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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I hintk ti hsa shgoimnte to do hitw ciyngle u(de to its smlla isze it acn itf ni aynm celasp eehrw orteh oinma acdsi anc not nda nehec it dvserpoi rrutast“ucl censt”csopma ot teh llneac,go e.i. tup a knik in the alahp ).hiexl fI linyegc is apslmcdei by hsietnmog lse,e I tdn’o hintk goreolc-lnpa acn omfr tis roteccr oyenscrda srru.cettu

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jotajota94  uTe!r ol,sa iecgyln is 1/3 of noalelcg lafa ia,snhc so ti asemk esnes thta tsionitsbutu twhi naniela hwi(hc si mhuc bgi)egr wuodl edal ot siudtropin in het aphla xhiel ftnirm.ooa +2
jotajota94  !urTe o,lsa cngelyi si /31 of laegolnc alaf ishc,an so ti asekm esnse tath stnituotibsu wthi nanelai hi(cwh is muhc )igbrge udolw eald ot tdirnsoipu ni the aphla ielhx nrofoatmi. +
thepacksurvives  lcnGiey si llasm and bd,ney iwhch llwosa it to mfro teh lfbiirs rof hte teplri lxihe +
brasel  Aslo ni naeergl FA( 2081 pg )05 IO is mofr bpmerlso igmfnor the prtiel iexlh ihwhc is radysnoec ruateFo,nlyt thye agev us iehsgnomt ot sroean htiw ni het tnsqoeiu ;&G-g)latl(Ay +3
amy  Can eeonmso lhep me dednrtnuas wyh A is rcorci?etn 0F02A2 aegp :05 epliTr lixeh of 3 nlelogac a sancih si omrdef rfom cpelngroaol iva dyrhoegn and ddlisuief nb.od Is siht eyrv ilismra ot awht A si dge r.iAbc?in eDsredeac ohoynerdngdb- ontiofamr tbewene llgeacon o.ulclesme +
umpalumpa  heT ipeatanloxn geniv by latiwerabasal ldcou kwor if eth nstuiqeo uwlod say ;a-lt&y-AlGg mi.otnatu Horw,eve hte iqseonut tasest hatt heetr si an Gla;yAl&-t-g aoui.ttnm +

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I guer,dif -Ygyec-linX is niteyclcalh ncsdoereid a rmap“riy iomna iadc strtcruue of a pint”roe scnei eth iifointned of a rPiymar ecsrtuutr of a ntieopr si “a neiral ciahn fo ionam adi.s”c fI oyu ssem htiw hte Prmyair u,srtteruc as ni eht itueqons mt,se uyo tconan rfom hte oycnrSeda uetrrctus of hte oietpr,n wichh is neddeetirm yb eht ehnrno-gybdngodi cwhhi ucoscr eewbnet eht ieppetd cbnekabo, tpendeidnen fo het R pguosr. I hoep htis aemd .nsese

Form akpeiiidw: ndeSy“rcoa tcsuerrut si lfrymloa ifeeddn by hte tnrpaet of dyehgron snbod newetbe eht inmao hgednroy and lcxrbaoy egnoyx otams ni teh deetipp knceboba.” msseapi(h emin)

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ok ugsy dna i oqteu mofr remeto14wetrmpiutsr//cn//ss0bp2eaowea/dops-tset.witolhcoie.lghcsfi:t

9%0" heva an teelainbdifi tiecegn aomntuit C LO A11 dna OLC 21A
eus sca baroalmn lcoeganl siinnklgsor-c via a cnigyle sntuuititsob ni teh loraecpogln locmleeu "

cihwh aenms ahtt OI has a iycelng uuisistnobtt nda hreotefr sit enulba to mrof a yerdansoc sce.rtutuur

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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uDe ot enlcgis'y lalms ,izes ti tcsaeer ikn""sk ni hte aoimn diac qe.cneesu hseeT nskki are deende to ocelyrtcr rofm teh acernsody utct.rures

Ohret r:wnssae

  • ne"eawdke aicrttnioen wtbeene lngoealc and tylpocren"oga - onelaglc + earoclpyogtn = lelgic.aatr Teh equinsot etms tinseomn yanm decstef in NOEb e(tpy I a)oclglne tub on ionetnm fo sfceted in lcaTragOlWe yte(p II cglaolen)
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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-XlGY-y is cokanbeb fro ecglaoln alhap nhcia. 3 olnagelc paahl inacsh liapsr ot fmro eritpl ixh.le Gncliye ash no R gru,po lwaglion fro xbyilielfti dan nrtfoamio of ieprtl xhile. No gnilecy rtpenvse ihst notouunsic ,gnlipsira tgepivnnre eht otmaoinrf of laoncegl doecsrany ruutsectr.

leaclR tath aas-heclehpli dna ebheetsast- are emexapls fo cranedosy u.ettsucsrr sTih acn be hguttho fo a snoniteamatfi of teh ahalp he.ilx

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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otrhAeN way ot tge ta it si via eomt:naiiinl

.A rdnhyoge nndogib dnwuolt llarye ganhec nicse eetnhir aiaelnn onr yelgnci are rl.Bapo lyG &tg; Ala nsdlohu't ngecah who lnipreo si diimeofd (I mnae ti DCLOU, fi rehte wsa a sirect ahnnercdi ro ,otneshmig utb tno a tgaer aDn)r. sew nhngtoi ot tdcaiine taht geaonllc ieaognedtrd si erdtlae in posnseer ot an AA ntstsioi.uubt ,Aslo ni the tnoectx fo OI whi(ch is hte esnetgprni cl)ianp,tmo we raeydal oknw atth teh obmrelp n'sdeto hvea hgnianyt ot do hwti oirtee,ndgad ermo hitw eth gnehac ni /uEottrfuctieurscnn. yetolHns 'tdno .knwo

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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seH’re eon ayw to ntei-a-scpeeomroflsi dsd“caeere ngnbdohode-ry ato”imrnof: m’I ont a big afn of tshi ieln of argonnie,s but hcllceyaitn ninalea sa a sdei pguro hsa oerm nrydoesh*g ofr ttaiopnel oyrdhgen inndbgo ahnt cilgeyn:

neailan: H—3C
ng:yelci H—

,So ne,alyc“ilh”tc lnnaiae wloud tpmeir mreo nge-obhrdnody iontmoafr, wihch ihtgm awoll you ot eilenamti thta h.oceic

thTa is,ad it esmes ltosam sielmosbip to elur tuo th(uoitw yerv niahcclte deoegwlnk ro smoe pvroeidd ntmlpiereaxe aa)td htat het tgyihsll relagr inanael esod ton priiam hgdernyo gnnbido eenbewt nloegcal ouelcseml vai tsecri )lta(aisp rfncetiee.enr In mplsrie t,mser nscie aielann si ,rleagr uyo lwdou tkinh tath ti tmsu mwoheos netirfere thwi teh nohd-nnbedgyogri thta orccus wiht eth dtlwype-i liygcen.

ytrlic*tS pkn,egsia is’t not teh bnrmue fo nhrdogeys ubt laos the gethnsrt of teh piodle hatt iaifcltteas redoyhgn bndn:oig a deygrnoh ndobu ot a rostygln nceaeoetirgvelt omecellu ekil lfniroeu ilwl pep“aar” emor viesitpo adn, ts,uh nbog-rddenyoh omre tngoryls hiwt a baerny ygxnoe pardemo(c ihwt a nyehdogr nocetedcn to oancrb, rfo xpaem)e.l

trreuhF nrade:ig

  1. .lcthim/uru:/tudow/hn/hepqegpb.e/.lss.lhwcwhdidpdetum
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hungrybox  epAaeicptr the frefot tbu tihs is arf too nglo ot eb +30
drachenx  gryhxbuon is a gnaeikfr hrate +
drdoom  nhcaerd@x aah,h han, mocgni bcka to hist i ezliare i asw byprolba vkieoggneer- oll +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  sitn' teh ydgoenhr obndign eeetdnnpd no eth dxaedhyyrotl pirnloe nad l?iysne os htta u'ltodwn lrleay eb hte uessi eher nscei shoet rn'eat the asa enbgi tele?ard +
drdoom  bu@yeberlr ccdirognA ot ’Altersb oMCB e(se ntgesTna ta ighrt,) rxdhnsyyoylie adn xdyoilrpheoynr onutrteibc rongehyd sndbo ttah mfor eeetwbn eth hacsni cnri,(”the“nai sa psopoed to ihaa-;nritnc the nhs,aci fo s,recuo are ataepers pdos;pitlepey thta ,si eteparsa ecglalno ren;tsiop and icnntrsteiao tweeneb paaerest ansihc rpatsaee[ p]petopyesidl si awht ew alcl aetynqr“rua ”eusrtrutc; see aegtTnn baove). And ni sith a,cse as ouy potni out, eth mset idseerbcs a Al&t-Ggayl; isni.uoustttb thTa ssmee ot emna owt gtsn:hi ()1 hte eerth eseaptar ollcngea tpedpyiplose will otn kp“ac ]s[a ilhgytt” ot fmor teh lpitre hexli =qtyua(raern surtrct)ue ew lla wokn and veol dna (2) rpilnoe igsnr lilw fali to eylra tiqeu sa lgun,ys spgcrminimoo hte ialelhc macnroonfoit atht nfsedie an lahap nciha yd(a=recnos tr;rtcueus het pasesh taht omfr wtinih a sileng p.poiede)pytl +
tadki38097  loas yuo n'cta H bnod tiwh nraocb, tsi' not alopr nghuoe +
amy  022F0A P05 e:astt faimronto of lgl(pocwineochhra si eht plriet ielhx crttureu)s iva rdghenoy adn sud.iefidl So A is nrorcctie bc reeht rae no anogellc scueeloml tye n2d( eusrturct pnpeash ta gecanlrploo llvee) +
drdoom  ym@a rielpt xleih is a truaqerany ectrsrutu e(ncis ltirep elxih is a sepha hatt rmofs BEWNTEE paesaert ro ”atuld“ arcapcg-lloongolee/ln ) iPymrra, dyecasron adn ryttaier esuttcsrur rea ecstpsdornii of a nleisg opl.pdtpeiye ceOn oyu ehav 2 or rmoe eypietlppdso etraincnigt thwi haec rothe .,eg(. lmnooHegib c)lumeelo ouy eahv araeunqrty .uttcesurr +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I hitgm be igntoreihnkv ti tu,b H dbon manitrofo of as'a kmesa eth enaycdors curretstu of eth poinrte l(nloaceg in shit saec.) eTh Gyl to laA tnubotstsiiu deos selurt in lsse H donb afnoormti, but fo vddiiiluna s'aa otn eewnbte ceglaoln slelceomu ah(tt mihtg be moer for yanrerautq uc)urettsr

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lpp06  I knhti eht eyk is in het wesnar as,pngrih teh arnswe imtnnginoe s-Hbodn sysa top"uiDnisr of sHbdo-n bewenet llonecga tlel"u lumgcsAoeohh lngoecal dose nrgdeuo n-odngibH to supoptr the ielrpt xle,ih sith is ndeo ithnwi teh asme lnegalco Llo. egmeclkinniu iftdeefnr aoecglnl lseeulocm ocrscu via eht ysilne - nysxiydoehlyr lskni nedo ni the ECM +1
kevin  iths si hte oen memcotn that ylnaifl pledeh me ardtneusdn yhw tath swa nreciocrt. kahnt ouy +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j123(16)
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myPrair utucrrtse = ionam acdi acynncee oseqrdSeu ertucsurt = tructreus rdmofe ihwt a ielngs oniam idac eqcnuese et(ba pdeetla ehs,te hpaal eil,xh ctteryeTai) r utrcrsteu = eitplmul soerancdy tucuesstrr eciangntrti ergtohte tl(imelup ateb eltdape sesteh sdckaet on opt of aech htore, rc )trnaeQtryeua tsruectru = troipne ecsrtuutr dfeomr mrfo dofilng of all rertiyta urrtutssec ot amke bdnnigi sitse, .ect

iecSn het aennali asw ptu in lpcae fo hte Gnilc,ey eht yrramip tursrecut aws eaulnb ot rmfo na ahlap exlhi scnei lhaap elxhi srurtstuce nede a taarrcilup eunseeqc l(gy - x- )y in rdore to mrfo grdnoeyh nbdos to epek teh hixle tleba.s

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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awth is onelcagl ? a scendyroa eontrip ctur.ertsu

nweh you rvmoee ylcie,ng het otsm adtbunan niaom cida , fmro het ouserrcrp omecluel lwli uyo tge a eoprrp nraodsecy rtcsuuetr ? NO

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unknown001  onreig tish +
drdoom  can yuo ?betoealra a'htws nrowg wtih yoru cme?mton +

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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lGy si orp,al einnlAa si orolpann dan pbhrd.ichooy nMesesis irceannoseonvvt .aitumont eTseh AAs vhae dffienert hcaelcim tpiorerspe wihch aled to eusritddp ieortnp nioldgf asorndec(y st.)rceuurt iliaSmr to uGl - laV sitobtutisnu ni eicSlk lCel se.sDeai

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