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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
The gene that codes for a protein normally ...
Deletion of a hydrophobic amino acid sequence from the N terminus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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 +58  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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heT siethssny of ylirltuav lla sneitpro g-)pt&pe(N;idtRAem sorucc in het mlcs.yptao[1] Tt’ash wheer all bsoismore esrie,d afert ll.a omeR,bossi whchi rea tyoslm ujst ANrR ~/32( RANr + /13 proet*in, yb ),iwhetg are dbsseelma in eht selcnuu utb noly od rheit fftus noce yteh tge ot hte potm.slcya

Fro a rnpetoi to eelva sti gnloiari henoowmt of eht oytlcso nad ceomeb a srtindee of teh ulcusne ro, ,ysa hte lcpmoeadnis uir,lmtuec it snede to have a eilltt intsgr of naiom sdcia whihc hstuo “I belogn in eth su!celn”u ro “I lngobe ni eth deimcasopln !eu”iurcmlt

oPtrinse tailmtyleu ntdeeisd orf teh RE cnoiatn an vleamntuyigiina neamd tirgns fo inaom dcisa okwnn as glsnai“ qce”snue,e hi,whc orf eht surppeso fo hte tepS 1, si yawsal at teh The ligans euecqsne eltsl orteh yscctolio ,einrstop “yH!e akTe me (dan het rste fo eht peipdet fo hcwih I am ta)pr to teh E!R”

nI teh bsneeac fo shti ,sgianl a peoinrt illw mainre ni tis ftlad“e”u eohm fo the cotys.lo

us&eosrqHer; a cnei ahemcscti siohgwn hte olwf of sonriept rmof iliinta snehssyit ot alfin t:oitsdnasnie


  1. heT“ isystesnh of itlryavlu lla ionesptr ni het ecll esnibg no sieosbrmo ni hte l”yosoct. (sEaesnlti ellC golioBy, rAsbtle te al., 012,4 p. 492)

If* you ellayr nwat oyur ndmi ,bnwlo idcnrseo htat nvee eth penitor bistsuun atth mkea up htta 13/ of a obsoermi ear seehesltvm ilyianilt eztyndehsis in het ot;ylsoc etalr, tyhe are dspernoratt cakb noit the cunlseu iav eht ncarelu rp.eo

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qball  oAswmee .taeolipnaxn Now pxeailn it to em klei I'm 5. +13
drdoom  lAl abyb tpepides aer nbro ni het sl.octyo utB eosm ybab sedpetpi aveh a ibrmrhtka at hiret N.uri-tmsne eTh hrkibamtr setll a eapslic amianlm hatt shti byab needs ot eb dlveidree hweeosmre .eels fI you hcpo fof the krhbitarm — ro earse it hsoeomw — het mnialma erven onswk to teak bbay ot ist eurt mohe. Teh ned. oNw go ot lpese or atSan n’wto gribn oryu resnstep. +83

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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I hnkit shit is incgbirsde a gainls dpeepit rbyhpi(odohc at ntrieu.Ns)-m Wohtuti ingsla tipeedp &tg=; nt’ac be ntepsrardto toin snmciapdole

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youssefa  Is htis evne ni FA? hmioeBc rcapeht noly stnnieom sRSP. +1
lovebug  os@ufaesy 1,AF9 pg [4lec.7l g]frinikatfc ubt otn si.dtel.a. +1

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by baengotti(3)
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heT -itsumNrne si hrwee you heva ilsnga dpiesept chihw dnefei eth eatgtr fo het oipsnret ikt(nh of htme as oaptsl .)eocd lpliy,acTy tpeinsor rea in eht ymatpcosl arfet ehty rea mea,d ubt csnei het vhea gtas ta nur,imsen-t yeth go to etifrfend strtaeg like tihs acse .RE ,woN fi hte ronitep si dtireane ni the oycaltp,sm isht samne het ontautim dbeislda eth atg (no ltsapo odce). cH,een it is ekpt in hte com.apsytl

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minion7  ujs a I lecl ssieaed - amenosn uersdies are ot be agtgde yb aohphtpes ot nreet soesslymo - lrufiae fo tpooohyrhipasln in liggo ude to naesceb fo eshoheosprstpaanrf - ipotnres rea esrecetd rlrcyeallauxetl ubt ton ot hertsemors yelfoose nay eoiptrn fdrome iwll b tdaegg roeebf it rntese yna iceifcsp ga!ale!rn!ol +4
michsmith49  im-TesrunN stsasis hitw Niavio.ngta N = vtnNiai.gao +

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submitted by sd22(2)
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aCn eyoann hlep pxleani atwh teh tohre poinsot oudwl t?lenai

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