyrPa uecrtsrtu of a iotrnep si a“ reianl achin fo omnia sad.ic” fI you smes thiw the riPymra utr,usertc as ni eth euiontqs m,set ouy cnonat mrfo the ycdnoeSra ucstruetr of het e,otirpn ihchw is medneriedt by hte rbnohddegngyin-o whhic sourcc enwtbee eth tpedpie bnbaekoc, neindtndeep of the R ps.roug I ohpe tsih mdae .ssene

mFor pdaiwkiie: eoycndarS“ utucrstre is lrmayofl efedind by eht eptartn of henrodyg obnds netweeb the imnoa hregnoyd dan xyracbol yxneog smato ni het dtepeip bnboakce”. p(saeimsh )meni

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ko usyg dna i toque ormf dcmc/go-phmttpwwrt2ssoprlnioi:0teohste.cl4s.eeutasasetb/for//we/1eii

0"9% have na btaenidfeiil eegtinc mntoaitu LO C A11 nad LCO A21
euascs lornmbaa lcglaeon csgklnnros-ii via a ecylngi btuoitutsnis in eht lrocgnolpae olucmele "

ihchw msena tath OI ash a gneclyi otstuitinusb adn hertfore tsi ebluna ot morf a darenscoy stcru.uture

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submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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Deu ot ycnie'slg sllma zes,i it ertscae nskki"" in eth aomin dica euecqnes. shTee knkis rea eneedd ot coyetcrrl rmof teh senycroda .treuctsur

Ohret seaswr:n

  • wedena"ke iotairncten ewebent cgleanol and o"lagretpncyo - callgoen + ltocraypgone = tcrel.lgiaa eTh seuiotnq etms tsinmeon mnya ctsdefe in ONbE yep(t I claneo)gl but no toeinmn of sefcted in agTelclrWaO ytep( II egl)cnola
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submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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YlGyX-- is akonbcbe rfo lgecoaln lapha .hcani 3 eloalgcn plaah csainh rspila to rofm ritlep hxi.el nyGlcei sha on R gr,uop aoignllw for ibetxllifyi dna faotmroin fo lreitp .hxiel oN celyign vpsetrne hist ooiutucnsn gplina,isr vneigpnert hte imrftooan fo eganollc scnayeord etrt.ucsur

Ralcel htta -sellpheaiahc dan e-stebhseta rae asemelpx fo edsoryanc .csttruures sihT cna eb tuhtgoh fo a tnaaoeitfnism fo teh hlpaa .ehxli

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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orehAtN ywa to gte at it si iav nti:aiomnlei

A. dhonryge gdnnobi dnlowtu eaylrl ahegnc inesc nitreeh nnealia orn gneliyc rea p.ol arB lyG ;g&t lAa st'hldnou nacheg woh preolni si dmfoidei I( amen ti CU,LOD fi herte wsa a ietcrs rednnahci or s,hineomgt ubt nto a aterg r.nw)s Dae ohnngti ot nctieiad htta oaecnlgl girondaedte is trlaeed in sseeropn ot na AA itu.issntubto soA,l in eth ttxceno of IO chih(w si eth ergipntsen l,apconi)mt ew ladaeyr nkwo htta hte oebmlrp nedst'o have gnyanhit to do wiht degrd,anotei meor whti teh hecgna in s/t uttrcfnnEc.reiuuo eHotlsny dotn' o.nkw

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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eserH’ oen ayw ot lefotiei-procsaenms- csredeade“ gn-dhdbyreono tooa”rnifm: mI’ ont a big naf of tshi inel fo n,gsenioar but ncactilhyel aaeniln as a sedi prguo has oerm rdyge*hons rof oatitlenp goenyhrd odbnign ahnt igynlec:

ielann:a C—H3
eclyi:ng —H

,So lacteyinhc”l,“ lannaei duwol rptemi emor rnbhoydnog-ed aotforn,mi ihhcw imgth woall uyo to letiimnea hatt ioc.ceh

aTht ,isda it esesm tlosma slpeiiosbm ot uler uot ouiwtt(h rvey altnhicec engedlwko ro osme vedidpor eieralmnxtpe ada)t atht eht lltgshiy rrleag ninaeal edso tno ripaim yrdeohng dnbgoni tnweebe lgnecalo llcesoume via rstcie asalp()it enc.rirfeente nI elsprim m,stre sicen enalian is errl,ga oyu udlwo nkith ahtt it tmus oehwsmo fertreine whit eth -yhernngodbgnido ahtt corcsu tiwh eth weilpdy-t lyginec.

yl*Scittr a,sinepgk tis’ ont the berunm fo dhegynsor but soal eht rstethgn fo eht opield thta ialttifcsae gyenrhdo onigb:dn a ryondheg nuodb to a tosrlgny eltoiteagvcnree cemluelo ilke riufloen lliw appra”“e more svoietip a,nd ,tsuh ygdhdnr-noebo mreo tnslgoyr hiwt a abnyre gxeyno rmdopc(ae twih a dehgoynr ncendcote ot bocnar, rfo )ple.axem

hrrFute darg:nie

  1. ruuheheghpstmhdpw/tdm/oc./dhnllbuqw.p/i.s.wl:ee/tidcu
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hungrybox  cAitepaper het roffte ubt siht si afr oto ngol ot eb .seuufl +30
drachenx  norbhyuxg is a nkirefga retah +
drdoom  adhecx@rn ahh,a an,h niogcm kabc ot isht i lizaere i wsa bpblryoa vio-gnkegere lol +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  'ntsi hte gryohend dginbno eeednndpt no the datlexdroyyh oprlien adn sniey?l os that lnow'udt ylalre eb teh iusse heer incse tehos r'enta het aas bnige ar?ldtee +
drdoom  @yrbebuelr ncogrAdic ot sr’tAelb BCMo ee(s nTgnetsa at gh,)itr ysrhleyoynidx and pyoyoehxldnrri eubotnctir dnhyoger nsdob taht rmof ebenewt eht ancihs (r,en”in“cahti as eosopdp to a-h;ticrnian hte ,hnaisc of esurc,o rae atpraese pyosidpeetl;p ahtt s,i atepeasr lecnagol ptroni;es nda estiinacrtno ebeewtn rataespe hciasn eaprse[ta ispl]tpeeypod si thwa ew lcal ayaerutrnq“ rtsc”tureu; ees egtnanT vbeao.) dAn in sthi e,sca sa uyo pinot tu,o hte esmt eesbisrcd a lat&AglGy-; taTh msese to name wot sntgh:i )1( het teher sraeepat lnegaclo otpippdseyle ilwl otn pakc“ a[s] tgiytl”h ot rofm het rtpiel lxhei eqt=rrnaa(yu scuuert)tr ew lal nwko dna velo dan 2() epnroli nigrs lliw ialf to lryae teiqu as su,nygl cigrsmoiomnp hte ilcaleh fnomnooairct thta difseen an aahpl aihnc =d(osncyrae true;struc eth peshsa that fmro ntiwih a liseng p)eepyoiplt.d +
tadki38097  loas you tnca' H nobd wthi obr,acn 'its nto apolr eoghnu +
amy  A2002F P50 te:sat nfirotaom fo ilhnoecr(aclowphg is eht rtpeli xhiel uu)rtercst vai ndgohery nad sdeuliidf. So A si rreioctcn bc htere are on gnlcaole luseeomlc eyt dn(2 ucurtrste esphnpa ta lnolegorcpa e)vell +
drdoom  @mya ptelir ilhex si a raaernytqu uerttscur nc(sei irplte xehli si a hepas htat mrofs EBNTEWE aerpsate or dltau”“ g-/nnlclelgecoolrapao pd.tpe)sei r,mriyaP royncesad dan tiryaert rtsetucsur era rniceitssodp of a nelgis ytppeil.pode Ocne uoy vhea 2 ro mero ieesypppdtol giiatntrcen with chea troeh (e,.g. ngHioelomb molcl)eue ouy veha ytaunqaerr r.tuestucr +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I mghti eb ngektihvoinr it ,btu H obdn otoinrafm fo asa' semka teh ryensodac uterrcust fo the nptieor aenlclog( ni this c.)ase ehT Gyl ot Ala osntiitutbsu oeds elrstu ni esls H bond nrota,ifom utb of uvldiaiind sa'a nto ntbeewe olangelc ulcsomele at(ht hgmit eb mroe ofr qnatuyrear serttu)rcu

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lpp06  I inkth het key si in teh reawsn ipnhsrg,a hte wsenra onniigtmen Hbod-ns assy Dp"rsuintio of dsbon-H etewben llnagceo ulhl"oAsec guhmoelt gnclaloe sedo odgruen diobgnH-n to spoprut eth irpelt le,ihx ihts si oden hwiint eht maes calnlgoe l.cokumniiLnegle efifdertn eancogll olmluesce rucsco aiv eth elsyin - shyirdlexynyo ilkns ndeo in eht EMC +1
kevin  sith is het eon cntmeom htta nyiflla ehdpel em edsrauntnd wyh tath wsa enotccirr. knath uoy +

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submitted by j123(16)
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rPyamir ttcrurues = onaim icda ecuosnad ryeeSqnec strtuceur = retcuutsr mrefod wiht a eiglsn moina ciad qeesecun t(bea atpdlee he,est laahp ihelx, trerTeyi)t ac uurercstt = lultiepm dcrnseaoy tcsrtursue nitetcniarg tehtgero mliep(tul tbea ptaleed tshsee cksatde no opt fo ecah ,toehr uaeyrr ar)teQctn reruttsuc = itorpen tsrueurtc dermfo fmor odinlfg fo lla rtyarite rtstuusecr to kaem idginbn sts,ie e.ct

Scnei teh enanlai wsa tpu in pealc fo eth Gc,lnyei eht rrmapiy urtctreus saw ealubn to frmo an apahl lihex nseic lpaha hxiel cetusrtsur edne a atalrircpu ceeesnuq lg(y - -x y) ni deorr ot rmof rhydonge bsndo ot peke het ehixl e.ltabs

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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awht si olngacle ? a nyaorcesd oinpter ur.rtcuets

ehwn ouy vermeo ecliy,ng eht otms tdunbnaa amoin idca , fmro teh roreurcsp ceomeull illw oyu tge a rroppe asnyroedc tetsucrru ? ON

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unknown001  gnrieo hsti +
drdoom  can ouy aa?olrebte wtas'h ogrnw with uryo nmctem?o +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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Gly is lpora, nAaniel is aolnnopr dan cyobpid.ohhr Mieessns ncvoornesnitvea muot.itan seehT sAA heav fdifetrne aielcchm eeporstpri ihhcw elad ot upidestrd oentirp fdlgino ya(cesndro tsr.e)urcut maiSrli to ulG - Val usbisnitotut ni cSklie Clel aiDeses.

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